Maybe a Caravan is not so Bad

Chapter Twelve

Naruto x Sasuke


I do not own Naruto or anything related to the series. No copyright infringement intended

"So you are telling me Itachi just left after basically saying that you were going to hate him forever for what he was about to do?" Naruto asked, his voice holding an incredulous tone as Sasuke explained what had happened when he had met his older brother.

"Yes, for about the hundredth time." Sasuke said impatiently, pacing up and down Naruto's caravan living room relentlessly, "I have no idea what he could mean, what is he on about, why didn't he tell me, what will he do, what-"

"Sasuke. Calm down."

"I am calm Naruto." the Uchiha said spitting out the blonde's name almost as an insult and continuing his pacing, "I am just wondering, like anyone would, what the hell is going on here!"

"Sasuke. Sit down. Please." Naruto said quietly, rubbing his forehead and sighing.

"No dobe I am not going to…are you okay?" Sasuke asked suddenly changing his voice from angry to concern as he watched the blonde continuously rubbing his head with a pained expression.

"Yeah, just a headache." Naruto said "it will pass." he added when he noticed his boyfriend's doubtful look.

"Okay…but what do I do? I can not just sit here but I do not think I can get anywhere close to my family right now. Do you agree?"

"For gods sake I have no idea just shut the hell up!" Naruto snapped slamming his fist down on the coffee table making Sasuke flinch, before again placing his hands on his head groaning slightly. Instead of yelling back at the impulsive blonde Sasuke immediately rushed to Naruto's side placing his own hands on the tanned forehead before frowning.

"You feel a bit hot, are you getting a fever?" he asked and the other shrugged.

"How on earth am I supposed to know, I'm not a doctor."

"Well do you want to lie down and rest then?"

"No, I need to help you with this Itachi problem don't I, amongst all your other issues."

Sasuke gave a brief appreciative nod before kissing him lightly on the top of his head in which Naruto could not help but smile. Uchiha's were never really affectionate.

"Forgetting about my brother for the moment, did you see the 'contract' my father had written for the terms of my reinstatement into the family?"

"The document on the table?" Naruto asked and Sasuke nodded. "Yeah, I flicked through it. Didn't seem that bad."

"You have got to be kidding me, dobe, it was awful."

"If some of the terms are negotiable I think a fairly good deal can be gotten from it. It was fair overall, and with a deeper look I may be able to find some loopholes."

Sasuke raised an eyebrow and eyed his boyfriend with an almost amused expression at hearing him talk so seriously.

"And what do you, an idiot artist, know about contacts?"

"A fair bit, actually." Naruto said mysteriously before suddenly wincing momentarily, trying his 'best to disguise the pain he was feeling. Sasuke noticed.

"I am getting you some water and painkillers." he muttered as he rushed over to the kitchen area, raiding cupboards to find where the medicine was kept.

"It's in the one on the far left." the blonde groaned and his boyfriend hurried to the one mentioned, finding the small box of tablets and grabbing a glass of water before giving it to Naruto who took it in all in one gulp.

"We can't carry on discussing here like this." Sasuke said shaking his head and sighing, "you are getting to bed."


"No buts. Idiot."


After a small argument Naruto was finally tucked into his bed, another glass of water on the table next to him and a Uchiha perched delicately on the edge, hardly on or off the bed.

"Do you want me to call the Hokage?" he asked awkwardly not sure how to care for him and the blonde shook his head. "What about that doctor of yours…Tsunade?"

"No way," Naruto said adamantly, "besides, I am starting to feel much better now anyway!" he added with a grin and Sasuke gave a small smile back.

"Good." he said simply before standing up, "you rest here and I will try and see if I can find a way to contact Itachi."

"Wait!" Naruto suddenly called causing Sasuke to stop mid walk and turn around to face his boyfriend. "Stay and cuddle with me."

The raven simply looked at Naruto with a blank expression before scanning his eyes around the bedroom, momentarily letting them linger in the vast amount of electronic items the other had.

"You have plenty to entertain you here," he said again heading towards the door, "and I really do have things to do."

Naruto stared in disbelief for a moment at the empty spot where Sasuke once stood not fully registering that he did, in fact, just leave him instead of accepting his invitation. However to his surprise the door opened only moments later revealing the Uchiha with a sheepish look on his face.

"I changed my mind." he whispered as he climbed between Naruto's sheets before pulling the older boy closer to him so that his head was leaning up against Sasuke's chest and the raven's arms hung loosely around his waist. The embrace was slightly awkward, seeing as each boy's role was now reversed. Naruto, used to be the one in charge felt a bit uncomfortable in the arms of the other, and Sasuke who was used to just letting the blonde take over was not quite sure how to relax in the situation. But when Sasuke began to place soft soothing kisses down a tanned neck Naruto decided that once in a while, this way round was okay.

After another loud throaty cough from Naruto, Sasuke again had to put their game of Brawl on the wii on pause as the blonde almost choked. During the past hour the blonde had suffered from alternating hot flushes, coughing and pains that fluctuated all over his body while refusing Sasuke's offer to get medical attention. Every time he insisted he would be okay, and between each moment of illness, he was. But the length of time between each bit grew shorter and shorter and now even a Uchiha trained to hide emotions could not conceal his worry.

"Naruto, please. Let me get a doctor." Sasuke almost begged after Naruto had finished coughing and carried on playing the video game, "do not be such an idiot, this is obviously no small headache now."

"Don't sweat it teme, seriously," Naruto said but his trademark grin seemed strained and only added to the raven's concern.


"No, seriously. Let's just play."

Sasuke growled slightly in annoyance but continued to play anyway, realising it was pointless to argue with his headstrong boyfriend.

Suddenly a loud vibration noise came from the pocket of a coat which was hanging up on the door and Naruto immediately rushed to it, pulling his phone out and answering it with a panicked expression when he realised who was calling.

"Yeah…oh shi-yeah we will be there now. Already on my way."

"What is going on?" Sasuke asked frowning when Naruto pulled on his jacket and shoes in a frenzy, encouraging the other to do the same.

"There has been an accident." Naruto said quickly and the Uchiha's eyes widened, "I don't know anymore details, my dad asked us to meet him outside your caravan."

"MY caravan?" Sasuke asked shocked, stopping lacing up his trainers until Naruto nudged him, "has something happened to my family? Itachi?"

"I don't know." the blonde said gravely, knowing he was offering little comfort, "c'mon lets just go."


Sasuke and Naruto ran as fast as they could towards the Uchiha caravan, not stopping as their feet pounded the ground. The raven was shocked to find out that the blonde was actually faster than him, but his breathing was strained, a look of pain on the tanned face as he ran causing Sasuke to hope he was not about to take an ill turn again. As they neared the caravan they saw Minato, a serious expression on his face as he ran to close the distance between them, appearing much paler than usual.

"Sasuke, I do not know how to tell you this." the Hokage said sensitively but quickly, obviously in a rush, invoking panic in the Uchiha, "but its your mother, Mikoto. She-"

Minato's words were cut off at the sound of a loud thud as Naruto hit the floor. Before anyone could catch him or even realise he was falling his head came into contact with the ground. Blue eyes closed, usually bright face emotionless as he lay still, unmoving on the grass.



Well, very short, but this chapter took place in a very limited time span of only a couple of hours so I hope you understand. Next will be lengthier as it will be a very important one. Anyway I hope you enjoyed it anyway and thanks for reading! Thanks to all my readers and reviewers you are all super!

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