She did not know why she fell for him.
Why she forgave such sins he committed.
Maybe it was because he treated her like he would anyone else, like a regular girl and not a Holy person. Maybe it was his determination he showed when he fought. Maybe the way he his brow would crease when he was figuring out a strategy in battle. Or maybe it was because even though he committed suck horrible sins, of killing a Patch Official just because he could, he had changed. He did all he could to repent for what he had done. Maybe that was why she revived him, when Peyote's O.S stabbed him. Because he was willing to die to make up for what he had done.
She remembered how she revived him. To others it seemed she did it just so Asakura Yoh would be out of the Shaman Fight. That was only a hint of the reason. She didn't realise it until later but she…wanted to revive him. She remembered how upset she felt when Marco suggested to leave him dead, and to just bury him then. She knew it was wrong to do something so deceitful, and lying was wrong.
So she revived him, but she did it differently then she normally would have. Smiling as she thought of the look on his as she said he would be revived by a kiss, just like Sleeping Beauty, she had Shamash kiss him, giving him some of her Furyoku, a piece of her.
Yes, he did hurt her feelings a little when he called her an annoyance but she was only eleven at the time, so you couldn't blame her.
Then she revived him again in the Plants. He didn't say a word to her when she did. And she didn't expect him too.
Yes, she did not know why she feel for him.
Why she forgave such sins he committed.
But then again, love is a complicated thing.
Especially when you love the Great Tao Ren.
A serious of One-Shots about The odd couple. Seriously, I would never have guess they would end up together. Sometimes I think Hiroyuki Takei just added it to either shock us, or he had no idea who the mother should be. Either way I love this couple now, almost as mush Yoh and Anna. Which reminds me, I'll also be doing one shots of them.
Just something for when I can't come up with stuff for my big Stories.