Sonny With a Chance of . . .Wizards?

"I love you, Alex." Mason was standing in front of Alex combining his hands with hers. Alex had a look of confusion on her face as she looked deeply into his eyes. Last time she saw Mason was when he was turned into a wolf for eternity. Yet, here he was as humane as a human could be. Clearly, she was very befuddled.

"B-but you're supposed to be a wolf . . . ?" Alex studied his face skeptically. She couldn't finish the sentence. She was caught up in all her thoughts. She remembered that time in Transylvania when Juliet and Mason were fighting and he turned into a wolf permanently. She remembered like it was yesterday:

Alex had placed the heart necklace around Mason's neck. It instantly glowed. Alex stared at the heart in amazement. "You do love me," she had said. She was glaring at the heart. Mason had nodded.

"I do," was his response. His brown eyes stared straight into hers. They were meant to be together.

"But it's too late now," Alex said, her voice barely in a whisper.

And at that moment, Mason was turned into a wolf. His howl blared through the silence of the night. But it had remained in Alex's heart forever.

Alex's flashback ended. She shook her head to get back to reality.

"I know," Mason said, holding Alex's arms with his strong protective grip. "I know, Alex. But while I was wondering in the forest, I met an elf who changed me back. Forever. And now we can finally be together."

Alex thought over Mason's offer. She wanted to be with Mason, she really did. But all she could think about was Chad Dylan Cooper. Why was she thinking about him? He was such a jerk and inconsiderate . . . oh but those blue eyes and that blonde hair and how he . . . how he was taken.

Alex was lost in her thoughts but she found herself saying, "Th-that's great!" She tried her best to be excited and charismatic.

"So how about tomorrow we go out to celebrate?"

Alex knew what tomorrow was. Her "totally not a date" with Chad. She had two choices here. She could go out with Chad and be potentially hated by Sonny forever and possibly break them up. Or, she could go out with Mason. Her true love and her longest relationship ever. She was about to shoot herself when she said: "Can't. I- I have plans with my family. How about Wednesday?"

"Great. See ya around, brown eyes." Mason casually opened the door and went down the hall to his room.

Alex was in desperate need of her best friend. So she took out her wand from her boot and flashed Harper in the hotel room.

"Whoa!" Harper exclaimed, shaking all over. "Could you at least have called before you did that?" Harper asked angrily.

"I'm sorry Harper but. . . I did something bad," Alex said while her head down.

Harper obviously wasn't surprised. She'd be surprised if Alex didn't do something wrong. "Ugh, what'd you do this time?" Harper said in a relaxation tone, resting on the couch. Harper always hated travelling by wand. It made her ears pop and tastes metal. She opened her mouth then closed it again to get the metal taste out. She wasn't having much luck.

"No, Harper. This time it really is bad." Alex said, trying to hold back tears. Her voice cracked twice.

"Oh my gosh, what did you do?" Harper was starting to get worried. She looked at Alex compassionately, but also worriedly.

"Well . . ."

"Wow," was all Harper managed to spit out. That and a curious, "What are you going to do?"

"I don't know I feel so like, lost. You know?" Alex put her feet up on the couch while scarfing down her favorite ice-cream.

"Well, you're definitely not going on the date thing with that . . . Dylan Chad person?"

"Ugh, Harper, it's Chad Dylan Cooper," Alex snapped back before realizing what she just did.

Harper gave Alex a "oh, no you di'int" look while Alex muttered an innocent, "Oopsie?" Alex sighed in confusion and gave in to Harper. "All right, look. I don't want to hurt Sonny. And I definitely don't want to come between their relationship. But what Sonny doesn't know won't hurt her."

"Not knowing that Chad is cheating on her won't hurt her?" Harper didn't mean to sound defensive, but she couldn't help it. She wanted her friend to be happy but she wanted to protect her from making a potential huge mistake.

"You're . . . you're right Harper. I won't go out with him. I'll go get us some snacks!" Alex walked to the kitchen and sneakily slipped her wand out of her boot while reciting: "A date I must attend on that we can't agree, but for a refreshing change today you'll side with me!" Alex edged her wand back into her boot and grabbed a bowl of buttery popcorn. She walked back to Harper, set the popcorn on the table and sat down next to her on the couch. She looked at her for a minute.

Harper widened her eyes as if she were thinking about something. "You know what Alex?"

"What?" Alex smiled. Yes, everything was going according to plan.

"Now that I think about it, you should go on this date! Ooh I could pick out your outfit and everything!"

"Yeah!" Alex said laughing then got serious, "No."

"Didn't think so."

"Mom, I'm going out!" Alex yelled down the hall all dressed up for her non-date with Chad.

Theresa came stalking down the hall with a frown upon her face. "No, no, no, no. This is a family vacation, Alex."

"But Mom, I-"

"Ah, no buts," Theresa interrupted. "We're doing things as a family on this vacation. Starting now. We're all going out to a family lunch at the new restaurant," Theresa stated while grabbing her jacket off the hook.

"Mom, please I'm begging you just let me go out with my . . . friend. Then after that we can do family stuff." Alex was being persistent. She didn't even know why.

"Fine. But I want you back by-"

"'Kay, thanks Mama, bye!" Alex interjected. She snatched her sunglasses and slammed the door shut. She ran through the halls of the hotel, out the door to the new Bistro restaurant. She opened the door and found Chad instantly waiting at a table. He waved and Alex rushed over to greet him.

"Sorry, I'm late," Alex blushed.

"You're not late." Chad smiled. "Sit down."

Alex, still blushing, did as she was told and took a sip of water.

"You look beautiful."

"Okay look," Alex chuckled. "I think that's really sweet of you but I don't want to get in the middle of your relationship with Sonny." Alex felt she needed to get that out before Chad started to wildly compliment her. Alex knew Mason loved her and she also knew that Sonny must love Chad. She felt as if she was tearing their relationship apart and it was all her fault. She chose to go on this "so not a date" with Chad and she chose to potentially ruin Sonny's life. She was so nervous which was rare for Alex.

"Alex, I love Sonny. And I always will. But lately we've been having . . . problems," he explained, crucially.

"Problems? How so?"Alex said, truthfully concerned. Maybe she wasn't the one ruining their relationship. Maybe it was Chad. Or maybe it was Sonny. She didn't know.

"Well there was this time when we were celebrating our eight week anniversary and she was an hour late. And another time when she didn't trust me that. . ."

He went on and on and on. Usually this would have bored Alex to tears. But this time it was different. She listened intently to every single word Chad had said. When he finished Alex nodded compassionately and muttered, "Oh." Hours passed and they never ran out of things to talk about. Before Alex knew it, it was getting late.

Alex laughed and noticed Chad's wrist. On his platinum Rolex watch, it read 3:32.

"Oh, my gosh." Alex said in horror.

"What is it?" Chad was finishing his strawberry yogurt.

"I should've been home hours ago. My mom is gonna be so pissed." Alex pulled out her chair and stood up. She grabbed her sunglasses off the table quickly and placed them on top of her head.

"Let me walk you home," Chad offered, kindly.

"Uhm . . .okay," Alex decided. She really shouldn't but. . .

"Oh, this is the hotel I'm staying at." Alex pointed to the building in front of her. Chad stopped in his tracks.

"Well, it was nice to get to know you, Alex Russo," Chad said casually while holding out his hand. Alex grasped Chad's hand and shook it firmly.

Chad pulled Alex in to him and kissed her passionately. Alex gently closed her eyes while kissing back.

"Alex? What are you doing . . .?"

Thanks so much for the reviews and for reading! I want a few more reviews for next chapter, thank you!