Disclaimer: Neither of us own Kirby.

Summary: Two kids wish that Kirby was real. Nightmare Enterprises wants better demon beasts. What will happen? Anime World, self-insertions.

Authors: Ninja Gulpin and Drarrinz.


Customer Service grimaced as King Dedede told him of the most recent demon beast's failure to eliminate Kirby. It was always the same; Kirby finds the demon beast's weakness, inhales a nearby object to give him an ability, and defeats it easily.

The salesman sighed as the king broke off the connection angrily. Well, according to the king, the demon beasts had their own attack patterns that could be read easily. It seemed that the beasts were pretty mindless, too…

Well, how can I find a way to create demon beasts that aren't mindless?

He glanced back at the tanks that held vicious demon beasts. They were truly mindless, bashing against the glass with one motive; eliminate Star Warriors. It didn't seem possible to create a monster with intelligence in this galaxy…

Wait a minute…

Customer Service put a hand to his chin in contemplation.

If I can't create smart monsters in this galaxy…maybe I can pull something from a different one!

It might not have seemed possible, but surely NME had a way to get monsters from another galaxy…right?

Customer Service rushed over to the main controls and started typing in commands.

If we have the technology to bring something from a different galaxy, we will finally have the chance to be rid of Kirby!

As he continued to search through the main computer's files, he found what he had been looking for. Bringing up the program, he laughed as the teleportation device reset to a different route.

Kirby doesn't stand a chance…
