Hello there, I think I will put a small intro about myself here. I'm Katy, I'm eighteen and I will be a college freshman. I I love to write, but I'm incredibly self-conscious, but that is no way live so I am taking that next step to becoming self confident.
So, I might be doing a full story about Eli and Clare. 12-15 chapters maybe. I'm just wondering what people are thinking. I have to say I might have to ask for some reviews on the story here.
Does anyone know anything about Eli's family? His dad is mentioned on a couple sites, but nothing that gives anything to go off of.
I guess that being said, he will live with only his father, who in every other story was abusive and mean. For mine, he's just going to be a hard working man who provides for his son, he just isn't emotionally attached to Eli.
Clare's parents still have their issues and I haven't made a decision on what will happen with them, whether they will fix things or it will all crash down around Clare.
My goal is for it to not be the same as every Eli/Clare I hope I can!
Another thing I might do is put a play list with it. A song that goes along with each chapter.
Hearse Boy and Church Girl
Clare learns the cause of the mixed signals, leading to a waiting point before anything will happen between then, but it will, Eli and Clare are meant to be, at least for the time being. Eli/ Clare. Other characters involved, Adam, Alli, Drew, Eli's father, and both of Clare's parents. Possibly some contact from Darcy.
So here is what the terrible part of my is going to do.
I am going to ask for reviews.
I have a couple questions, though.
1.) Should I do the story?
2.) Do you have any ideas you would like to see in this story?
3.) What do you think about the play list?
4.) Does it sound any bit interesting?
5.) Suggested songs?
Ahh, sorry for begging! I am really really really sorry for begging.
I want to write this, or at least half of it before posting it. Lately all I have been doing is writing and watching Degrassi: The Next Generation, so that means I could have it finished tomorrow.
Another thing to think about, has anyone watched the older shows, like Kids if Degrassi Street, Degrassi Junior High, or Degrassi High? I think I an going to try and Find them Online. Tell me if you know somewhere?
I really think I am done babbling here, so please give me your feed back?
If you don't want to review you could maybe, favorite it, or the alert it. Or me?