MoonLit Night

Discalimer- I don't own Twilight

Summary- Edward holds his baby daughter as she has a late night feeding. Slash

The moon streamed in though the open curtains giving the walls a soft glow. The soft creaks from the old rocking chair rang out through the room. Edward Cullen sat in the rocking chair gently rocking back and forth, his young daughter lay in his arms drinking from her bottle. The dull pink liquid satisfied any blood need the infant craved and the milk gave her the healthy stuff like any other child would need.

Veela Midnight Cullen-Black, was unlike any other child. The fact that her 'Mother' was a shape-shifter and her father was a vampire, was what separated her from any others. Veela had her fathers bronze coloured hair only a slightly darker shade. Her pale skin was much like her fathers but her facial features were definitely her 'mothers'. Veela's eye colour stumped many, her eyes were neither golden or red that a vampire would carry. Her eyes weren't much like her 'mothers' chocolate brown, no Veela eyes were a brilliant midnight blue shade.

Veela let out a small cry when the bottle slipped away from her eager lips, Edward smiled down at her and straighten her bottle out for her. Her small pudgy hands reached up and held on to the bottle realising her daddy was doing a bad job at it.

Edward looked up as the subject of Jacob Black-Cullen's dreams changed. Jacob laid in the other room fast asleep all snuggled in the huge bed. The benefits of having a vampire husband, Jacob never had to get up for late night feedings.

Jacob's thoughts were drifting in between, chasing vampires, Veela and some stupid movies they watched the night before. Edward shook his head at his husband's thoughts and he looked back down at his daughter, her own brilliant blue eyes locked onto his gold eyes and held them as she drank from the bottle. Her thoughts were blank but the odd time she would express when she was hungry or tired or when she need to be changed or sometimes just really weird random stuff. Her thoughts tend to amuse Edward to no end.

A sudden noise downstairs broke their staring contest, his family were all downstairs watching some movie. Well according to their thoughts at least. Carlisle was reading a very old book in his study, Esme was in her room cleaning and listening to some soft music. Alice and Jasper were cuddling on the couch with Emmett and Rosalie cuddle on the other couch all were watching some horrible movie.

Veela hand drifted from the bottle and grasped on to Edward's shirt instead. From the little Vampire gene that ran through Veela, she had possessed the stereotype vampire that slept during the day and would stay up all night. Emmett would constantly joke that she would be growing wings when she was older and turn into a bat. Jacob attacked him after he voiced his thoughts out loud, he didn't want his baby turning into a bat. Many nights Edward would find himself sitting in the same rocking looking at the moonlit sky just holding his daughter. And if he wasn't in the rocking chair he would be in the room he and Jacob shared, sitting on the bed next to his sleeping husband while holding his daughter.

Maneuvering her into a more suitable place Edward gently hit her back until she burped. Once she was satisfied Edward gingerly stood up from the rocking chair, glancing one last look at the moonlight sky, Edward crossed the room to the dark wooded crib. Gently laying her down, Edward pulled the blanket up to her stomach, leaning down he placed a kiss on her forehead. He stood up right and watched as her eyelids started getting heavier, slowly but surely they drifted closed and her thoughts were once again blank and peaceful. Smiling a small smile, Edward left the room and join his husband in bed.

I hope you enjoyed. I liked it.