Space pods came flying from the skies likes asteroids. No one seem surprise at all. Space pods are seen coming down to Earth at the mid August. They were landing at Capsule Corporation. The Largest and most well known science company is located. Capsule Corporation is known for their advance technology. No, company on planet Earth could compare. Which was why King Vegeta signed a treaty with Earth. He wanted to have the technology to better the elite and first class warriors so they could be prepared for Frieza attack. However , no matter how strong the saiyans were Dr. Brief wouldn't give up his technology so easily. No, he had made the King promise if Frieza were to come to invade Earth the saiyans would protect them from the onslaught. The King vowed with his life that he would protect the Earth. So, in order for the saiyans not to be taken by surprise if Frieza would ever decide to attack Earth King Vegeta made it a law that Every third and second class saiyans under the age of eighteen would have to attend High school on planet Earth. Not only will the saiyans be ready to protect Earth, but King Vegeta hoped they will gain the knowledge to make their own technology as well.

Bulma woke up to the rumbling sound of the space pods landing on the space pads. A large cushion that could absorb the impact of the space pods. It was Bulma first invention she was very proud of. She had created it when She was only five years only. It was one of the items the saiyans had first requested. They keep the pods from creating craters on the planet surface. Bulma showered and dressed in her high school uniform. She braided her long lavender tresses before exiting her bedroom to join her father at the docking bay. Bulma was in charge of taking the saiyans to their assign rooms on their compound. Her father had paid architecture to build a dormitory for the saiyans. They use the gravity room Bulma invented to train in during their free time. The second, third, and fourth year saiyans knew their way to their rooms. It was the first years that Bulma had to be in charge of.

When Bulma arrived to the docking bay the first year saiyans were already waiting for her. Bulma pulled out a two papers from her leather book bag that had a list of the saiyans that were suppose to be attending. She called out names to see who was here and who wasn't. When she had finished Bulma led the first year to the dormitory where they would have to share with the second year .

" This is where you will stay for the year. During school vacations you will be allowed to returned to your home planet to visit family members."

Bulma led them inside where a woman in her mid thirties sat behind a wall.

" Mrs. Liang will give you your room key and your lunch card. That card will allow you to purchase food at the high school. Inside your room will be your school uniform, all the school supplies needed, a leather school bag to carry your supplies, and you will have your own personal computer to be use for your own personal use. Any questions?"

One hand rose. Bulma pointed to the young female saiyans that almost made her feel hedious. Like all saiyans she had black hair and black eyes, but unlike the other saiyans her hair fell down her back smoothly and almost silk like.

" Yes?" Bulma looked at the number on the female sayian breast plate and search for the name on her list. "Laiylan?"

Bulma began to envy the female sayain even more. Not only was she beautiful, but she also had an exotic name while her name mean under wear. Bulma blushed in embarrassment.

" I would like to know if there will be any humans available to go to our home planet for school?"

Bulma looked down at her feet. They haven't found any humans yet who can live through the gravitational force on planet Vegeta, but in a month there will be elite warriors coming to their planet to search in every high school for anyone who has a ki level over one hundred. Bulma dream of going to planet Vegeta just see what it like to on another planet, but her power level is only a measly five. Bulma planned on using the entire month researching and training.

" Hopefully next month their will be a batch of humans able to go to planet vegeta." Bulma chimmed

Bulma left the first years saiyans to their dorm room. They don't have to start school until tomorrow. Today was spent for them to settle in and exploring the compound which took up almost half of West city.

Chi -chi and Goku waited in the living room for Bulma. When Bulma had walked in she saw them having a conversation with her ditzy mother who very charismatic. Her mother was offering them tea and sweats but Chi-chi had decline for the both of them when she saw Bulma enter the room.

Bulma envy chi-chi. She would one of the lucky humans who be going to planet Vegeta. Chi-chi power level is 250. That's highest power level she seen so far a human is able to achieve making Chi-chi the strongest female human on Earth. Goku had to go to planet Vegeta to learn about his saiyans heritage. She wish she could join them. Bulma was determine to find a way she could.

Prince Vegeta approached his father in the the throne room. His mother was pulling at his arm trying pull him away from the throne room, but Vegeta was determine to see his father.

" Old man, Nappa told me you want to find a mate within the year! I do not care to have a mate!" Vegeta barked

The King stood from his throne chair and glowered down at his son.

" Address me as King Vegeta!" The king voice echoed against the throne room walls.

" I will address you as I see fit old man." Seethed Vegeta

King Vegeta ignored it son. If continuo on this pointless verbal battle he would end up getting a migraine at the end of the day, but he will punish him if you could not do it physically he would find something that his son would loath.

" Vegeta you are 32 already. You are already 15 years over the mating age. You must find a mate who will also be our queen."

"I don't want a mate! I don't need some pathetic female trying to holding back!"

" You will find a mate if you want to become King!"

" I will be king even if it mean killing you."

With that Vegeta exist the throne room seething with hatred for his father.

Vegeta went straight to the training room. He had already injured to many unlucky men were in there training already. Vegeta just couldn't see why he had to have a mate. He just could see any point in it. All he thought having a mate was good for was to make an offspring. He had no interest in having an offspring. If he were to need an heir he would just find the technology in creating one instead of going through the trouble of having one.

The door to the training room slid open snapping Vegeta out of his thoughts. Nappa, his body guard since he was an infant came in to bring him new from the king.

" What do you want Nappa?"

" The king has order for you to go to Earth in a month time to select a group a humans to attend the school academies train with first class fighters."

"What? I will do no such thing! I am a prince not a pathetic recruiter" Vegeta shouted in outrage.

"Kings orders." Was all Nappa said before leaving the training room.

Vegeta was furious. He began to attack the battered men until they were no longer capable to move. Vegeta began dreading the passing days. All he wanted to do is train to get stronger so he could defeat frieza.