Title: Fathers and Uncles
Author: Atolia
Word Count: 107
Disclaimer: I don't own Avatar: the Last Airbender. I make no profit from this story. Zuko and Iroh belong to Mike and Brian. Avatar belongs to Nick and Viacom.
Warnings: None really.
Summary: Uncle Iroh will never be his father. Season 2
Zuko looks up as Quon drops his coins on the counter of the Jasmine Dragon.
"I didn't make a mistake financing your father," he says, and walks away before Zuko can correct him.
Iroh is not his father and never will be. Zuko already has a father and no matter how many people call Iroh a "father-figure", Zuko knows he's nothing like Lu Ten. What is a "father-figure" anyway? Zuko isn't sure. He knows his father, knows his demanding, aloof nature, and also knows that he is nothing like his jovial, tea-loving uncle. No, Iroh will never be Zuko's father. Because Zuko already has one of those.
A/N: I don't know if I'm happy with the way that this turned out. It really wasn't what I planned. I kinda wanted to make it family!Irko, but I figured Zuko wouldn't get to fluffy about Iroh until later in the series. Fixed the last paragraph (which some people have noticed was from "Float".