Kobura was watching her with a grin she resisted to slap off his scaly face.
He looked at the two unconscious men on the floor, whose heads were facing one another, and looked back up at her.
"I know what you want Kobura."
The snake chuckled silently, "you still want the boys to live. I must admit of how impressed I am to see how far your friendship goes." He hissed.
"You'll never understand friendship Kobura," Chick P said coldly, kneeling down between Joe and Chuckie. She heard Kobura growl softly and felt him move slowly behind her as she stared at her friends' unconscious forms.
"They say Chick P, blood is thicker than water,"
Tears spilled on to the floor and on to Joe and Chuckie's head. She had heard of that proverb before, blood was thicker than water, but what about tears?
Chick P felt him right behind her. He placed his hand on her shoulder and hauled her up roughly and slammed her against the wall so they were face to face.
"Remember our deal?" Kobura hissed lifting her chin with one finger while grinning his sharp fangs that hungered to tear soft flesh and spill the blood underneath.
She knew she was going to die, how could she get out of this one when her friends out cold on the floor?
"I've tasted your blood before my dear, I can't imagine what the rest will be like."
Chick spat at him that only made his grip harden. "You will wish you have never done that!" He pinned her arms hard against the wall and bared his fangs that slowly moved towards her neck.
Joe's eyes squinted open. He felt something trickle from his forehead, realising it was something like water as he wiped it away.
His eyes caught sight of Kobura holding Chick P against the wall that boiled his anger to a higher temperature.
He slowly rose to his feet, picked up a bone and crept swiftly up to them.
Chick P's eyes widened at the sight of him but Joe pressed his finger to his lips signalling her to keep silent.
"Let her go Kobura."
Kobura spun around with shock with a gaping jaw and the second they were face to face Joe rammed the bone down his throat so the fillet was out of reach.
The snake man wheezed and gagged as he clutched his neck, collapsing to the ground with continuous coughing. Joe rammed his foot into Kobura's back and the scaled being went silent. Kobura was dead.
Chick P stared at her attacker and her eyes slowly went to Joe who was inhaling the deep breaths to settle down the adrenaline pumping through his veins.
"You okay C.P?" he whispered.
Chick P flung her arms around him with pure gratitude as her heart slowly went down to its normal pace. "Thanks Joe," She breathed while he returned the embrace.
"Friends look out for each other Chickadee. Me and Chuckie would never abandon you."
She smiled at him and said: "Let's get back to the hideout, we've got a hundred dollars worth of take out to eat."
The end.
You all know what I think of this.
Love you all mates!