Ok so we're skipping ahead to the next morning. And for all you dirty-minded people, no they did not spend that entire day in bed together.

The next morning found Sherlock lying awake, but still. John was curled in his arms still deep in sleep. For the first time he could recall Sherlock was content just to lie there. He had no desire to rise and work or read or do anything with himself. John was warm against his chest, his head tucked under Sherlock's chin. Sherlock inhaled the sent of his lover's hair and sighed.

His lover.

He never would have dreamed it possible, but before he'd met John he never would have thought anyone was capable of sharing rooms with him, much less loving him, and yet John had proved perfectly able to do both.

"No more hot and cold," he whispered into John's hair. "Just you and me in love."

"You mean that?" John whispered into Sherlock's chest.

"You're awake."


"I didn't know."

"What, you didn't observe a change in my breathing or something?" he teased.

"Well, I must admit you're rather distracting."

"Aren't I?" John nuzzled Sherlock's chest. "So did you mean it?"

"Of course."

John smiled and Sherlock smiled too though John couldn't know it. They were nothing if not an odd couple, but somehow it seemed it just might work.

"So you up for some karaoke tonight?" asked Sherlock.

John pushed him away and sat up, glaring down at his lover.

"You really are a sociopath, aren't you? Or at least a sadist."

"But you love me."

"For some goddamn reason, yes. Yes, I do," he said giving Sherlock a sweet kiss on the lips.

"So was that a no to karaoke?"

"Let's just say I'd rather spend tonight with you."


I hope you guys liked it and that I managed to keep the people who originally told me to keep going with it happy.

Thanks for reading!