I don't own Gakuen Alice.

It was all supposed to be a one night stand. That is, up until I found him introducing himself in front of the office with MY black thong hanging on his index finger.

Black Thong

He was a despicable man, I tell you!

He wasn't supposed to be here! Everything was just a mistake! He was just a rebound for my fucking ex-boyfriend who broke up with me that night! He was just supposed to be a one-night stand guy!

But why was he here?

Introducing himself as Mr. Natsume Hyuuga. The son of the president of the company I work for. He was smirking, I could tell, while holding up what I can definitely say is my black thong!

Why was he here?

"Ehem... As... as you can see..." The representative of the company stuttered while obviously being distracted by what the despicable man was holding up on his index finger. "Mr. Natsume Hyuuga would stand in for his father, Mr. Takashi Hyuuga, while he recovers from his health. Now please all welcome Mr. Natsume Hyuuga."

Everyone stood up and clapped their hands, while I sit there still dumbfounded by the fact that the despicable man was going to be my goddamn boss!


Natsume smirked as he confidently walked towards the podium, while he folded the black thong neatly and placed it inside the back pocket of his pants. When he was done he looked up at all those dazed looking workers and searched every face until he found hers.

It was all too easy though because he soon found her sitting with a very shock look on her face on the second to the last row. Everyone was standing before him while she stared at him with that face that made him remember the look she had when she just had her first orgasm with him. Oh, he just couldn't wait to see that look again.

"Good morning everyone. I'm Natsume Hyuuga, son of the president Mr. Takashi Hyuuga. Today onwards, I would be your boss and I'd appreciate it if everyone would continue persevering with their work. I don't like average workers who only work to earn their keep. So I suggest you all do better on your fields..." Natsume trailed off as he looked straight at her who still had a panic-stricken face. "Oh... and I would like to call upon the secretary of my father whom I've heard was one of the best employees in our company. Mikan Sakura, would you please share the floor with me?"

He saw that she became twice as stiff as she was already as everyone's heads turned up to look at her sitting dumbly there. She laughed, embarrassed by the attention. And with wobbly feet, she managed to stand up and confidently make her way down to Natsume Hyuuga.

Natsume watched her movements and damn, she was still as graceful and sexy as she was on that dance floor where he first saw her. The sensual sway on her hips... that flawless skin... that perfectly shaped legs that wounded around his hips just as he plunged deeper into her.


Mikan scrambled down next to him and tried to look at everyone except him. But damn it, his smell was just as intoxicating as she remembered and even from his business attire, she could still see the contours of his arms and recalled how it was to be carried gently by him.

"Let's give a round of applause to this very hardworking woman." Everyone clapped and Natsume quickly pulled her hands and made her look at him.

Mikan gasped.

Hazel met Ruby.

Natsume smirked, knowing exactly what was on her mind. "I can't wait to work with you, Mikan."

Mikan gulped as she felt the heat on her face.

This was not good, not good at all.


"We're finally alone now."

Mikan shivered. That husky voice only meant one thing. The despicable man was behind her. "Uh... Yes. Sir."

Natsume spun her sit around so she was quickly staring up at him. "Hmmmm... Why so formal, Mikan?"

Mikan quickly changed the subject. She wouldn't let the despicable man intimidate her. "Sir, there will be a meeting at—"

"Cancel the meeting."


"It wasn't nice to leave your partner in bed the morning after, especially when he just gave you the greatest sex you ever had the night before."

Mikan blushed but she quickly brushed the topic off. "Sir, it would be best that you meet the investors—"

"And have you forgotten it? I gave you my number so that you could call me. I gave it to you that night."

"—because they'll be an asset for—"

Natsume quickly grabbed her arms and jerked her up so that she slammed onto his chest. "You know what that means? I gave my number to you because I probably would have wanted to see you again and make love to you again, over and over again—"

"Let go of me, you moron! I never wanted to see you again." Mikan tried to jerked free of his hold.

Natsume glared down at her. "Oh really now? That wasn't the case when you were screaming out with ecstasy while I gave you your first oral—"

"Shut up! Shut up!" Mikan screamed.

His gripped tightened. "I won't. You don't have any idea how much I've waited for this day to come."

Mikan glared up at him. "It was over two months ago! You were just a rebound for my ex!"

"Don't you think I don't know that?" With that, he carried her like a sack of rice and carried her to his office.

"Put me down!"

She only heard the door being locked and soon she was thrown towards the couch. She scrambled to a sitting position and glared up at him.

He glared up just as well. "Half of the time I was making love with you, you were calling his goddamn fucked up name. Do you know how much that wounded my ego?"

"That's the problem with all the men in this world! You all feel like you're the center of the universe when in fact you're not! I don't care whether I wounded your fat head! I have work to do!"

"Oh no, baby. You're not going anywhere." And with that, he grabbed her arms and pulled her into an open-mouthed kiss.

She tried to push him away but he was too strong and within moments she found herself responding eagerly to his kiss.

He hoisted her up so that her legs wounded around his hips and she could feel the growing member throbbing against her clothed and most intimate part. He didn't let her think twice as he sat her on his desk, while papers flew everywhere, and quickly unbuttoned her white polo shirt. He quickly unclasped her bra and grunted in favor as he felt the strapless bra slid smoothly down her body.

He placed his hands on top of Mikan's thighs and quickly hiked her skirt up so that he could finally manage to see a glimpse of her underwear.

It was red.

He pulled her into a kiss again, making her feel how much he wanted her. He dived quickly inside her mouth, sucking, tasting... tracing every part of her mouth until they were both out of their minds.

She had her arms around his shoulders as she unconsciously rubbed her already aroused breast against his crisped, shirtfront. She'd missed this. The way it felt to be held by him. Damn, but honestly she had been thinking about him ever since that night. He had been a drug to her. Always, keeping her wide awake and aroused at night while she was alone in bed. And now, he was with her again... kissing all sense out of her with that sexy mouth. She couldn't help but moan in response.

Natsume couldn't get enough of her. He gently pushed her down so that she was lying flat on top of his mahogany desk. He nibbled on her ears first, flicking his tongue on the part where he knew she'll feel all that electricity. He let out a breath against her ears and he suddenly felt her shiver and move restlessly below him.

"We shouldn't be doing this." She hissed before she slowly tried to pull his belt open.

Natsume smirked against her ears. He licked his way down to her neck and sucked hard on the part where her neck was attached to her shoulders. "But we are going to do it anyway."

Natsume pushed away Mikan's obviously clumsy fingers on his belt and helped her open it. He only had his pants on afterwards as his shirt quickly came off.

He made his way down her chest and began to fondle her already strained breast.

Mikan quickly arched her back. Oh God, she didn't know if she'd last with this kind of stimulation. She felt his lips latch on her right nipple and felt that hot and slick tongue, circling her. She grabbed his raven hair. "Natsume!"

Natsume pulled his head and stared up at her already perspiring face. "Now, you're calling my name." He felt proud and very, very satisfied. But the feisty woman beneath him only glared at him behind those very aroused hazel eyes.

"What's with the glare, love?"

Mikan only felt her panties get wetter than ever. He called her 'love', the way he did that night when he was going to make her beg in exchange of doing incredible things to her already sickeningly aroused body.

"I... I won't be able to hold out much longer." Mikan breathed out with what's left of her breath. She unconsciously lifted her hips to rub against his already hard member and it only made her want to rub again but Natsume's hands pushed her hips down on the cool wooden desk.

Natsume smirked as he looked at the sexy kitten below her. "As much as I want you rubbing yourself on me already..." he hooked his thumb on her panties and slowly pulled on it until it softly ripped on the side. "... I'd rather make you beg for it again."

Mikan groaned and she began to thrash beneath him. "That was one of my favorite pair of panties!"

Natsume stared down amusingly at her. "I'll buy you another pair and don't you remember? I have one extra pair of panties on the back pocket of my pants. However, it's too bad because I won't let you use it because it's mine."

Mikan's eyes widened. "Let me up! Damn it! And I won't beg anymore! I won't do it!"

"You won't? Then, shall we stop this?"

Mikan froze for a moment before she pushed herself up so that she was able to look at him closely. "Fine! We'll stop—"

But Natsume really had no intention of stopping because he quickly inserted a finger on her tight and wet sheath and everything she had managed to think of, came crumbling down again.

"You..." She breathed out.

Natsume couldn't help but get more aroused than ever by the mere fact that she was so ready for him. His finger was dripping with her sex and when he pushed in and managed to press that tiny nub of nerve endings, she broke lose.

Mikan's forehead came in contact with his hard shoulders as she felt the ministrations of his only finger inside her. "Oh, God."

"I'm not God." He slipped his finger and slid it inside again, adding another digit.

"Ohhhhh... Nggggggghhh..." She bit down hard on his shoulders to keep from screaming.

"Shy about screaming?" He slid his fingers out, slowly, then slid it back with enough speed to make her convulse on his fingers.

Mikan just bit down on his shoulders more.

"Tell me what to do... love. I promise I'll make you deliriously satisfied." He repeated the act adding more speed into it.

Mikan was going to go crazy any minute now. She wouldn't succumb to him. She wouldn't. But with the way he was sliding her fingers at that speed makes her want to. "I won't beg."

Natsume grinned. He changed his strategy and quickly palmed her, rubbing her in such a vigorous speed.

Mikan screamed. She was going to come soon if he keeps this up. "Oh... God... Ahhhhh! Natsume! Oh... Ah! Don't stop! I'm!" Her hands gripped painfully on his forearms. She knew she was about to come. Just a little more... and she will. "Nat! I'm going! Wait! No!" His hands slipped away and she tried to grab it back.

Natsume grinned down at her. "Meeting's over for today. Tell the investors, I'll be meeting them at exactly four in the afternoon." With one last chaste kiss on her lips, he turned around, slowly picked up his dress shirt and put it on like nothing had happened.

Mikan's jaw dropped.

Now she could understand the weight of what she had done. What they had done.

She'd almost begged again and the despicable man that was her boss, had just killed off the best feeling she was about to feel in about two months.

He was really a despicable man!

This was... :O

I don't know... tell me what you think. :)

Another alternate universe story for Gakuen Alice. Hope you all like it.

I don't really know how long this would be... but probably it would only take about 2 or 3 more chapters more or less until this would be finished.


P.S. To all those readers who are reading my fics, thank you for giving me all your time and support. This will be my gift because as much as I want to update as soon as I could, I probably wouldn't have the time anymore. Please check my profile for more details. I'm really sorry for the inconvenience. But I still hope that you'll support all my unfinished fics and welcome this new one. Cheers!