Disclaimer: I do not own WOWP. Disclaimed for all chapters.

Warning: mature content and language unsuitable for kids.

Prompt: Justin is the distraction making Alex fall behind in science.

She stares, stares blankly, at the wall in front of her, at her father's angry face, at her mother's lamp- who knows where? She just stares, stares and stares, listening to her father's words.

"How could you fail science again?" her father demands angrily. "And that too, with Justin tutoring you! I paid him twenty bucks for each tutoring session! Arrrrghh!"

That bastard took money for this and didn't tell her about it? She is so going to give him a hard time about this!

"I am sorry daddy." She says quickly, pouting, batting her eyelashes innocently. "I tried, I really did. It's not my fault, believe me! It's all Justin's! "

He scoffs, obviously not believing it. But this time, she wasn't lying! She WAS actually speaking the truth this time!

"Really? And how exactly is this my fault?" Justin demands, crossing his arms.

She opens her mouth to let out an insult or protest, but pauses.

He smirks victoriously, and that makes her blood boil. If only she could tell her father about what Justin did….

3 days ago

Alex sat on the chair in the living room, with the usual bored expression on her face, eyes fixed on the watch and occasionally on the TV.

"Alex. Concentrate." Justin scolded. "I am trying to teach you something!"

She shrugged non-chalantly. "I am sitting here, am I not?"

He sighed, shook his head in frustration, and stood up.

She eyed him with curiosity as well as annoyance.

"This will never work when you are sitting right in front of the TV while 'glory' is on." He explained, motioning for the stairs. "We are going to my room to study."

She stood up, yawning, stretching, and followed him silently. (She needs an excuse to get into his room and steal some of his things anyway.)

One of the many things that Alex liked about Justin's room(besides the fact that it was too easy to destroy) was how clean it was. It wasn't like Max's room at all, where dirty clothes and underwear were scattered everywhere, and she had to rush to the bathroom if she stayed longer than five minutes in there. Justin's room was neat, clean, and perfectly spotless- so much like him! His sheets were always new, recently washed, smelling nice; his pillows quite stuffy and cozy.

So, without wasting any more time, Alex plopped down on his bed, lying on her back.

Justin didn't waste any time in protesting either (What's the use anyway?) He pulled out his chair from his study desk, faced it in her direction, and sat down. "So… where were we?"

She snorted. "We were in the living room, Justin."

He glared at her, before turning over to the page where his (Captain Jim Bob Sherwood) book mark rested. He rolled up his sleeves, as if preparing for a hand-to-hand combat with someone (teaching Alex science was nothing less than a battle), revealing his flawless skin. He loosened the top three buttons of his shirt, so that he could breathe more freely. Her eyes followed the action, and she wondered when exactly he had chest hair, and why she never noticed.

Whatever Justin does, Alex has to do it too, and that too, better than him, so that he couldn't hold anything against her, right?

Yeah. That was totally why she kicked off her sneakers and socks, settled on his bed comfortably, and got rid of her top shirt, revealing her tank top.

He looked at her in alarm. "What are you doing?"

She shrugged innocently. "Trying to feel at home… maybe that will help me fall asleep easily."

He let out a fake laugh, before fixing her with a glare, and returning to his teaching.

They were teens now- almost adults. He didn't exactly need to read things line by line, trailing his finger below the line he was reading! (She wasn't going to pay attention anyway.)

But even though they were teens- almost adults- he was still using his middle finger for the purpose. Didn't he know what that meant? (Was he really that dorky?)

And the thing is, even though she really, really wanted to, she couldn't tear her eyes away. That was only because of the ring in his finger though- a gold ring with a sapphire stone, something their mother had forced their father to buy for Justin's 17th birthday. Yeah, the ring was totally distracting her. She was so not thinking about how she had bitten that finger three days back, when he told his parents about her horrible grades (thus leading to this cruel tutoring arrangement.)

Two minutes later, she was snapped out of her trance by the sound of his annoyed voice. "Alex, are you even listening?"

"Nope." She replied immediately, sticking out her tongue at him.

He sighed in defeat, and she could almost feel the warmth touch her skin. "Look, Alex, I know how much you hate studying, but can we please get this over with quick so that we can get back to ignoring each other?"

"Yeah, sure." She agreed quickly. "I don't want to hang out with you forever, loser."

He smiled at her in a pleading manner (when will he figure out that it would never work on her?) and began again.

This time, she actually DID try to pay attention, to listen to him, but when she tried to look at the book (the demon) nestled in his lap, her eyes dashed to the bulge in his jeans. (It's a teenage girl thing, honestly.) It wasn't a big bulge; it was not noticeable unless someone looked at it too carefully. But it was there alright.

Did Justin get hard by studying? Really?

She stared at his fly, watching the bulge grow slowly. Her ears perked out, and she noticed how his voice was getting husky, breathing irregular by every passing second.

Suddenly feeling uncomfortable, she shifted slightly to turn around and face him, and that's when she noticed.

Was that dampness she felt in her panties?

She breathed in deeply, trying to collect herself. She couldn't possibly be getting turned on by watching Justin's boner grow!

She propped her elbow up, and rested her head on it, the action pushing her tank top down and revealing that purple bra that she was wearing.

If her mind was still working, then she definitely heard Justin gulp audibly.

She looked at him, and saw him looking down at the ground, fidgeting with his hands.

"What?" she snapped in annoyance, "I am listening!"

"Really?" he snapped back in a challenging tone. "Then can you show me which line I was on to?"

That was a problem. She bit her bottom lip nervously, thinking how to get out of this question (and possibly this amazingly awkward tutoring session), and that's when she saw him gulp. Twice.

Her eyes instinctively moved to his boner again, and this time, the erection was standing out.

"It's not what you think it is." He said nervously.

Her eyes never moved up from his hard on. (Okay, so now she was officially staring at her brother's clothed member while he noticed her staring.) "What do you think I think it is?"

He remained silent, because anything he said would of course go against him. (Alex was an expert when it came to twisting his words and manipulating him.)

Time seemed to pause, with none of them saying anything, unsure of what to do next. The tension in the air between them was doing nothing to soothe the growing tension in her body.

Finally, he let out a heavy sigh, and she let out the breath that she had been waiting. "We will study the rest tomorrow." He said uncomfortably, trying to close the book.

"No wait!" she immediately jumped up, clutching his hand in an attempt to stop him. The moment their skin made contact, the burning heat in her core spread throughout her body.

He yelped in surprise, but to her great surprise, didn't pull away. She looked up at him, questioning him with her eyes.

"We will finish this some other day." He repeated, voice pleading yet resolute.

She knew he wasn't talking about studying this time.

Present day

So… that brings us here, today, when Alex is being grounded for two weeks, with threats of additional chores if she doesn't pass the re-test.

If she is being honest (which is rare), she thinks the chance of her passing the re-test is really, really slim. Because once again, Justin will tutor her, he will turn her on, she will turn him on, and then he will leave, guilty, embarrassed, scared and all, abandoning the study session.

It's so unfair that she is the only one getting punished! Justin is the distraction that is making her fall behind in science! He should be punished as well.

Hmmm…. May be she can take care of that?

(A/N: this is my first official entry into full smut-prompts. Please tell me what you think? Was I able to build the UST?)