This is a continuation of Sexless and Stircrazy. I have had quite a few requests to continue. This was meant to just be a short, but I am sure that I can keep it going. Look for additional chapters…and possibly another story starring one of my favorite Merry men…HECTOR!
***************STEPH POV***************
As I grabbed onto Les' belt I felt him suck in a breath. I looked up into his eyes. They were filled with surprise, confusion and even fear. I was overwhelmed with lust, and couldn't stop my hands if I had even wanted to try. Hector had been amazing last night, and left me wanting more.
"I have a couple more secrets that I would like to share." My voice was lustful and raspy. Les looked from me, to Hector and back to me. I could tell that he was trying to rationalize exactly what was going on. Smiling, I pulled myself up onto my knees, shuddering as my taut nipples brushed against the rough cotton of his Rangeman uniform. Pushing the nervousness away, I spoke again. "I was hoping that I could share them…with both of you."
"Oh, shit." He whispered as I crashed my mouth onto his. I arched my back, pressing my breasts into his hard chest and wrapped my arms around his neck pulling him closer to me. For a moment, I could feel his hesitation. He stiffened, his muscles tightened in his chest and arms causing a wave of heat to course through my body sending a gush of hotness to my core. I moaned, causing his hesitation to be replaced with passion. He wrapped his arms around me, tipping me back before flipping me on my back on the bed; his body crashing on top of me.
I could feel his hardness through his cargo pants and ground my hips toward him. I heard Hector clear his throat. We broke out kiss and Les stared at me.
"Beautiful, are you trying to get me to do a three-some with you and Hector?" His smile was mischievous. I nodded, feeling my face blush slightly. Les pulled himself up so that he was kneeling on the bed between my thighs. He lifted his shirt over his head, and tossed it behind him. "Well, then. Let's lock the door and play."
He pulled me up against his bare chest. My hands running over hard smooth skin. I moaned as he slid a hand between my legs and rubbed against the curls. I felt the bed tilt slightly as Hector knelt behind me. His mouth was on the crook of my neck and his hands were caressing my breasts. I moaned as he nibbled at the delicate skin, and I could feel his lips curl into a smile. Les' mouth crashed down onto mine, his tongue gently caressing my own. I could feel my first orgasm flittering through my body and my breath quickened.
"That's it, Beautiful." Les said pulling back from the kiss. "Let it go." I looked into his eyes as the wave of pleasure crested and crashed. I arched my back, and my eyes fluttered closed as another moan escaped my lips.
I felt my body land gently on the bed, and then two large warm masses curl up next to me. Hector was kissing his way down my left side of my body, his hand wrapped in the warmth between my legs. Les was on the right side, caressing my breast; pulling lightly at my erect nipple. I writhed with pleasure as Hector slowly made his way to my thigh, kissing and suckling the tender skin. Les covered my mouth with his as Hector put his mouth on my core. An instant orgasm spilled out of me, my hips bucking off the bed. Hector held tightly to my ass, keeping me exactly where he wanted. Les pulled my face towards his, and I reached down to release him of his cargoes. Moaning slightly he twisted his hips so that I could pull the buckle from its loops and push down the zipper. His heavy cargoes dropped to the floor and he stepped out of them, kicking off his boots and socks. I grabbed his erection, gently stroking it.
He moaned into my mouth and I smiled. Pushing against his chest I motioned for him to bring himself up on his knees in front of me. Another orgasm ripped through my body, as I watched him kneel before me. His skin was perfect, and taut over muscle that seemed to never end. His stomach was hard, and I watched as with each breath the muscles would expand and contract. I looked into his eyes. They were dark and lustful. He was biting his bottom lip innocently, but gasped slightly as I ran my tongue over the head of his swollen cock. I smiled, taking him as much as I could into my mouth. His hands wrapped around my hair, knotting in my curls.
"Oh, fuck." He whispered as I felt him reach the back of my throat. My movements were slow and controlled. I didn't want him to finish too quickly, or god forbid not be able to come again.
I was pulled back to Hector who had slipped two more fingers gingerly into my wetness. I moaned, Les deep in my throat. Hector's throaty laugh filled the air, as he rolled my clit under his thumb.
"What do you want, Steph?" He asked coyly. He slid his fingers out slowly before quickly sliding them back in curving upwards to stroke my g-spot. I moaned again, lifting my hips involuntarily towards him wanting more. "Or do you want to try something a little….different?" He lowered his mouth again to my core, lapping at me slowly driving me insane. I felt a slow, soft touch going further south than I had anticipated and froze for a moment. Before I could think long enough to object, two fingers rubbed my g-spot and thumb rolled over my clit again shooting me into another orgasm. Hector took this time to insert a single finger into my other entrance. This shot my orgasm to another level, causing me to pull Les from my mouth and curse with pleasure.
"Shit!" I yelled. "Oh fuck me, Damn it all, Jesus..." my swearing rattled out of my mouth, and I almost wondered if Hector had given me turrets from the orgasm. Les chuckled, laying next to me and watched as orgasm after orgasm rolled through my body, his hand pressing gently over my mound increasing the pressure. Hector slowly retreated, and stood at the end of the bed stripping away his clothes. He nodded to Les who picked me up and slid me gently onto his lap before turning so his feet were on the floor by the end of the bed.
"Steph...Beautiful, I need you to look at me." Les whispered in my ear as he rubbed my wet core against his cock. My eyes fluttered open, and I stared into his dark eyes. "Are you sure that you want to do this? I need to know that you are positive."
I kissed his lips gently, taking his face in my hands. "I have never been more sure of anything in my life." I kissed him again, lifting my hips slightly and positioning myself over him. "I want you, Les." He growled as I slid down, impaling myself on him. I moaned, feeling the pleasant stretch to accommodate him. His hands went to my hips helping me ride him. He whispered softly in my ear in Spanish as I felt a flutter of another release coming over me. I screamed out his name as my body went rigid with pleasure. He moaned against my neck, slamming himself deep within me.
"Babe..." Hector's voice cooed behind me. I felt the heat of his body as he leaned against my back; pressing his hardness against my lower back. The sensation of having Les deep within me and Hector pressing up against me caused rolls of pleasurable shivers to go throughout my body. Hector pressed his mouth hotly against my neck, nipping the tender skin. "Are you ready?" He whispered. I nodded, reaching around to put my hand on the back of his neck.
"I'm ready." I kissed him gently on the mouth. I turned back to Les, trying to cover the nervousness that I was feeling. He must have sensed it, because he put both hands on my face and pulled me into a kiss. It was a deep, passionate kiss that made my entire body tingle. I moaned as I felt him twitch deep within me. We broke out kiss as he laughed softly.
"Only you beautiful..." He covered my mouth again with his, this time his hands running down my chest and massaging my breasts tenderly. I rocked back and forth, bringing myself close to yet another orgasm. I felt Hector reach towards my bedside table and grab a small bottle of massage oil that I had gotten in a complimentary gift basket when I left the hospital months ago. The smell of jasmine and vanilla filled the room as he opened the bottle and poured some down my back. I giggled as it rolled down my ass crack.
Pressing his erection into my backdoor, Hector nodded at Les who grabbed my hips and gently rocked me. I gasped as the orgasm began to ripple through me. Hector pressed harder, entering me slowly. I felt filled, almost painfully pleasurable. My eyes drifted close as my body collapsed against the two strong men. They rocked and grinded against me pushing me from one earth shattering orgasm to the next. Soon my body went completely stiff, and stars burst behind my eyelids.
I awoke lying in between Les and Hector. Les was stroking the side of my face with the back of his hand, and Hector was drawing slow circles over my belly-button.
"Welcome back, Beautiful." Les said. "Thought we were gonna have to call Bobby in here." He laughed kissing me gently on the lips. "That would have just been awkward. He would've been angry that he hadn't come to relieve Hector."
I laughed, covering my face with my hand. I wasn't embarrassed as I thought I might feel after something like this. I was relaxed and confident. The gnawing feeling that had been pressed over me for months was gone, and I felt like I could finally sleep. I yawned.
"Let's get some sleep, Beautiful." Les said, pulling the sheet up over us and curling me into a spooning position; his front to my back.
"I am gonna get going." Hector said, kissing me on the lips tenderly. "I hope that this helped, Babe." He tapped me gently on the nose. "If not, call me."
Hector got up and slipped back into his clothes. "Hector?" I asked, reaching for his hand. He kneeled down and rested his hand under his chin on the edge of the bed.
"Yes, Steph?" He smiled coyly.
"Your secret is safe." I smiled, copying his gesture and tapping him on the nose.
"So is yours, my love." He smiled. "So is yours."
I closed my eyes and fell asleep, finally deep enough to dream long fulfilling dreams. Les' arms were wrapped around me when we woke, and I felt refreshed, and finally able to concentrate. I got up; leaving Les sprawled out on my bed as I took a shower. It was 5am. I showered following my normal beauty routine. Just as I was finishing up the last coat of mascara, my phone began singing.
"Dadidadadidada…BATMAN!" It was Ranger. I flipped open my phone.
"Yo." I giggled.
"Hey, that's my line." Ranger laughed.
"What's up Batman? Are you back in town?"
"Yeah. Got back last night." His voice was reserved. "I was hoping that I could talk to you. Are you busy?"
"Sure." I swallowed hard. Oh, God. I thought. Did he know? "Where do you want to talk?"
"Meet me up in seven in 20 minutes." He said before hanging up.
"Shit." I said, staring at my cell phone. I slid it into my pocket before heading into the bedroom. Les was sprawled out over the covers on his stomach, a pillow covering the back of his head. Only his hips were covered with the tangled sheets. "Les!" I said. He didn't move. Damnit, I thought. "LES!" I pushed back the sheet and smacked him on his bare ass.
"Ouch!" He yelped, grabbing his ass. "What the hell was that for?" He rolled over, sat up and looked at me.
"Ranger got back last night. He wants me to meet him upstairs in 20 minutes." I could feel my hands shaking.
"Fuck." Les whispered, looking around. "I am gonna hop over to my place, take a shower and I will go up with you." I nodded as he slipped on his clothes and dashed out the door. I trudged into my kitchen and opened the fridge. There was leftover Banana crème pie. I grabbed a fork and ate it right out of the tin. Ranger and I didn't have an active relationship, but that didn't mean that he didn't strong hand his men into treating me like I was his.
As I was tossing the pie tin in the trash, Les knocked on my front door before opening it and coming inside.
"You ready, Beautiful?" He asked, reaching out his hand to me. I stalked over and grabbed his hand. "It's not gonna be that bad, Steph."
"What if he ships you and Hector off to a third world country?"
"We can handle a third world country." He said with a grin. "Plus, he wouldn't do that. I'm family, and Hector's gay…remember?" We both laughed about that.
"Okay. Let's go." I opened my door, and dragged Les out and into the elevator. Clicking the FOB to go to seven, I tapped my foot as the elevator slowly made its way up. The doors slid open and Ranger was leaning against his door frame, hands crossed over his chest.
"Santos. Not needed, man." Ranger said, taking my hand from his. "Go back to five." Ranger turned and pulled me into his apartment. I gave Les a grimace of fear, and watched as the door shut behind us. He pulled me into the living room and finally stopped, pressing me by the shoulders onto the sofa. Kneeling in front of me, he looked into my eyes.
"You gonna tell me what's going on?" He said with his blank face in place.
Shit. I thought. He's gonna kill us. Oh, God. What did I do? I didn't think this thing through.
"Didn't think what through, Babe?" His cocked one eyebrow and smiled mischievously.
"Ummm…" I stammered. I am not going to tell him, unless he already knows. "What did you want to talk to me?"
"Well, Babe, Tank called me yesterday. He said that I had a situation here that I needed to take care of." He pulled at one of my curls, playfully. "Is there anything that you want to tell me?"
"Did he tell you?" I covered my face with my hands.
I heard Ranger's laugh, and I knew. "Yeah, Babe. I know."
"Shit!" I cried, tears falling from my eyes. "Shit. I am so stupid. I should have known that he would go running to you."
"He didn't come running to me, Steph." Ranger said, pulling my hands away from my face.
"Yeah, right." I scoffed, wiping at my tear filled eyes. "I'm sure that he told you everything." Then I remembered…I am pretty sure he didn't tell Ranger everything. I thought. A crafty smile spread across my face. "What exactly DID he tell you?"
"He said that you had been off sugar for months and needed to have some….attention." Ranger laughed again. "Did you actually hold a meeting to discuss you getting laid?" Laughter was rolling off of him now.
"If you must know, I was being diplomatic. They were stopping me from meeting anyone on my own, and I was getting desperate." I could feel a small rhino-mode coming on. "I asked them to either let me find someone to help me out, or they could do it themselves."
Ranger was laughing so hard that tears were rolling down his cheeks. I wished that I wasn't the brunt of the joke so that I could thoroughly enjoy this.
"My poor men." He cried as he gathered control again. His laughter slowing to a slight giggle. "Talk about being stuck between a rock and a hard place."
"Well, they could have just let me go out and find some random man." I scoffed, feeling more and more foolish.
"They called me. They wanted me to come home and take care of you." He said, tipping my chin up with his finger. His arrogance was oozing. Now, being a Cuban Sex God had to make you egotistical, but this was silly. I shouldn't have to rely on him to get "relieved".
I huffed and crossed my arms over my chest. "That's all they told you?"
"Yeah." Ranger's eyebrow quirked up again. "What should they have told me?"
A smiled spread across my face. "Well, Ranger." I said, pushing back on his chest so that we could stand. "I am no longer in need of your servicing." I watched him flip on his blank face.
"So that means..." He began.
"I am perfectly fine now." I said, pushing again past him and started walking towards the door. "I have to get to work."
He reached out and grabbed me by my arm gently. "Steph?" I turned and looked at him. He was smiling as he pulled me back towards him.
"Next time you need a little more than just one on one…just give me a call." Ranger cooed. I felt my jaw drop, and I tried to get words to come out. He kissed me lightly on the lips. Wrapping his arms around me and lifting me up on my tiptoes. "My men and I have no secrets."
"So, you know about last night?" I whispered, closing my eyes. "Everything?"
"Babe." He whispered in my ear. "Do you really think that I didn't know about Hector?" He kissed behind my ear and put one hand on my neck. "I would gladly share you if that's what you needed."
"I…I…" I stammered once again.
"You have the day off today." He smirked. "Why don't you come back to the bedroom and I can tell you some secrets that I have." His mouth crashed down on mine. The kiss was passionate, and sent bolts of electricity throughout my body, ending at my doo-dah. This was going to be an interesting 24 hours, I thought. I slipped my arms around his neck as he lifted me into his arms, and carried me back to his bedroom.
"Babe." Ranger said as we reached his bedroom door. "Did you know that I can curl my tongue both ways?" A devilish smile ripped across his face. "I can show you if you'd like?"
I smiled, shook my head and kissed him.
Okay, so this chapter may not be the last attempt at Chapter Two for this short. It was hard to finish, but I hope that it flows nicely. Please let me know what you think, and what you would suggest. I am not that great at writing hard-core smut…but I hope that it was okay.