He watched her admiringly from two metres away.

The way she glided in from the side door. The way the audience clapped and clapped at her entrance, eagerly awaiting her act.

He knew that she could not see him, for cruel destiny had taken her away from him, and now there was an invisible barrier between them. Between him and his Angelina.

The lights dimmed in the auditorium, and a spotlight slowly focused on her. She seemed even more beautiful than when both of them were alive, at Hogwarts. She wasn't an adolescent anymore. She was a woman.

Her glossy black hair bounced slightly on her shoulders as she took the microphone from the stand, and the music slowly started to sound. Violins, cellos, harps... their graceful melodies overcame him with nostalgia as he remembered their first dance at the Yule Ball.

That had been a perfect moment for him. Love, music, and both of them dancing. He had wished so many times to be able to travel back in time and relive that moment, over and over.

But alas, sour fate.

Angelina's golden dress sparkled as she sung her first words, and his thoughts disappeared as he heard her tender voice fill the air.

"Where are you? My long-lost friend?

I thought you'd promised we'd meet again?"

His eyes watered as she sung with emotion, her face reflecting feelings that she thought she'd left behind.

"My heart was all yours, I know you knew.

You knew I loved you, and you loved me too."

He edged closer to her, avoiding the trumpets and piano, wanting to reach out, to console her, to tell her how he loved her.

"But life changed for the both of us,

And ever since that day I wait for you."

Her voice sounded like angels, flooding his eyes with tears, and he remembered the look on her face when his soul had left his body. She'd been devastated, her heart broken, at the thought of losing him forever. And he had only been able to look- look from his soul at the beauty of the woman he loved, the one he had lived for, the one he had died for.

"Where are you- my long-lost Fred?"

She had said his name. His name, the one word that tied him with the living world. He stepped closer to her, all of his emotions breaking free, and though she couldn't see him, and though she couldn't hear him whisper her name as he hugged her tenderly, she felt his presence.

And smiled.