This is my second - but I call it my first - fanfiction in english with McFly. If it has mistakes, just tell me in a review; I'm french, english isn't my first language. :)
Disclaimer: I unfortunately don't own McFly :( but I wished!


Since I'm 5 years old, I'm the ugly duckling of my family. We are seven; my mum, my dad, my two sister, my two brother and me. I'm the last one and the less loved. All my sisters and my brother are blond and me, I'm a brunette. They all have a perfect skin and me; I've got freckles all over my face and on my arms. They all have beautiful brown eyes, and me; ugly green. Even if I'm totally different of them and they don't stop bothering me with the fact that I might be adopted, I still love them... a bit. They were the kind of ask me to play with them to hide-and-seek and let me for hours hide in the garage or under my bed. Even if I told it to my parents, they didn't really care, because they always said it was because I was the youngest and older sibling always tease them little brother or sister; for them, it was normal. For me, it wasn't.

When I was 14, I moved away to my grandmother house. First because I wanted it and second because I knew I'll not be bothered again by my stupid blond brothers and sisters. I was way more happy there because I felt love and for real! All the attention of my grandma was for me, just for me. For my sweet sixteen, I didn't ask a car or something big like that, I simply asked her to change school. I was tired of going to this damn private school were all my siblings were, so I asked for studying to a public High School. She said yes without hesitations.

So now I'm now in my public High School, far away from my siblings and Hell it's easier. I've got my own friends and they don't see me as the ugly duckling of my big family (maybe because they don't know that I had annoying brothers and sisters with parents that don't care about me). They think my parents died in a car accident when I was one year old and my grandma take care of me since this time. I know, it's bad telling those lies, but I don't want to tell them all my past, I get over it.

I'm coming back to school today. I was in little vacation with my grandma in the North of England. I did not miss school at all, but my friends; yes. Wearing my favorite black hoodie and my old skinny jeans, I'm walking to my High School, listening to my iPod like usually. March isn't very cold this year and that's perfect, I can walk and I'm not obligated to take the damn bus.

Close to the school, I hear someone running behind me then hugging me by the back. Surprised and scared at the same time, I start screaming and with my elbows I punched the person in the stomach.

"DON'T TOUCH ME AGAIN! I'M GONNA CALL THE POLICE!" I yelled to the person lying on the floor, holding his stomach with his hands. I take my bag, ready to punch the person again with.

"KIM! STOP! It's just ME, TOM!"

Indeed, it's my best friend Tom. I drop my school bag and kneel beside him, hoping that I didn't hurt him too much.

"Oh, Tom, I'm so sorry, I didn't knew it was you." I say while helping him to stand up. "I thought it was a murderer trying to kidnap me…"

"Do I look like a murderer?" he asks, still holding his aching stomach.

"When you're a behind me and I don't see you… yes?"

He laughs and smiles at me; he forgives me.

"And by the way, I'm happy to see you!" I hug him and he hugs me back.

"I can clearly see it."

We both laugh and continue to walk together to the school, telling him what I did in my little vacation with my grandma.

"Then I met this girl who was a little bit weird, she was talking to the sand and my grandma wanted me to go talk to her and I was like no wa-"

"Did you know it has new students at school?" Tom cut me while I was telling him my awesome story.

"No, I didn't. I wasn't here for two weeks; do you seriously think that I knew it? And I was talking about the weird girl, can't you shut up and let me finish?"

"They are three; two guys and one girl. I spoke with one, his weird and has big tattoo on his right shoulder, pretty awesome though. He's really nice but very shy. He didn't talk too much. The other guy, I was too scared to go talk to him, he's tall and you didn't see his arms! I guess he will try to enter the American football team… And the girl, I didn't see her yet…"

"Tom, look at my face."

"What?" he say, looking up at my face.

"Do you see any emotions in it?" I say next with a poker face.

"Ahem… No… No I don't."

"Great because I care of those students as much it has emotions in my face." I sigh and continue to walk toward the school.

"That was really mean! I don't care about your talking to sand's girl but I listen to you!" Tom says.

"Sorry for bothering you with something that you may never see in your whole life!"

"You talk to your pencil and to your eraser."

"So? It's more interesting than sand!"

"You ask them if their feelings are hurts, Kim!" Tom sighs and rolls his eyes.

"I take care of my stuff, okay?"

He laughs and passes his arms around my shoulder. We enter the High School and walk to our lockers. I was alone in mine; hopefully. Tom was with our other best friend, Danny.

"Jones is here yet?" I ask to Tom while putting my bag in my locker.

"No, but I guess he will be here really soon."

"Or he's talking to this girl that might be the new student…"

I point in the direction of Danny who was talking to a blond girl at her locker. He was charming her. Tom sighs and takes his books before to close is locker, so do I.

"I wonder when he will stop to try to kiss every girl of the school… He will catch diseases…"

"You know it's for is kissing board."

"Yes and that's stupid. Really stupid."

"It's Danny!"

Tom looks sad. I put my hand on his shoulder and he looks at me.

"Why is he attractive like this? I mean… He can have any girls whenever he wants and me… I never had a girlfriend…"

"Oh, Tommy, stop being like this! You'll soon find an amazing girlfriend and Danny will be jealous of you, I'm sure!" I smile to him. "Girls here are just in plastic and just want to date hot guys like those in the football team or silly like Danny."

"Yes, but you see that! He's the most stupid guy of this school and got the phone number of all the girls."

"Except me."

"What? He does have your number."

"I didn't give him the good one." I reply to Tom, winking.

"Why?" He asks me, laughing.

"To prove you wrong that he does not have the phone number of all the girls."

Tom laughs and I walk toward to Danny talking with the new girl.

"Danny!" I scream while jumping in his arms.

"Hey… Kim… How are you..?" He asks me, embarrassed.

"I'm finer since I saw you, darling!" I reply to him and kiss him on his cheek. "Don't you introduce me to your friend?" I smile, looking up at the girl.

"It's not necessary… Classes will start soon and you will be late." He says to me, trying to take in off my arms around his neck.

"Oh okay. But I love you, Danny. Don't forget it!" I kiss him again on his cheek. "Nice to meet you, my name is Kim." I say to the girl, smiling.

"Amanda." She smiles back.

"Fine, now, goodbye, Kim!"

Danny pushes me in the direction of Tom and continues to talk with Blondie. We both sigh when we started walking.

"She's not even beautiful." I whisper to Tom.


We enter the class and go sit to our usual places. While waiting the bell to ring, I opened my agenda and start drawing little dinosaurs in it. After drawing a whole dinosaur family, a pen hit my head. I close my pencil case, take it and throw it to Tom; it was him who throws that pen.

"Do not throw me pen when I'm drawing cute dinosaurs, OKAY?" I say to him. I take his pen that felt on the floor and throw it back.

"Calm down, girlie! I was just calling you since three minutes and you never answered to me." He says putting back my pencil case on my desk. "This is Dougie, one of the new students I was talking this morning." He points a blond guy sit in front of us.

He looks at me and smile.

"Kim, is that right?"

"Yes, it's me." I say, smiling.

"And the trick if you want her to listen to you when she is not; throws a pen." Tom says to Dougie.

"If you want Tom to shut up; throws him your pencil case." I say to Dougie, still smiling.

"I heard that." Tom says to me.

"I know."

The bell ring and Dougie laughs. Tom seems angry and I still have my smile on my face.

"You're not obligated to be "cool" and trying to be the center of attention, you know. Danny's already doing it very well; I don't need a second friend like that."

"Tom, come on! I did not do something wrong, I just throw you back your pen and my pencil case like usually. At least, I didn't say out loud you are still crying when you're watching Nemo and the little fish is captured by the dentist."

Some people start laughing around us and Tom blushes.

"Thank you Kim, really… Thank you." Tom whispers to me.

"You're welcome."

He throws me his pen again.