Disclaimer : I do not own Harry Potter. It belong to J.K. Rowling and I'm not make money with this fanfic.

Rena The Pirate Jedi Wizard : Hiya! Glad you liked Draco's POV. I love it when Draco became melancholies. Cute and lovely. That's why I write robes' part.

Pokemon-Hogwarts4eva : Thank you for your review and I'm glad you like this story.

Rori Potter : Thanks for reading, here's the up date 4 all of you..

And thank you for everyone whose choose this story as their favorite story or making an alert for this story. I do really appreciate it. Thanks for your support so I can finished this story. Bare with me with all the error and everything. ;)

Well, it's the final chapter and it kinda short. I made it from Harry's POV. Sorry to disappoint you for this short chapter but I hope you like it.

'I'm sorry' that's all I can thought right now. My mind goes blank as I'm staring forward at the beautiful scenery in front of me. My hand tightened at the urn on my grasp, reluctant to giving up the contain in it. I bit my lips tightly, 'What did I had left of him?' I thought in despair. This is the last thing of him that I had left. His ashes. No marking, nothing. He asked for this in his last wish that I get a day after his death from the Gringgots.

I closed my eyes tightly as I hug what remain of him. I looking back as a hand touch my back and I saw my beloved standing there behind me, giving me strength to release him. To gave him his freedom. The last thing we owed him so much. He's been bound so long and now it was his time to be free. Free to leave by his own will and no master would rule him anymore.

'He finally be his own master, even though it was in his death.' And I can't deny his last wish for it, no matter how selfish I want to. I know he suffered enough and I haven't known him better. What I felt for him till week before was resentment, but now, I wish I could have time to know him better in person. Feels his love for me freely when I finally found my real family. Me, him and Remus. When I finally understand everything, I'm losing it before I could grasp it in my hand.

Before, I don't really understand. The moment I ever saw him, I felt a close connection to him. Like he was somehow important to me but I know not what it was. I do everything I could to get his approval, doing my best to captured his attention to me. Now that I thought back, I hate him because he ignored me, treating me coldly when what I asked for him was recognition. Any attention I could get from him no matter how little it was, it made me so happy. I guess, without me knowing anything, my consciousness already told me something.

But now, the chances lose it self before my eyes, slipping through my finger before I could grasp it. Like Draco said He loves you too much that he would do anything for you. He even gave his life for me though I didn't know that he was my father. He done it freely, asking nothing in return. He even didn't told me anything about our relationship. No letter from him, nothing. If it's not for the letter from my adopted mother, Lily, I wouldn't even know about it.

I hate and love him in the same time. I hate him for not to telling me the truth by himself, but I know he done it to avoided any more suffering for me. When finally I had his arms around me, hugging me close and warm, it just for me to letting him go for eternity. I even didn't had any chance to called him father or even saying thank you so much for everything he did for me. I haven't had a chance to say that I'm proud to have him as my father and thank you for being my father.

My dad stepped forward and stayed behind me. "It's time to release him, son. Let's we say our final farewell to him." He said softly as he pats my shoulder, his voice soft and I know he too was suffering like I did. He had to letting go his beloved one and lives by himself one more time.

I looked back at him before I nodded, opening the urn and taking a handful of his ashes. "Goodbye, father. I hope you can see us from up there. I'm sorry for everything I did wrong to you and I hope in the future I can have an honor to be your son one more time and I thank you for everything." I whispered softly as I opened my fist, letting the wind carried his ashes from my palm. My heart knotted tightly as I watched his remain fly away, slipping though my finger to the air. My eyes burns but I fought my inner self to close my hand, still can't letting go of him.

Tears trailing down my cheek as I saw him gone little by a little, leaving me just an empty urn. I hold back my childish temptation to wail and break down. I can't. Not when my dad and my boyfriend was there with me. He wants me to be strong and protect everyone that I love left. It was the lesson he taught me. Protected and loves them unselfishly, just like he did. Even though it was hurt to do but if it was the best for them do it whole heartily. If you wish for a return for the love you give to them, then it's not love.

When you love someone, you should set them free. Making sure they're happy then you'll be happy with them. I know it, but it's so hard to do. I still can't let him go. I want him back, back to me, Remus and Draco. I want him to be here for us. I want my family no matter how late it was for us to mend but I want to try.

Can't I be selfish for once? I'm tired to understanding everything, being a hero when I don't want it. Can't be with my family when I want it. What sin I had that I have to lose one thing I wish the most. I asked nothing but a family. Is it wrong for me to asking it?

I bit my lips hard as a sobbed tore from my throat. A pair of arm wound at my shoulder, a warm body leaned on my back as a warm tears soak onto my robes.

"It's over, Harry. Let's go back home. He's free and happy now. Let him go for his sake." Croak voice whispered at my ear, an arm grasp my shoulder and turn me around. Leading me away from the cliff. I cried silently at my dads' chest as I leaned at him. He kisses my head softly as we walking away, going back to our home. His home. A place he bought for us to live. A small and beautiful house. My supposed childhood house. It's our house now.

His gift for me. Another proof that he love me. He left us with a very valuable treasure inside. His journal, his potion and my baby room he's been prepared for me before that mad man snatched his chance away. And the most valuable treasure for me was a single old photograph with a beautiful frame that I found in his vault. A photograph of him with me. A baby me. He smiled softly as he looked down at me, rocking me in his arms lovingly. His eyes filled with so much love and regret. An everlasting love for me, his son, and his greatest regret for losing me.

I swept my eyes and square my shoulder. I walk forward with a new purpose with my new family. My little tattered family. My dad, me and my beloved. Till the end, he could granted me my greatest wish. A family, no matter how wrong it was, a family without him in there but it still my family. My other dad and my soon to be spouse. His godson and his lover. I want to cherish every moment we have from now on. I don't want to regret anymore.

I want to make it work. Our little family. I want to make them as happy as they could and I'll be doing my best to make them more happy every single day.

'This is my final goodbye, father. I know it was a selfish for me, but please protects all of us from up above. Watch us and I promised you that I would be living as best as I could. Then one day when my time was up, I could finally face you with proud. I'm gonna make you proud even it was the last thing I would do. I'll protect and make them happy as best as I could, dad and Draco. This I promise you.' I talked silently on my mind as I looked over my shoulder, watching his final resting place one more time solemnly.

I nodded softly, "Let's we go home." I said firmly. I inhales deeply, warmth fills my chest when they tightened their arms from both of my side, trapping me in the middle of two side hug as dad kisses my head and my lover kisses my cheek lovingly. I smiles at both of them with reassurance as I hugged them back.

'I love you, father. I hope you can hear me.'

The end

A/N : I wonder if I should make a sequel for this story. Please give me your opinion about what you wish for me to do.. Story bout Harry & Draco after this tragedy or should I paired Remus with another person, but who? Please let me know what you thinking about. I'm waiting for your answer. Thanks for reading though..