Chapter 1: Bad Habits: Smoking and Foul Language.

Harry Potter stood looking out of his window in his bedroom on the second story of the Dursley's home. He was running a light green towel over his freshly cut hair when he happened to spy a leggy brunette giving him the eye from across the street. The brunette's green eyes traveled with surprise over Harry's bare torso, clinging warmly to the rivulets of water that streamed from his hair to his shoulders and down his front. Harry whipped at the water absentmindedly and gave the brunette a rueful look before shaking his head.

The brunette merely hiked one of his broad shoulders in response and sauntered off down the street. Harry chuckled to himself and turned back towards the interior of the room. Wiping the rest of the water from his hair Harry tossed the towel on his bed and made a beeline for his dresser. Ignoring Hedwig's chirp of warning Harry opened the top drawer and fished around in it for a few minutes before extracting a pack of American Camels and a lighter shaped like a hand giving someone the finger. Harry glanced at Hedwig who stared at him reproachfully, before shaking his head and walking away from the bird as his flicked the lighter's thumb and lit the end of his cigarette. Putting the brown and white stick to his mouth he took one long drag before walking towards the window and blowing out the soothing smoke.

Tossing the lighter onto the bed Harry leaned against the window sill, thinking back to the brown haired man whose hot look he'd just turned down. He sighed. Ever since he'd left Hogwarts for summer, and discovering he was an absolute fag, he found he didn't quite have the taste for dark hair and red hair that he had had before. Neither did he prefer least, not unless they had a particular platinum hint to their hair, and cool gray blue eyes...and an arrogant swagger that had him up from 0 to 60 in two point five seconds flat. Harry laughed again and rubbed the heel of his left hand against the front of his jeans lifting his hips up slightly to meet the caress.

But the sudden squeak of the springs in his bed had the hand immediately removed and Harry's entire body tense. If Dudley had come in without him noticing, he'd never live this down. So he tried to play it cool, taking another puff on his cigarette. He'd just pretend he knew exactly what the boy had come in there for. Which he did, ever since he'd caught Harry with some boy's pants halfway down he hadn't stopped asking about Harry's sexual preferences...he was so curious Harry was starting to wonder about him. He grinned and some of his tension drained. He could just imagine the look on his poor Aunt and Uncle's faces if they learned their dear little Dudders liked "taking it like a man." So when Harry addressed the boy he didn't turn around.

"For the last time Dudley," He tried t sound patient. "I'm not going to tell you what buggering a-"

"Your aren't seriously comparing me to that ignorant buffoon downstairs are you?" Queried a very familiar voice indignantly from behind him. Harry tensed again, but this time for totally different reasons than before. He smashed his almost expired cigarette in the ashtray on the window sill before turning to study the boy sitting on his bed. Draco Malfoy hadn't changed much in the last couple of months. His hair was shaggier, and it barely reached the tops of his shoulders, but it was still the same platinum color as before...but a lot messier. 'That's new.' Harry thought idly. His skin was a slight gold color...that was new also. So was the crescent shaped scar beneath his left eye, which stood out starkly against his new tan. It was still slightly puckered and he wondered what could have caused it.

But he didn't have much time to wonder for Draco wrinkled his nose and tilted his head in a curios gesture before he asked. "Like to bugger what by the way?" Harry raised an eyebrow at this and let a slow smile spread over his mouth. He liked the way Draco's look turned instantly wary. He was good to be afraid of him. Harry was going to be the guy to take his virginity. And virgins should always be awed by their conquerors. Mentally shaking himself Harry let the sentence hand unanswered for a minute until Draco prompted him once more. "Well?" The blonde asked, clearly annoyed by Harry's silence. Harry stood a little straighter and looked Draco in the eyes as he clearly annunciated,


Harry knew the moment his words sunk in, for Draco turned an adorable shade of Pink from the roots of his hair all the way to his dark green turtle-neck and probably lower. He stood immediately and stepped away from the bed covering his mouth with one slender hand. "That's disgusting Potter." Harry shrugged at his disgusted tone. "You asked." Harry walked back over to the dresser and grabbed the pack of cigarettes before heading towards the bed for the lighter. He ignored Draco's abrupt back step as he neared and leaned down to get the lighter. But as he was grasping it Draco's hand shot out of nowhere and grabbed the cigarettes from Harry's hand.

"Hey! What gives?" Draco looked at the cigarette pack with the same disgust he had Harry before going over the window and tossing them out. Harry followed him and looked out the window when Draco had stepped aside. His eyes widened when he noticed where they'd landed.

"Those things are horrible for you Golden Boy." Harry cursed as he jerked his head back into the room, unable to do anything about the cigarettes currently sinking to the bottom of Aunt Petunia's new fish pond. He rounded on Draco who looked at him in surprise. "You've also got quite the potty mouth Potter." Harry glared as he watched Draco tsk as the boy crossed to Harry's dresser. He opened the top drawer and appeared to be looking for something.

"That was my last pack you prick." Draco glanced up at him briefly before continuing his search. He plucked out a burgundy sweater from the drawer and tossed it to Harry who caught it with one hand. Draco shut the drawer as Harry obediently pulled the shirt over his head. By the time he'd popped his head out of the top Draco was again sitting on his bed and staring at him quite seriously. Harry pushed his arms through the short sleeves and pulling the shirt down over his belly. He cut right to the chase. "Why the hell are you here Malfoy? Aren't we supposed to be enemies and all such stuff?" He glared at Draco who immediately seemed to deflate in front of him, becoming tired and stressed looking.

"I have something to tell you Potter." He took a deep breath before looking back up at Harry. His look was slightly arrogant, as if daring Harry to question whatever he was about to say. "I've been re-sorted in Gryffindor house." He announced in a light tone. "I'm also staying with you and the Weasleys for the remainder of the summer holiday...and Christmas...and so on..." he looked a tad sheepish. "Also, I guess since I'm wearing this I've been welcomed whole heartedly to the family." He smiled widely and gestured toward his shirt front which Harry just noticed a huge letter D crocheted into it, a distinctive Mrs. Weasley trademark sign.


Well, that was interesting, I had this chapter written down some where but since I forgot where I put it...I sort of had to it's a lot better and a lot different from the original...anyway I hoped you like it! Yours truly,

~ Wicked_Little_Innocent