Amy's POV:

I was sitting on a plane, finally heading back home. I missed John so much I couldn't wait to get back. I didn't want to go back for anything besides John; I'm really worried about what could happen. I was supposed to get my period yesterday, and I didn't. I mean Ricky and I did have sex, but he used a condom and I am on birth control. It couldn't be that I'm pregnant again I mean that doesn't even make sense. So before I got on the plane I bought three pregnancy tests. I was just waiting for the right time to head to the bathroom. Hopefully when I get a little more to drink, or maybe I'll wait until I get home. That might work too. I don't know, I really don't know. I couldn't believe I even slept with Ricky again I mean that was just a totally stupid move. I guess I just wanted more than a kiss, and I just did it. I can't believe I fell for his stupid act again; I'm such a total idiot!

"Excuse me miss?" The stoutest asked taking me out of my thinking trance. Wow, he's a cute stoutest. Stop it Amy, you might be pregnant by some other guy! Don't do this again.

"Yes?" I replied realizing that I was staring at him for longer than necessary.

"Would you like something to drink? And maybe a date for later?" He winked at me and flashed a smile. A smile that looked a lot like Ricky's.

"I would, and no I'm sorry I have a boyfriend," I gave him a small smile. That

"Oh alright, what'll have miss?" He asked. He had a cute Kentucky accent.

"Just some water please," I smiled. Luckily, there was no one on my other side. I had the whole seat to myself it's fantastic.

"Here you go miss," He smiled at me and handed me a bottle of water.

"Thanks," I gave him a smile and took a drink of water. He walked to the next group of people and offered drinks to them. I continued drinking until I really had to pee, well now was as good as anytime. I stood up and headed to the bathroom with my bag. Sat down on the toilet, and peed on all 3 sticks. Now we play the wonderful game of waiting.

I looked at the sticks and felt tears spring to my eyes. I'm pregnant. Again. I love John, but I don't know if I can handle another baby right now. I'm going to die. Or as Ashley would put it "just have a baby." Great, oh my god what am I going to tell Ricky! He's not gonna be happy, my parents are not gonna be happy, and I'm not very happy! Why did this happen again? We were safe this time, I don't understand! The world hates me, it just hates me.