WARNING: ZDAR/YAOI Don't read if you don't like this stuff, and if you don't know what it is don't read :P

Disclaimer: I do not own Invader Zim, I just love the characers

Synopsis: Well, they finally did it, convinced Dib that there were no such things as aliens, using unconventional means. Now Dib doesn't know what's real, and what isn't anymore. Is he Zim? He must complete his mission!

A/N: this is my first ZADR and Yaoi, please R/R :D

Rated M for intense violence/slash and of course yaoi

Voices seemed to talking, the beeping and slurping sounds reached his ears. It was bright wherever he was, he could tell even with his eyes closed, but he didn't want to open them quite yet. But the voice seemed insistent and wouldn't let him be.

"Dib can you hear me?"

That voice sounded strangely familiar, but he couldn't place it.

"Can you open your eyes Dib?"

Dib slowly opened his eyes. There was some slight movement in front of him and someone placed his glasses on him. He blinked as the room came into focus. Several different people were working furiously within the room. Some running here, others checking monitors that beeped. The strange thing was that they all seemed to be of various species. Though the prominent one being Irken.


Dib looked over at the familiar voice again and recognized the human.


Membrane sighed and smiled at him.

"Do you know where you are?"

Dib frowned and looked around the room again and shook his head no.

"Do you remember what happened?"

Too many images flashed through his head as he concentrated on them. What had happened? The last thing he remembered was the fight on the Massive, and, and…

He tried to lift a hand to his gut, and found that he had hardly any energy to do so. It was all wrapped up in bandages, various tubes and wires seemed to be connected to him.

"The fight on the Massive and, Tallest Red and.." his voice trailed off "Am I dead?"

"No, but we almost lost you a few times."

"What happened? Where's Zim?"

Membrane sighed and placed a hand on Dib's shoulder giving it a small squeeze.

"Son, I just wanted to tell you how sorry I am, for not believing in you. And for doing what I did."

Dib blinked at him, not quite believing what he was hearing, that maybe he really was dead.

"Well, I, I really don't remember much about that anymore." Was all Dib could say.

Membrane seemed saddened by that and nodded.

"Your human body took too much damage to keep you alive, but The Tallest was most insistent that we save you or we would all suffer horribly. So we did what we had to, to bring you back."

"The Tallest?"

"Yes, it was all his idea in fact. We had to infuse your DNA and cells with Irken, a mutation of sorts. Other than removing the chip from your head, your body seems to have taken to the transformation quite nicely."

"Transformation?" Things where sounding so confusing to him. Dib looked down at his hands. They seemed fine, although they did seem slightly green. Membrane ran a portable scan over Dib.

"Yes, you still have your human body, but the mutation has tinted your skin green, and you have a little extra growth on your head. Your healing process has speeded up, and we can't foresee the life span as of yet, since Irken life spans seem to be longer than that of humans. But other than that, I believe you're going to be fine."

"GET OUT OF MY WAY!" Zim shrieked from the doorway beyond.

There was a scattering of beings, and then Zim rushed into the room. The site brought a smile to Dib. Zim stood there decked out in Tallest Red armor as he strode over to his bed. Zim's eyes narrowed at Membrane.

"Tallest." Membrane acknowledged as he stepped back from the bedside.

"Zim?" Dib whispered in awe. "You look amazing."

Zim's eyes turned to him, his antennae lowered slightly as he quickly looked him over. Zim didn't say anything, just went over to him and reached a hand out to Dib's stray piece of hair that always stood up, running his fingers through it. And before Dib could say anything else the Irken grabbed him and pulled him into his arms in a tight, but gentle hug. Dib could feel the antennae touch his face and he used what strength was in him and hugged back, his hands gripping tightly to what he could.

"Don't you EVER, EVER do that again My-Dib." He admonished softly.

"Never my Tallest." Dib felt so relieved and happy.

Zim pulled back, an evil grin on his face.

"You know your going to get punished for this."

"Of course my Tallest." Dib grinned back. And then he couldn't stop the yawn that followed, feeling so tired. His arms lost their strength and fell back to his side.

Membrane cleared his throat. "He still needs a lot of rest Tallest."

Zim growled at him, "Of course he does, I can see that."

Dib was already falling back to sleep.

"I want him moved as soon as he's able." Zim's voice drifted to Dib's ears.

"Yes Tallest."

Time seemed to move very strangely for Dib, as he was in and out of consciousness, his body healing and adjusting to everything. There were times when he was aware of the warmth of a body next to his and he gladly snuggled into it whenever it showed. Letting the purring noises lull him to sleep, feeling the hands through his hair, on his face. It was his new growth on his head that seemed to cause him some alarm. When those hands in his hair brushed against them it sent shivers of pleasure through him and he whimpered and moaned with need. That was the last time the warmth stayed with him.

As Dib became more awake and aware and his body gained back his strength, he kept asking for Zim, but no one seemed willing to help him. He was becoming very frustrated and he was about to march through the entire ship of the Massive until he found him, when he walked into Professors Membranes office to demand he get Zim for him. That's where he found both of them.

"Why are you avoiding me?" Dib demanded of Zim.

"Because I had to wait for the doctors to okay your ability to be punished My-Dib." Zim grinned

Dib felt the blood rush to his face.

"Oh, and?"

Zims eyes narrowed, his grin never leaving his face.

"I would say your health is back one-hundred percent, as long as you make sure to let me know if you feel sick, and keep up on your checkups on a regular basis for a while. But other than that you should be fine." Membrane said.

Zim stippled his hand in front of him an evil laugh escaping him. And before Dib knew it, Zim had grabbed him and was hauling him down the hallway. Where they ended up in his room, with him pinned down on the bed. Zim wasted no time in pressing his lips against Dib's. His tongue thrusting into his mouth, exploring, claiming.

Dib tried to respond, to reach his hands for him but Zim kept him pinned down as he pulled back and looked down on him, those deep magenta eyes just bored into him, made his heart speed up.

"Don't you ever die on me again. You belong to Zim. Mine." He growled.

Dib's breath caught in his throat as he looked at his Irken and could only whimper in response and nodded.

Zim wasted no time in getting Dib out of his clothes but he still didn't let him touch him. Zim's hands ran over ever inch of Dib's body as he inspected it. His claws lightly running over his stomach, the scars not as stark against his new skin. He bent his head and ran his tongue over it making Dib gasp. Infuriatingly Zim pulled back again his eyes traveling to Dibs hair.

His claw reached up and started to run through it then paused as he neared the new growth there. They weren't like zim's, they barely even showed above his hair In fact if you didn't know about them you probably wouldn't even know he had antennae now.

Zim gently ran his hand over one making Dib shiver. He took his hand and ran the length of one making Dib's heart speed up along with his breathing. Then Zim leaned over and began to gently suck on it. Dib bucked underneath him crying out with the pleasure it shot through him.

Zim chuckled. "Do you like that, hmmmm My-Dib?"

"Y-yes." Dib panted as he struggled against Zim "My Tallest please let go of me." Dib didn't care if he sounded so needy, he was going to go insane if Zim didn't let go of him. But Zim just ignored him as he went back to the antennae making Dib groan as heat infused him and all thought left him. So it took him a moment to realize that Zim had released him, if briefly, and then his smooth skin was next to his.

Dib ran his hands over his Irken, cupping his face in his hands and pulling him down to his lips, never wanting to stop. Zim moved his teeth back to his neck where hit bit, hard enough too draw some blood, making him moan. Dib let his hands reach up and gently grabbed Zim's antennae. Heard Zim's intake of breath felt him shudder as he placed on tip into his mouth and sucked on it. He pulled more roughly on the other one as he sucked the one in his mouth. He felt Zim's hands tighten on his hips.

"Dib." he hissed.

Dib only smiled, somehow he knew, could feel the change in Zim. He had been trying to hold back, but Dib didn't want any of that. He gave a good tug on the antennae then brought that to his mouth and flicking his tongue over the end while keeping the other one still in his mouth.

Zim growled and he thrust himself into Dib. Dib cried out as he clutched at Zim, it was hard, and intense as Zim claimed him, making him forget about everything but him. Dib found himself rolled over on his knees Zim seemed hardly to pause as he continued, gripping Dib's hips, making him take each thrust. Dib couldn't hold out much longer as Zim kept hitting that sweet spot, but when he felt the Irkens hand reach around his stomach, take hold of him in his hand he cried out, screamed Zims name as he kept pounding into him, his body convulsed, shuddered as Zim slammed into him a few more times his own cry filling the room.

It seemed to take several minutes for Dib to get his heartbeat and breathing back under control. He could feel Zim pressed up against his back as they lay on their sides, his own breathing still ragged. Zim's antennae brushed softly over Dib's face and he smiled.

Dib shuddered as Zim gently sucked on his antennae. He sighed and rolled over into Zim's arms, placing a small kiss on Zims chest before snuggling in closer. His own arms wrapped around Zim, holding him tight.

This was all he needed, this one thing that kept him steady, kept him from going insane, to a degree. He chuckled to himself.

"What is it?" Zim asked him

"Just thinking."

"About what?"

"How this insane human actually pulled it off for a change, all because of this alien that landed in his life."

Zim's hand tightened gently in Dib's hair and pulled his head back. The alien's lips bent down and gently kissed his lips. Dib gave a pleased little sigh which made Zim grin at him.

"I love you Zim."

Zim growled low in his throat and he kissed Dib hard, crushing his body against his. At first Dib wasn't to sure about his newly acquired antennae, but now that he knew how in tune they made him to his mate, the more he appreciated them. Especially when they would rub against the others antennae, and even though Zim never said the words, he didn't have too. Dib could feel it through their connection, vibrating through both of them. He didn't want it any other way.

No one dared disturbed the new Tallest and his mate, even when it had been a week and they still hadn't come out of their room. Besides, the universe was in chaos at the moment and it seemed like a good idea to let Zim stay out of the picture while it got put back together. Everyone had agreed on that decision.

a/n: There you have it. I have been thinking about continuing it, so if anyone is interested let me know. also thanks to everyone who fav'd and commented :D It kept me full of goo, *mission goo...

darkdagers: thanks for not stabbing me ^_^

bbc210: *cry I'll miss you and your comments! and thanks for sticking around for this one. If your up for some more angst check out my zim noir, now that this one is done I can go back and work on that one, oh the love and hate, and yes, i actually made some laughs in that one hehehe. anything in particular you want and I'll write it :D sequel to this one maybe? I dunno...yet O_o. anyways my awesome friend, check out the new linkin park CD (a thousand suns) and keep watching the skiis, I mean sky!

Invader ang: You really amaze me and how you comment on EVERYTHING! Wow, just wow :D and don't worry, I have been thinking about some more pwp with a uke zim hehehe. hope the meats thing made sense after this chapter :) thanks!

strapped in a strait jacket: I know, makes me sad too :(, but I couldn't do that to my Dibbers, he gets it bad enough having to deal with Zim and all lol. Thank you so much!