I can still picture that horrible day over and over in my mind, no matter how long it has been. The screams coming from my lips for them to stop and not to kill the people I love, but it was as if my words fell on deaf ears. I was forced to watch as two people I loved and called family were ripped away from my life forever and I was left alone before the world as I had known it changed.
Edward and Felix had practically looked like animals fighting one another but now I was watching as my Edward was held down, unable to move and Aro was about to sentence him to death. And Alice, my sister, my bestfriend beside him in Alec's arms. They left me screaming, crying and staring at the two people who risked their lives for me more than once.
"Edward Cullen, Alice Cullen you both have been found guilty of allowing a human to gain knowledge on our lives. Therefore you know the rules. She was to be turned or killed yet no one in your family felt responsible enough to uphold our laws so we are left with no other choice."
Aro's voice was low and held no emotion, nothing as he looked at both Edward and Alice before slowly stepping closer and putting his hands on Edward's face, my screams falling on death ears and I dropped to the floor as my love and best friend were ripped apart in front of my eyes. Right before the world just went completely black.
It was a year since their deaths, me feeling the burn from when I was bitten by Aro after I passed out and waking up in my new immortal life. But I wasn't making anything easy on the Volturi. They took two people from my life without another thought and I would rather of died as well and refused to accept their feeding habits. Staying curled up in the corner of my room growling whenever one of those monsters came near me and tried to force me to kill a human that they threw into my room. I had slipped once right after I was first turned and refuse to allow them to get me into this permanently. And given even now as a vampire I am still with my shield so none of their powers reach me, an advantage I know kills Jane seeing as she loves glaring.
I miss the Cullens and wonder if they even know about what happen. About how I got Alice and Edward killed or that the rest of them have been removed from penalty. It hurts everyday that I think about them, unable to really cry like I want to do over the family I will never see. Over the best friend who brought me back from my black hole, Jacob was always there for me and what did I do? I ran off to save the man who put me in the black hole and now I will never see him or my parents. God only knows what Charlie must be thinking, what he is probably going through when I never came back. Everyone I loved, cared for has been hurt by me one way or another, maybe not having me in their life is for the best but it doesn't help the pain, the whole in my dead heart.
A knock at the door brought me out of my thoughts as Alec and Felix come walking in, though I tried to ignore them but with being so weak if they felt like attacking I wouldn't be able to protect myself. Right now all I wanted to do was die and end this pain and misery I now call a life. No one wanted me in their life anymore, the Cullens would blame me, Jake would hate me and probably want me dead, my parents...I don't even know what they will think. And that leaves these monsters who just want to use my gift for their own game, so once again Bella Swan is once more alone.
"Aro wishes for you to join him and the brothers while they entertain some...guests." Felix said with a slight smirk. Looking over at Alec before they both came in and took an arm lifting me like nothing out of the corner. But I was too weak really to move on my own so what was the use in fighting them anyhow. My head dropping forward as I hissed at the two of them, hearing their laugh as they drug me out of the room and down the hallway. I really didn't care that Aro wanted me, but as was obvious, I had no choice and proceeded to keep my head down, my hair falling to cover nearly all of my face. If it mattered any I was gorgeous as an immortal but even that didn't make me feel better.
The scents in Volterra should of told me what was coming next but it didn't and I let my eyes close ignoring all my senses as the two monsters stopped so they could open the door once we made it to the throne room. My ears catching the voices though I blocked them out not particularly caring who it was or even what it was about. Feeling my body being laid on the ground though Felix and Alec still standing beside me and I could tell we weren't totally in the view which was fine with me, curling up some wishing that they would just kill me already and get it over with. But all that changed when a voice I never thought I would ever hear again and the scent I would know came washing over me, even if I could see that person I knew all to well who it was.
It had been a year though we still had no idea what the hell happen to Alice, Edward or even Bella and it was driving us all mad with fear. Carlisle on numerous times called Aro but of course that bastard always said the same thing. They were indeed here, but he had allowed them to leave so they had no idea why they hadn't returned. Even went so far as to say that maybe it was for the best given Bella was human and knew of our kind. Or possible Alice and him decided to change Bella and keep away till she was stable, which I knew was total crap. None of them had the experience to handle a new born like I did.
"He's lying Carlisle we both know Edward nor Alice would just up and leave even if it was for Bella, nor would they not call. Something isn't right and I think we need to go to Italy."
My voice was deep and some of that anger was coming out thought not at Carlisle just in general. He just seem to sit at the chair behind his desk after the talk with Aro and think. Nodding to what I was saying and I believe he was thinking his old friend to be hiding something. But as to what or why none of us knew. "I believe your right Jasper. Get packed you and I are going to Italy and speak with him in person. Emmett, Rose and Esme will stay here." He spoke and the tone surprised me but I didn't comment only left to get my things while he went to tell the rest of the family our plans. Ever since Alice left with Bella to save Edward things were tense. The pack was vicious when we saw them especially Jacob who I knew loved Bella and was heartbroken she went back to Edward. But when none of them came home, Charlie freaked, the pack and us as well. Of course this brought a lot of hatred out in all directions over the situation although Charlie still wasn't aware of the true extent. He just wanted his daughter home.
As Carlisle and I were heading out the door Jacob and Embry were waiting at the door. Both looking pissed and ready for a fight which we didn't need right now at all. "Where are you going leech?" Jacob's voice was so angry it took me a moment not to lunge and rip him apart, but I understood his feelings and let Carlisle handle this as I moved past them to the car. "Jacob, Embry please Jasper and I are going to Italy to speak with the Volturi. We believe they are lying to us about Edward, Alice and Bella which doesn't make sense. Know that we would never do anything to put Bella in danger, she choose to go after my son and now none of them are home. I want answers and I want them home. We will call when and if we know anything you have my word." Again he had that tone in his voice and I knew Aro wouldn't be liking this new Carlisle but frankly I didn't care. Jake looked at me than back to Carlisle before I felt the fear spike in both wolves. "We just want Bella home, please bring her back Charlie is losing it not knowing anything and we can't really tell him the truth. Call when you hear anything please." I could see and feel Jacob nearly ready to lose it over this and looked away waiting for Carlisle who placed a hand on the boys shoulder before he was in the car.
It was a quiet ride to the airport neither needing to speak we had our thoughts to keep us distracted. I only hoped that everyone was alright but I couldn't stop shaking this feeling that it wasn't going to turn out that way and didn't want to get my hopes up. Closing my eyes and trying to let my mind go blank so I could relax, but that wasn't going to happen any time soon. Carlisle had said the family understood and wished us luck they just wanted everyone home. Looking over at Carlisle I could sense some of his emotions, but the one dominate was anger and I certainly didn't blame him right now.
"Let me do the talking when we meet with Aro just try and see if you can feel if they are hiding anything." Carlisle finally spoke as we landed and were driving in a car I jacked in the parking lot. I nodded my head though would of wished he let me just rip them apart. But than if our family was there that wouldn't do any good so maybe his way was better. Yet I still felt something wasn't right and my hands gripped the wheel till my knuckles looked nearly ready to rip off the bone. Nothing was spoken the rest of the way to the castle an it gave me a chance to relax and try to calm my nerves since the Major was all ready for battle. I was glad for the clear roads and we surprisingly made it rather quickly. Moving inside and the human Gianna. At first she was a little nervous since me and Carlisle did seem to be pretty upset. "Aro is expecting you please go in." Her voice calm, but I could sense her underlying fear and both of us were rather shocked he knew we were here. That really didn't help my mood nor the fact I could still smell Bella around the castle although it was faint and I could tell Carlisle did as well.
"How good of you to come my friend. Carlisle, and you too Jasper but what do we owe this unexpected visit too." His voice was so normal as if this was just another friendly visit but that smile and the few emotions I got from the others in the room said something else. "It is good to see you Aro, but this isn't a social call. We want to know what happen to our family and we know you are lying to us. Even now I can smell Bella's scent so tell us what happen Aro." Carlisle's words surprised me when they came out with venom and I knew he was pissed but holding back some. Aro didn't seem to like being called a liar and I heard a few low growls and hisses coming from a few of the guards. At first he said nothing keeping his hands pressed together in front of him and pressed against his lips.
"I don't appreciate your words old friend, nor the meaning behind I told you many times your family isn't here any longer. Yet you come here and accuse us of lying which doesn't sit well given your record." A growl came from me before I felt the hand on my shoulder and nodded silently to Carlisle watching as Aro shifted and I suddenly got the scent as did Carlisle since we both jerked our heads to the left.
"Bella..." I spoke softly before Aro caught my attention. "I would suggest you both leave before I decide that your entire family will pay for your having broken one of our rules. Or.." He broke off giving a nod and two male guards came walking from the direction we had been looking dragging a girl with them, her head hanging down so I couldn't see her face. "Why would we care about some girl..." My voice trailed off realizing that it was Bella and she was in horrible shape. That was all it took and my eyes were black, the Major was here and he was ready for war. Taking a few steps closer before she lifted her head and my eyes narrowed. The dark chocolate brown eyes we all knew were gone, instead hers were blood red. She'd been turned but I could see and sense she wasn't feeding but growing weaker.
That was Jasper and Carlisle I knew their voices anywhere, but when Alec and Felix pulled me off the floor and brought me closer I couldn't really do much. I wanted to hide and never see the pain that was going to be all over their faces, but catching my name I couldn't help it. Lifting my head the eyes I locked onto first were Jaspers which had gone black and I suddenly was scared. Worried he was going to want to kill me. My eyes filling with venom wishing they would fall down my cheeks so I could cry like I have been wanting too so badly for a year. Unable to take my eyes from Jasper for a moment till Carlisle spoke finally.
"Bella..Aro what is she doing here and were are my children? You told us they were not here, yet I see Bella and from her eyes no less one of us now. Tell us the truth.." His voice was full of anger and startled me. Carlisle was the most gentlest of the Cullens and I had never seen him this upset, it was breaking my dead heart that I wanted to just scream. But what I heard next nearly shocked me even more. "Silence...your family isn't here. Isabella was never YOURS as for Edward and Alice well I wasn't lying. They aren't here they have been punished for your lack of concern for our rules although I assure you it was fast." I couldn't see his face but I knew he was standing with that same sick smile. However, Jasper's and Carlisle's was equally scary and what happen next was so fast I really don't remember at all. Jasper was suddenly in front of me and taking out both Alec and Felix who dropped me like a doll to the ground. The sounds of screaming and growls echoed over the entire room and it was almost to much for me, that I was screaming out for it to stop when everything went black and silent.
When I seemed to snap out of whatever it was that I experienced nearly everyone in the room was on the floor in pain, some curled up holding themselves others laying completely still. What surprised me the most was Jasper and Carlisle staring at me with wide eyes like I was something shocking. It scared me and I wanted to get away thinking they were going to try and kill me now, not that I wouldn't blame them but it just made me feel worse.
"Bella...Bella it's alright we need to get you out of here and feed. Your weak darlin' and this isn't good." Jasper's voice came to me first as I looked up at him still standing in front of me, while Carlisle was looking around the room still as if he didn't know what to do. Jasper knelt down and his eyes were that golden once more though their was a hidden sadness which killed me. His fingers brushed along my cheek and I swear this electric shock washed over my body from the touch, but I didn't care and forced what strength I had to wrap myself in his arms. Sobbing against his shoulder as picked me up cradling me against his marble hard chest not saying anything, but he didn't have too. He could feel what I was going through and knew when it was time we could talk. Carlisle didn't say anything to me just followed us out, while the Volturi seemed to still be in shock. I had no idea what happen nor did I care right now. All that mattered was getting out of there and home.