A/N: Well, the sequel to Horizon has finally been started. Here's the Prologue but don't expect Chapter 1 for a while. I have a lot of other stories to get further along before I can continue writing this because I don't want to be overloaded. I promise to upload the next chapter once I finally start getting further along in my other stories. Please review ^^
Disclaimer: I do not own the Percy Jackson franchise. if i did, my own characters would be in the story.
Hello, my name is Ryan Pavid, for those of you who don't already know me. The story picks up exactly where the epilogue of Horizon left off, like what happens right after Poseidon says that Triton has been stolen. Well…here you go.
I was in shock, and so was everyone else at the table. We didn't think that a god could be kidnapped; especially the immortal son of one of the Big Three, but then again, anything was possible in this world.
Zeus stomped his foot into the ground, causing us all to flinch. "Wait, you're saying that Triton has been stolen?" The agitation in his voice was astounding.
My father nodded, a tear sliding down his face. "Yes. He was taken from his room yesterday. That was when I messaged you and said that we needed to talk in private. I'm still in shock that Mimious was able to infiltrate my kingdom without me knowing it."
Zeus placed his hand on my father's shoulder in an attempt to soothe him. "Calm down brother, everything shall be alright. We know where they have taken Triton and we can mount a full scale attack on Mount Othrys."
Poseidon shook his head, his short dark hair moving slightly atop his head. "But we cannot enter Mount Othrys. I have already tried to enter that mountain, but I could not. It seems that Kronus's henchmen have found a way to prevent gods from entering."
Again, Zeus stomped his foot into the ground, but this time he created a small dent. "Damn, this is turning out to be more troublesome than I would have hoped it be. Maybe we should try to use a sneakier approach. Perhaps Hades can sneak into the shadows of the mountain and break the barrier that prevents us from entering."
Poseidon just kept shaking his head. "I doubt that would work. He has to travel through the shadows outside the barrier get to the shadows inside the barrier." His face became even more somber than it was before. "What if we can't save him in time?"
I took a step towards my father, daring myself to intervene in this conversation. "Um, perhaps we have another way to defeat him. If we just wait a couple of days and form a plan, maybe we can find a way to…" I felt a hard smack come across my face and I fell hard against the cement floor of the dining pavilion.
Zeus lowered his right arm and folded of them both across his chest. "We don't have time to listen to this stupid child's fantasies. We have to help you find your son before it's too late." Zeus' face was the last thing I saw and his hand was the last thing I felt before I passed out.
I knew I must have been dreaming, because I was back at the dreadfully eerie Mount Othrys. The green fire torches lit the dark area where I was. I began down the dank corridor until I arrived in a large outdoor courtyard. I hid behind a column when I started hearing voices. I looked around and saw Brent and David sitting, along with Mimious with another teen hovering in air, which I assumed to be Triton. He looked like a merman, only with two fish tails instead of one. His green skin made him look sickly, but his face proved that he was perfectly fine. He had black hair, similar to mine, but slightly darker.
He slammed his tails into some invisible force field. "Let me out of here. Do you know who I am? I am Triton, heir to the undersea kingdom of Poseidon. You cannot do this to me." His voice was demanding, but sounded like a whiney child more than an all-powerful god.
Brent stood up; a slightly creepy smile dawned on his pale face. "Of course we know who you are. That's the main reason as to why we kidnapped you." He looked over at the golden sarcophagus lying in the center of the open area. "I think it's time we start the sacrifice to Kronus." He walked over and slowly pushed the top of the glimmering coffin off, revealing a hefty amount golden dust layering the bottom of it. "Now, bring the god over to me. We must place him in the coffin and see if he is powerful enough to revive Kronus." He reached his hand up into his own hair and began scratching at his head.
Mimious moved his hands and Triton seemed to move in the same direction. The trapped teen was now hovering above the coffin, shivering slightly as he looked down into it. The dust began to rise up, but didn't even make it out of the coffin before falling back down.
"Brent, what's happening?" David was sitting down in the corner not looking over at the site. His hair had grown out longer but was still only about ear length. His leaf green eyes were full of unshed tears, like he was upset about what they were doing. Then I remembered that he was on our side, trying to help us devise a plan to beat Brent.
Brent began kicking the columns of the mountain. "It seems Triton alone is not enough to revive the Titan lord. We need more than just one child of the Big Three; we need three of them, one from each brother." Brent continued throwing his temper tantrum, throwing rocks at the columns and stomping around immaturely.
David just giggled at his friend's display of anger. He got up and hesitantly walked over to Brent, hugging him lightly and pecking his cheek. "Now Brent, calm down. We have plenty of time to find two more gods for the sacrifice, plus we have Mimious to help us. Let's plan another strategy for another day." David looked over at me again and mouthed the words help me. I nodded, forgetting the fact that he couldn't see me, and I tried to wake myself up before I witnessed what Brent was about to do to our only friend on the inside.
My eyes began to open and I saw Landon's face only inches above mine, his hands wrapped around my arms in a shaking position. "Ryan, oh thank gods you're alright." He leaned down and kissed my lips lovingly, a tear sliding down his cheek onto mine.
I sat up slowly, not wanting to make myself even dizzier than I already was. "Wha…where am I?" I rubbed my head and then my cheek where Zeus had smacked me. It still hurt, but not as bad as when it was first assaulted. I looked around and saw Zeus and Poseidon still talking a little ways away, and it seemed as though they were arguing.
Cathleen came over to me and wrapped her arms tightly around my neck. "You're still at camp late the same night. You were out for about half an hour though after Zeus smacked you." She was crying just like Landon was. "You didn't have a pulse while you were out and we all thought you were dead." Her voice was shaky and when she released my neck, so were her hands. She wrapped her arms around herself in an attempt to comfort her, but it didn't seem to be working.
I stood up slowly as to not make myself lightheaded. I had a severe headache but I remembered my dream vividly. "Guys, I just had another dream about David and Brent."
Everyone looked at me with wide eyes, especially the two gods bickering in the background. "Wait, did you just say you dreamed about the two people who have Triton?" I nodded, making Zeus grin widely. "This is excellent. What did you see?"
I rubbed my head, still in pain. "I saw them on Mt. Othrys talking about sacrificing Triton, but when they attempted the sacrifice, it didn't work. They need two more sacrifices before they can bring back Kronus; one from each other Big Three god."
The two brothers looked at each other and smiled, laughing so loudly that the sky itself began shaking. "This is excellent Zeus, Triton shall be safe forever. Thank Hades for not having any godly children."
Zeus kept bellowing his obnoxious laugh, making my headache much worse. "Yes, now we can take our time to formulate a strategy that would be sure to work. We should ask Athena to help us with that." The two gods continued laughing before turning back to us with serious smiles. "You should all turn away and close your eyes. We're going back to Mt. Olympus for a meeting." We all complied, listening to the sound a god makes when turning into their godly form and ascending to Olympus.
I opened my eyes and smiled, knowing that the drama was over, for now. "Thank the gods that's over. I just want to go to bed and sleep this off." I went over and hugged Landon, not wanting to let him go.
Jennifer squealed like the fan girl she was. "I have an idea. How about I stay in the Zeus cabin with Cat tonight while Landon stays in the Poseidon cabin with you? I think he'd like to stay with you after the scare you gave him." She walked over to us and gave us a hug, leaning extra close to my ear. "Just don't do anything too raunchy while I'm not around." I blushed, knowing what she meant and inwardly smiled just thinking about the idea.
Cathleen just sighed and took Jen back to her cabin where they would gossip and do all the other things girls do at sleepovers. Arista came over and hugged us both, although mine was a little tighter than normal. "Just don't scare me like that again. You're one of my only good friends here, other than Landon, Cat, and my sister. If you died, I'd be heartbroken." She walked down to her cabin and went to bed, still a little shaken up.
I looked at Landon and smiled, wrapping my arms around him and nuzzling my head into his neck. "Let's go back to my cabin." I took a deep breath, savoring the scent of my lover standing right in front of me.
He copied me, only settling his head on top of mine. His hands crawled up my back and began tracing circles on it, sending a soothing sensation through my body. "Lets." He kissed my head softly and held my hand, bringing me back to my cabin and locking the door.
I sat down on my bed, lying back and taking a deep breath before opening my eyes seeing Landon lying down next to me with a loving smile. "I don't feel up for anything too sensual, so how about just a cuddle session for tonight. Maybe in the morning I'll be feeling more in the mood." I laughed, taking off my clothes so that I was in nothing but my boxers.
Landon copied me, pulling the sheets back and over us once we were on the bed. He held me close, his body warming me up in the cold winter night. I felt his hands begin tracing more shapes on my exposed back, and once again, those hands began to calm me down.
I leaned up and kissed him gently on the lips, using my fingers to trace circles on his chest. Our kiss started out very loving, just us lying next to each other, trying to comfort one another. Then, it started heating up. His tongue started licking against my teeth and lower lip, and I allowed him to start slowly tasting my cavern. It began gliding effortlessly over my teeth and gums, just like he had done over thousands of times before, but then it started poking at my tongue, rousing it out of it's slumber.
I started poking back, eventually leading to a dominance fight inside my mouth. Landon won, which didn't surprise me. He began ravaging my mouth with much more vigor than before.
I rolled on top of him and kept the kiss going, grinding our bodies together in an attempt to deepen it. I could feel his lower member getting aroused, so I stopped the grinding when I felt him completely erect under his underwear and smiled down at him. "No sex tonight, I'm not in the mood."
He looked back at me like WHAT! ARE YOU KIDDING ME!, but he just smiled and hugged me tightly. "I know, so let's go to bed before I don't follow that rule." He snuggled up next to me and we fell asleep, ready for whatever was about to happen to us.