A/N: Pretty self-explanatory I think. I hope that you guys enjoy :D

Disclaimer: Do not own.

In the end, everything is how it should have been before. It's not the way they expected heaven to be, no angels, no clouds, no white pearly gates (but to be honest, neither of them really believed much in the concept anyway). Anything they want it to be is what it is. They live in a two story home, fall asleep in each other's arms every night because there are no more emergency or late night surgeries, and drink their morning coffee together (milk and two sugars, thank you).

They talk long into the night, about her life and the things he missed. Sometimes she cries and he kisses the tears away, tasting every last one in the hope that he can help carry that pain for her. But he never regrets what he did, and she never asks him to.

Every time they make love is like the first time, everything seems new and exciting, and yet he knows every inch of her like it was just yesterday. Sometimes Kate forgets that for him, it really only was weeks since their last time. But that thought only makes her want him more; she begs him silently to fill that aching longing inside that burned within her for decades. His bruising kisses tell her just how much he wants her too.

She never can tell him about the morning after she stepped off the plane. She locked herself in the bathroom as wave after crippling wave of cramps ripped through her. And when it was over, after she realized she had lost the baby she didn't even know she was going to have, she lay on the cold tile and cried until she fell asleep. She woke up in the hospital and all she could think about was how much she wished she was dead too. But Kate was a fighter, and she never let life drag her down like that again.

After awhile though, she notices a change in Jack, like he's misplaced something and can't remember where he's put it. When she asks him about it, he simply asks, "How can I miss a son I never even really had?"

She knows he's talking about David, but all she can think about is her own failed pregnancy. She swallows the lump that sits hard in her throat. Kate doesn't know how to answer that.

It's maybe a year after they've gotten there (although no one keeps track of time anymore) that she takes a pregnancy test. It's positive, and she wonders how that can be possible here, but she doesn't question it for more than a second before telling Jack. His face breaks into the widest grin she has ever seen, and when he wraps her in his arms, she feels the tears wet against her own cheek. She's not sure if they are hers or his, but as she chokes back another sob, she can't believe that she's gotten yet another second chance.

Nine months later, when she cradles the small boy in her arms and kisses the soft brown hair atop his head, she suddenly knows this was the child she was always meant to have, the one that died before it had even had the chance to live. Jack sits beside her on the bed and kisses her temple. "We should name him David," he says.

In the end, they don't grow old together. They never have to worry about retirement or saving for college, mowing the lawn or paying taxes. But as Kate watches her son play duets with his dad on their grand piano, all of the painful memories just drift away.

Thanks for reading and please review!