Finn made sure the princess was safe and away from the battlefield, which was the main lobby of the candy castle. Finn returned, facing Jinn ready to do some serious butt whipping. Jinn spun his sword around in excitement; he was probably thinking this would be easy.
Finn made this first move and lunged forward, Jinn swept his sword away as easy as a cat would a fly. He looked at the blond young man with the funny looking hat with mocking eyes as to say, 'This is the hero of the land of Ooo?'
Finn's face felt hot from this look and he began to attack more violently, but again, Jinn swept all his hits away.
"It's time to end this Finn the human." Jinn said swiping at Finn at an amazing speed.
Finn barely dodged the sword, but it still left a deep gash in his arm. Suddenly a yellow mass appeared, it was Jake.
"Hey buddy I was just gonna see how your date with PB was going and…..HOLY CRAP FINN!" Jake exclaimed as he took in the real situation.
"No intrusions please or else your disqualified and I get Princess Bubblegum." Jinn said looked at Jake, "Shall we continue, Finn?"
The fight continued and grew more intense the longer it went on, both fighters were covered with scratches and blood.
"Finn, let me just tell you that you are the first person to land any number of hits on me. So lets finish this." Jinn said switching his sword to his left hand.
"You mean you've been fighting with you weak hand this whole time! Dude so not cool!" Finn said angrily.
They charged each other, swung their swords and stood.
Finn clutched this new wound on this stomach and Jinn collapsed in a heap on the floor. Finn had won.
"Get him out of the land of Ooo." Finn ordered a candy servant and he complied.
"That was amazing Finn!" Bubblegum said hugging Finn.
"Anything for you Princess." Finn said looking into her light pink eyes.
He then collapsed onto the floor.
"FINN!" Bubblegum exclaimed
"Don't worry princess I'll take care of him." Jake said putting Finn on this back a grew to a enormous size.
"Alright, but when he wakes up we have to have a feast for this amazing feat." Bubblegum said.
"As long as it's just you and him I think he'll be happy." Jake said winking at PB.
"R-Really?" Bubblegum asked her face turning red.
"Of course. Well see ya Princess." Jake said slipping out the front door and heading for the tree house.