I own nothing except for my cute little title!


Pepper stood in the center of her very large very full walk in closet. Dressed and ready to go to the 5th annual firefighter's ball, well almost ready, she still needed the right shoes. Running a hand through her copper locks she sighed and lowered her self down onto the pedestal in the middle of the closet, no not the closet, the room, it was much to large to be considered a closet. The walls were plastered with her drug of choice, in order by designer and color each pair as precious as the next.
Her dress was an elegant shapely black with a low back that she had chosen for Tony's sake, and it was making her inevitable choice even harder.
Jimmy Choos, Prada, Gucci, Dolche&Gabana, Chanel, red, black, blue, yellow, brown, so many choices so little time. She pinched the bridge of her nose and groaned out of frustration. Letting a few tears fall down her face. Why was she crying? It's just shoes for crying out loud.

"Pepper…Pep, honey you ready?" She heard Tony calling for her as he climbed the stairs.
"In a minute!" She answered quickly wiping the tears from her cheeks.
"You know I'm the one who is supposed to make us late not you." He was close now, almost to the door. Pepper didn't budge, seated with her head in her hands as Tony pushed open the door.
"Pep?" He smiled warmly and went to sit by her, pulling her into his side. "Oh Pepper" He chuckled "Stop beating your self up, it's not that big a deal."
Her head snapped up.
"Not that big a deal! This is such a big deal Tony! I'm about to pick out the last pair of heels I'll be wearing for the next 6 months!"
"We'll find you some fantastic flats, how about that." He rubbed her back, comforting her and enjoying the softness of her bare back under his touch.
"Not the same!" She muttered, head buried in the crook of his arm. "But I'll be more comfortable in the long run."
"We may even get you some tennis shoes."
"NO!" She laughed "Please no anything but tennis shoes." She sniffed and pulled back from his hold, placing a soft kiss to his lips. She got up from the comfort of her cushion and swiftly plucked a blue pair of Jimmy Choos from their resting place. Tony did always like her in blue. She slipped them over her feet and went to stand in front of him.
"Ready Mr. Stark?" She looked down at him, beaming at him with everything in her heart. Tony placed his hand on the small bump that rested in her middle rubbing small circles into her dress.
"I'm always ready for you Mrs. Stark." He stood and took her into his arms placing a kiss to her temple. "For you and our little Starkcake."

A/N Awwww wasn't that just adorable! This was written for cincoflex's LJ picture challenge, I'll put a link to the pic up on my profile.
Read and review! It makes me super mushy inside