Author: Pirate Turner
Rating: PG due to language and adult intentions
Summary: Buck is delighted when Inez calls him a new pet name . . . at first.
Challenge: Anneack's Ficcers' Unite Magnificent Seven Challenge for the week of 7-14-10 to write a TM7 drabble about family
Warnings: Drabble, OW
Word Count: 200
Date Written: 16 July, 2010
Disclaimer: Inez Recillos, Chris Larabee, Vin Tanner, JD Dunne, Buck Wilmington, Josiah Sanchez, Ezra Standish, Nathan Jackson, and The Magnificent Seven are & TM CBS, The Mirisch Group, MGM, and Trilogy Entertainment, not the author. Everything else is & TM the author. The author makes absolutely no profit off of this work of fan fiction, and no copyright infringement is intended.
Seven hot and exhausted men stumbled through the swinging doors of the saloon and straight to the bar where seven tall mugs filled to overflowing with the best ale there was to be had in all the town awaited them. Buck downed his in one swift gulp, then turned to the woman who'd had them waiting. "Ol' Buck's real tired tonight after that long, hard ride, beautiful. How 'bout you an' I goin' on up to my room an' you can help me relax?"
Inez smiled and shook her head. "Not happening, senor."
"I don't get it! Why're you always so happy to see us, Inez, if you don't wanna give me a little loving?"
"Because you're the hermano I never had," Inez explained, smiling, before sashaying away.
Buck grinned. "I knew I was getting to her! She just called me her hermano!"
Vin chuckled. "That means you're her brother."
"What?" Buck trumpeted, his mustache quivering. "I don't want to be her brother, damn it! I want to be her lover!"
Vin's blue eyes sparkled mischievously as he grinned. "I'd tell ya to tell th' lady that, pard, but she'd just say nunca!" Buck fumed as Vin continued to laugh and the others joined in.
The End
Author's Note: If you enjoyed this story, or any of my other writings, I hope you'll consider joining my brand new fan fic land comm - /FanFicLand - where five teams compete with weekly drabble challenges and monthly longer fic challenges to see who can reach 5,000 points first!
Also, if you'd be interested in playing in such challenges as the one that inspired this delightful fic, check out our ProBoards site at , and for those of you who are Disney fans and would like to do more in that fandom, though not just fan fic, check out /Disney_Uberland. For the Disney land, please tell them that OrliDepp of Team Stitch sent you.