A/N: Thank you everyone who has reviewed and stuck with this story until the end! I really, really appreciate it. Love you all and keep an eye out for more of my stories in the future! x
Hermione took a deep breath as she pushed open the glass door. She smiled at them weakly before pulling off her cardigan and draping it over the visitor seat. She busied herself around the small hospital room, dusting off a few pictures and rearranging them. She flicked her wand at a few wilted flowers settled in a vase, springing them to life as though they were freshly picked. She let out a deep breath before turning her attention to the seemingly sleeping couple just a few feet from her.
"Morning," she said in a childlike voice. "It's quite lovely out today although the weather is getting progressively chillier as autumn approaches." She moved closer towards them and reached out to touch her mother's curls. Her fingers ran through them gently, the strands feeling dry and broken under her fingertips. "Mrs. Weasley took me out the other day with Ginny to buy some winter clothing since all of mine was ruined."
Hermione paused and sat on the edge of the bed. Her mother seemed to be sleeping, her eyes shut tight, and her mouth open. Her father, on the other hand, stared straight up at the ceiling with wide eyes-his mouth in a straight line. It wasn't easy seeing her parents in this state, but she knew she couldn't avoid them forever.
"I'm going back to Hogwarts tomorrow. It's quite hard to believe that Ron and Harry will not be attending with me but they'll be off doing their Auror business. I'm so proud of them-but it scares me half to death thinking that they can get seriously injured-but I try not to dwell on those thoughts."
"Mr. and Mrs. Weasley have promised me that they will check up on you two daily and send me reports on how you're doing. I know...I know things won't really change, but I will never lose hope."
She glanced at the long table next to the bed and smirked at the still-muggle and moving-magical photos that lined it. Her eyes travelled to the largest photo of the bunch; her parents wedding photo. Her mother looked beautiful and elegant in a pure white gown and her father looked handsome and dapper in his suit and tie. They were smiling from ear to ear-looking happier than she had ever seen them before. And even though the photo was not magical, it still moved in a way that brought tears to Hermione's eyes. She quickly bit them back, not wanting to ruin what was to be the last time she would see her parents in a few months with tears.
"I stopped having those dreams, you know." She said casually as she stood up and walked towards the photos. "I don't know if they'll be gone forever, but they are for now. I know Ron played a huge part in that accomplishment. He's always there for me...he always was there for me, even when I was twelve years old." She turned and looked at her parents still forms. "I wish you could have gotten to know him better. He really is a remarkable man-and I know he is going to be the man I marry-but I'm getting ahead of myself, I suppose." She added with a slight blush to her cheeks.
She jumped slightly and turned towards the door where Ron was standing.
"Hey," she smiled. "When did you get here?"
"Just a few moments ago." He replied, sharing her smile. He glanced at her parents and sighed softly. "Don't rush," he said. "I'll be waiting outside when you're ready."
She grinned again and nodded. He closed the door behind him gently and Hermione turned back towards her parents. "He's going to take good care of me, don't you worry." She reached inside her pocket and gripped the item inside it. "I hope you two are happy, wherever you are." She turned towards the photos and pulled the item out of her pocket. A pink-seashell. She placed it between her parents wedding photo and the picture of her and Ron sleeping at the Burrow. She grinned at the sight and walked back towards her parents. She kissed each of their cheeks and walked towards the door.
"Bye for now," she said softly before closing it behind her.
"How are they doing?" Ron asked her once she walked outside.
"They are the same," Hermione replied, wrapping her arm around waist. He reciprocated by draping his over her shoulders.
"Don't lose hope. Medicine is advancing every day."
Hermione grinned and leaned into him.
"So," he said. "Are you ready for tomorrow?"
"For starting classes again, yes. For going back to Hogwarts and seeing the castle again, a little. For leaving you?" She paused and looked up at him as they strolled down the street. "No,"
He nodded his head and sighed. "I know-it's going to be bloody hard. But," he paused and pulled her in closer. "I reckon we can do it. We'll write to each other daily, I'll visit every single chance I can get-hell, I'll sneak away if I have to."
"Ron," Hermione said, laughing slightly. "You'll get yourself discharged before you even begin."
He chuckled. "We can do it," he said. "Our love..." he trailed off, his ears turning bright red.
"What?" Hermione asked, a grin tugging at her lips. "What were you going to say?"
"I was going to say..." he cleared his throat and looked down at her. "Our love can withstand anything. It's been doing so since we were kids."
Hermione beamed up at him, causing his ears to turn even redder.
"What?" he asked, looking away.
"Nothing," she said, still smiling. "Just wondering if I could love you any more than I do now."
He grinned and blushed, pulling her in closer. He kissed the top of her head as they continued up the street.
She took a deep breath, inhaling the sweet scent of mowed grass, honey and chocolate. It was a scent that she would take with her on the train tomorrow, keep with her while she was at school, and wish she smelt before she went to sleep each night. Their summer had been a difficult one, to say the least, but she knew that in the world they were living in, difficult times were a part of their daily lifestyle, as horrible as it sounded. Voldemort may have been defeated, but his followers would always be around. That was why talented young people like Harry and Ron were needed in the Auror department. They were all finding themselves-they were embarking on their futures, together and apart. Hermione knew that what she told her parents was true-she did picture herself marrying Ron in the future. The thought sent a warm feeling throughout her body-it was definitely comforting knowing that she found her person-the person that she was going to be with for the rest of her life.
She paused and smiled to herself. Now that she thought about it-she had more than one person, in the sense that her friends, Harry, Ginny-all the Weasley's actually, and many more, were always going to be a part of her for the rest of her life.
"Where do you want to go?" Ron asked.
She glanced up at him and stared at his freckled face, bright red hair and piercing eyes. She could stare at him forever, but forever just didn't seem long enough.
"Anywhere is fine," Hermione commented. "We have all the time in the world,"
The End.
A/N: Thank you again! I just want to say that I am planning a sequel to this story! Some of you guessed it-I kind of foreshadowed in a previous chapter that something else might be up. I really hope you enjoyed this story and even though this last chapter was short, I feel like it was needed and fine. I want to transition into the sequel without making this one seem final.
Read and review my lovelies!