Summary: Misaki finds a piece of newspaper from the future, with a picture of her and Usui. Usui x Misaki.

Disclaimer: I do not own KWMS.


She still cannot believe her eyes. How can the paper be dated 18 October, 2030? Is this some kind of joke, some kind of plan of that sick pervert?

It all started when she left Maid Latte once her work was over. A tiny piece of paper came floating with the wind, landing straight on her foot. She bent down, picked it up, looked at it, and the rest is history.

She stares at the paper, as if hypnotized by it. Why is there a picture of her and Usui?

She shakes her head, tries to clear her mind, tries to think, tries to figure out what is going on. Finally, she gives up, places the crumbled paper in her purse and decides to go for it.

"Usui." She calls him as soon as she sees him the next day. She is still annoyed with him, for being a distraction in the girls' meeting last day, but she forces herself to put that aside for a minute.

He turns around slowly, like a hero from the old romantic movies, his soft, spiky hair flying with the wind, and look- she is already flustered! "Ayuwaza needs me?" he asks in a teasing tone, and that snaps her out of her trance.

"NO! You pervert!" she snaps, treating him with her usual yelling. "I know what is going on here!"

He lifts an eyebrow, and gives her that blank look which always annoys her. "Huh?"

"Don't act like you don't know what I am talking about!" she yells again, anger growing with every second of staying near him- with every second of not getting her answer.

"I really don't know what you are talking about, Misaki." He says smoothly, leaning in closer to her face, and her eyes soften when she sees the honesty in his- he can never lie to her.

She moves back, suddenly unable to bear this closeness to him, and sighs. "Fine."

He lifts an eyebrow again, and waits for her to speak, to tell him. When she doesn't, he persists. "What is bothering my Kaicho?"

That embarrassing blush creeps into her face again, but she manages to brush it off quickly and stomp her feet. "That is none of your business, you stalker!"

She turns to leave, to run away from him, but he grabs her arm and stops her, and this sort of control that he exerts on her kind of makes her breath hitch, which is so not a good thing. "You know you can tell me, Misaki."

Maybe the way he says those words- sweet, charming, gentle, sincere- makes her weak, but something makes her want to tell him the truth, even though she knows he would probably tease her forever for this.

She reaches into her purse, tries to pull out the paper, and her eyes widen in alarm and panic. She fumbles with the purse, looking for the piece of paper, but now finding it. How could it just vanish?

He stares at her quizzically, an amused smile on those lips. "What are you searching for, Misaki?"

"I…I…" she stutters, mind blank and numb. Was it all just her imagination? "I need to go check on class 1-2. Goodbye Usui."

She walks away quickly, almost runs, still thinking.

What the heck was this supposed to mean?

"Welcome home, big sister." Shizuna greets.

She smiles at her sweetly. "What are you doing?"

Shizuna smiles back, pointing at the book in her hand. "I am reading a box that I won in a lottery. It says here that sometimes the future can send messages in our direction."

Misaki blinks. "What?"

Shizuna shrugs, hopping to the kitchen. "I will get the watermelon that I won in today's lottery."

Misaki barely manages to sit in her seat.

Was this really a blast from the future?

(A/N: your thoughts and comments please. Thanks!)