Percy's POV
I was flying through the air. Though not to high. I'm afraid Zeus will blast me out of the sky if I fly too high.
I'm really hoping that I've worded what I said to Annabeth carefully and correctly. Would all my friends forgive me or would they understand. Hopefully,not only Nico will understand my reasons.
I was approaching the place where the titan army lingered. Where Luke or Kronos is.
It's time to make my deal.
"This is gonna be bad",I thought. I mean what if the titan army kills me on sight before I even get to Kronos.
Okay,I shook that thought out of my head. I forgot that I'm the child of the prophecy. So that fact rules out any monsters belonging to Kronos' army killing me.
What I'm worried about now is Kronos not accepting my terms and just imprisoning me until he decides to start the war. Then when the time comes,he's gonna force me to overthrow Olympus.
That I couldn't do. By this time,Im convinced that Kronos is very persuading.
He's been able to get even the most strong willed and strong-spirited demigods I know. Even though most of them had regrets,they had already agreed.
I looked closely at Blackjack. He was getting tired. His flapping wings which were beating like that of a dragonfly's hours ago are now beating like that of an eagle's.
"You okay Blackjack?", I asked. I'm kinda worried that he might break a bone in his wings,or faint,or...something. If that happens,ughh,I don't even want to experience falling to the ground while meters away from the ground.
"Yeah,I'm fine boss",he said. His voice was out of breath when I heard it. Clearly he's exhausted. Even a Seaweed Brain like me can see that.
"Please don't call me boss",I replied. He's been calling me that ever since I rescued him.
"Whatever you say boss. I'll just alert you when we're getting close"
27 minutes later
"Boss,boss!",Blackjack said,repeating the words over and over until I came to my senses.
"What,what just spit it out",I said. I should have worded my sentence better because just then he spit it out a half-eaten apple. Then he gave me a toothy smile.
"We're here boss"
"I see",there were noises coming from the ground,which I made out as growls.
"Land near those trees",I said,pointing to a group of pine trees a little far from the titan army"
"Alright boss,we're coming down",he said,tilting to the side to begin his descent.
When we got to the ground I threw Blackjack an apple. He caught it in mid-air and chewed on it contentedly.
"Blackjack,go to Camp Half-Blood immediately. No sidestops"
"Righto boss. Can I have a sugar cube or at least another apple.",he said.
"Maybe next time buddy. And you know Annabeth right."
"Give her this",I said. I took a small box from my pocket and strapped it onto his saddle.
"Stay safe Blackjack",I said giving him a smile.
"You too boss,and try not to do anything stupid.",he me carefully.
"Aright Blackjack,I'll try my best". I knew I'm not gonna be able to do that. I was gonna do the exact opposite.
Then he flew off into the sky and I stood there for a good minute. The time has come. It's time to commence the plan.
The moment I came in the sight of the titan army, I loudly said,
"I have come to make a deal with Kronos,take me to him now",I said. I expected most of them to burst out laughing. But instead, two laistrygonian giants approached me while being accompanied by several dracanae and hellhounds.
"Come demigod. And don't even try to attack.",one of the dracanae hissed at me.
"I wouldn't dream of it",I said sarcastically. She just scowled at me and continued slithering.
Their numbers were amazingly huge. Camp Half-Blood wouldn't have a chance. They'll be devoured.
No,no,no,no. This can't be happening. It can't just end like this. But if my plan works,we'll be victorious. It has to work or my friends will be gone. I've never been more determined in my entire life. I've also never been scared like this before.
"Stop demigod",the giant barked at me. We were standing in front of a tent. This is the biggest one of all the tents here. I guessed this belongs to Kronos.
"Lord Kronos,the boy has come. The one we've been waiting for just as you predicted",the dracanae hissed while bowing. I looked around and saw that the other monsters in the area were also bowing.
I looked back at the tent and the entrance opened up as a blonde surfer-dude walked out of it.
"Well,well,well Percy,I've never thought this day would come"
"Shut up Luke!",I spat.
"Now,now there's no need to be like that"
"Listen first you big knucklehead.",I said.
His eyes flashed dangerously. I knew that I shouldn't push it too far but teasing him is pretty fun.
"I am here to accept Kronos offer. To join the army become his host.",I said,full of worry. I'm worried if Im doing the right thing.
"So you've finally come to your senses."
"Just get on with it",I said. I just wanted to get this done. To take away some of the worry.
Luke chuckled but his smile and laugh disappeared when his whole body began to vibrate and he gave a yelp of pain as golden mist was flowing out of his body and was flowing into mine.
I think I felt the same amount of pain as Luke did as the mist went inside my body.
"We are now one Jackson",Kronos said in my head. In his same old metallic voice. Like knives slicing metal.
Then my sword arm started vibrating the way Luke's body did before. The I lost control of my body. And Kronos' voice came from my mouth.
"Your services Mr. Castellan...",I-Kronos said while pointing Riptide which is now a blood red scythe at him.
"...Are no longer required".
The I-Kronos swung the scythe at him he dodged and we sliced again,that one he blocked with his own sword.
"What is the meaning of this?",he said,bewildered.
"I have served you faithfully over the years and you do this to me"
"Ha! I've been merely using you. Your spiritual strength is weak. Jackson's is much,much more stronger you useless demigod."
"B-But",he stammered. But he's too late. I-Kronos waved my left hand and time halted into slow motion. We stabbed his right foot and blood poured out of it. I could almost see the bone.
He's now kneeling on the ground,pain on his face.
"Please master. I can still be of assistance.",he said with pleading eyes.
"Like I said Castellan. Your services are no longer required." And with those words,I-Kronos swung the scythe at him,making a deep gash at his chest. He dropped down on the ground,lifeless.
I-Kronos turned around and faced the monsters. They bowed in response.
"Clean this mess up",Kronos said to a nearby demigod,who I guess,joined the army.
"Yes my Lord",he replied,bowed again before going out of sight.
"The time is near my army",Kronos announced. All of them cheered and raised their hands,paws,claws,and talons in the air.
"Soon,we will raid that ridiculous camp and we will burn it down,just as we will to Olympus!"
They cheered once more. And only one thought crossed my mind.
"What have I done?"
Well guys,what do you think.
Let me know. I'll be posting the 2nd chapter soon. Review!
I'm out