Recently: Two months after Evelyn's death and Jack getting shot and living through it, the Mercer brothers coped with Jack's therapy and getting Evelyn's house back up to comfortable living standards. Jack spent his time lounging around the couch, resting because of his chest and shoulder being in constant pain. Bobby and Angel used their time to get the house renevated so they could call it "Home" again. Angel had recently been thinking about proposing to Sofi, but wanted all three of his brothers' approval beforehand.

Upstate New York:

"I don't fucking care what you have to do, I want those mother fuckers dead. You bring me back Bobby Mercer's body, or I'll have my way with this pretty little wife of yours and do away with your kids." Victor Sweet said as he slammed his corded phone down onto its hook. The angry man grimaced, gritting his teeth and sneering at everyone who crowded him. It took him a brief moment to calm down and he drew in a deep breath, exhaling it back out slowly. He sat back down in his large, luxurious chair and relaxed his arms on the metal rests at the sides.

"So, little Jackie Mercer didn't die when I put out that hit to bring more attention to these Mercer idiots..." Victor snarked, glaring at the man closest to him who had his arms folded across his chest. Victor sighed heavily and grinned, his cheeks forming dimples as the grin grew wider. "Get me Jack Mercer, boys." Victor demanded, turning his head slightly up to face one of his workers at an angle. "And -don't- let me down." he growled in a low, husky tone.

Back in Detroit, 2 days after Sweet's orders:

It was 3 o'clock in the morning and the streets were loud with gunshots. A couple people in ski masks hid behind an old mustang, pointing their guns over the hood of the car at the large house they were ordered to invade. "Get the fuck over here, Angel! Gimme that gun!" Bobby Mercer shouted, hiding behind one of the walls in the kitchen. He threw his handgun to the side as Angel slid a large machine gun towards him.

"Move in! Move in!" one of Victor's men shouted and a hefty guy cautiously jogged his way to the front door of Evelyn Mercer's house. He lifted his leg high and started kicking the bullet-abused door and broke it off the hinges. As the door came crashing down, two men accompanied the other and all three quickly scouted the living room to the left.

"FUCK YOU!" Bobby shouted as he peered around the corner of the kitchen wall and fired his machine gun at one of the guys who started in his direction. The bullets flew straight throught the man at such an incredible rate, he was dead before he could hit the ground. Bobby stood up, smirking at his first kill of the night, and went on to see if there was anyone else in the house.

Angel headed swiftly down the stairs after one of the shooters and shot him straight in the back of the head. "Gotcha, mother fucker." he said with a low tone. He continued down the stairs and knocked the third shooter in the back of the head with the handle of his hand gun. The guy hit the floor hard with a loud smack and was knocked out cold.

"I don't hear anything else, Bobby.." Angel stated as he searched cautiously around the corner of the staircase.

"Neither do I, Angel. Just hold up a minute. Where's Jack?" Bobby asked, coming out from behind the kitchen wall.

"I'm here," Jack said, rising up from behind the couch where he was hiding because he didn't have a weapon.

Bobby nodded as Jack came into clear view and the three brothers crowded around the living room, searching each of the dead guys to see what they can find. "I'm rich!" Bobby exclaimed as he pulled a $5 bill out of one of the shooter's pockets.

"We gotta call Jerry, Bobby." Angel said and walked into the kitchen where the phone was located.

"Yeah, good idea. Jack, get over here." Bobby said, motioning for Jack to join him an Angel in the kitchen to call Jerry.

Ring, ring. Ring, ring. Ring, ring...

"Hello...?" spoke a very tired Jerry, yawning through the phone.

"Jerry, you gotta come over when you can. Ma's house just got shot the fuck up by Sweet's boys." Bobby said with a rustled tone, panting from all the previous action.

"What? Bobby, it's 3:30 in the morning, I'll be over there in a couple hours. Can you guys hold out until then? You know I can't wake Camille up, and the girls will wonder where I've gone to," Jerry explained in a low whisper.

"Just hurry up, Jerry." Angel said after snatching the phone from Bobby.

"I'll see you guys soon," Jerry said, ending the conversation and hanging up.

Angel hung up the phone and turned to Bobby and Jack. "So now what do we do? We just got this place fixed up.

Bobby looked at Angel and grinned slightly, giving him an amused glare. "We're gonna wing it, Angel. Come on, boys, let's go out and have a couple of drinks and have us some good ol' Mercer family fun!" Bobby shouted, raising his hands in the air and walking towards the front door.

Jack and Angel followed Bobby out the broken down door and loaded up into Bobby's small car. They arrived about twenty minutes later at a club called "Foxxy Sports" that stayed open 24-hours and was actually alive at this time of night. The brothers got out of the car and made their way into the club, taking some seats up in the back of the place.

One of the waitresses approached their table wearing a short, red and blue plaid skirt with a white spaghetti strap that hugged her body tightly and made her chest bulge more so than it normally did. She smiled at the three and held out a pad of paper and pen. "Hello! My name is Cheri, what can I get you guys to drink?" she asked with a sweet tone, swaying back and forth.

Jack admired the way Cheri moved and smiled in his direction the majority of the time she was waiting for the drink orders. "Yeah, I'll take a couple shots of Jack," Jack said, scanning her body up and down with hungry eyes. "Yeah, me and my brother will have the same, Cheri. Whiskey shots, keep 'em comin!" Bobby said, nodding his head.

"Okay! I'll be back soon with your drinks." Cheri said cheerfully after writing down the order and walking away, her skirt riding up her bottom some.

Jack's lips formed a small grin and he stared at the lovely backside of Cheri bouncing away. "I am going to get that tonight, you watch, Bobby." Jack claimed, taking a sip of the complementary water on the table.

"She okay with you being gay, Jack?" Bobby teased, smirking.

Jack's smile soon died as Bobby started already with the insults. "I'm not gay, Bobby." he glared and took another sip of his water.

"Sure, you little fairy," said Bobby as he skimmed his hand through Jack's hair, messing it up some.

"Are you serious...?" Angel scoffed, muttering under his breath. He stood up tall and buffed out his chest, lifting his head high to see over the crowd of people. "Is...Is that Sofi?" he asked, his jaw dropping in a bit of awe.

"Oh, you mean Lovida Loca's cheatin' on you again, Angel? See, man, I don't understand why you're so surprised." Bobby teased, the blatant sarcasm flowing out through his tone smoothly.

"You're a real piece of shit, Bobby. I'm-a go check this out real quick," Angel said, stiffening his face, pursing his lips some, and walking away.

Cheri approached the table again and set down about five shots of whiskey. "Here you go! I'll get your tab started." she smiled sweetly as Bobby handed her a credit card.

"Jack drinks Jack! Jack drinks Jack!" Jack shouted, downing his first shot. He hissed at the sting of the hard liquor burning down his throat. "Ahhh..." he said, feeling rather refreshed.

"Jack likes ass-crack and ballsack. Hahaha." Bobby said, giving Jack a teasing grin.

"No, no, no. Jack DOESN'T like ass-crack and ballsack. Jack likes boobs...And Cheri's firm butt over there.." he said, widening his eyes at the nice view he kept getting.

"Jackie, how much you want a bet you don't score with that babe tonight?" Bobby said, slamming down his found $5 on the table.

"Oh, I'll score, Bobby...I'll score with 5 more chicks than you think you could." Jack claimed, raising his head in confidence.

"Baby! Baby, you don't understand! ANGEL! Turn around and talk to meeee!" Sofi whined, grabbing Angel by the shoulder and yanking him around as he started to walk away, pissed.

"What's there not to understand? You were dancin' with that dude! You didn't even TELL me you were goin' out tonight. And I thought I loved you." Angel said with a disappointed tone.

"Baby, look, please, you have to understand. This is not what it looks like. I came out with mi amigas and we were jus' out dan-sing!" she cried, trying to convince him that she was innocent.

"Sofi, come sit with me, then, if you really think you want my trust back." Angel said, and was instantly tugged forward as Sofi wrapped her arms around his large bicep and pulled him in the direction of his table.

"Man, you ain't nothin' but a fairy. Sit down, Jack, and shut up." Bobby said with a loud laugh, and turned his head to see Angel and Sofi approaching. "God damnit, Angel. Why you gotta ruin my night with this loud mouth broad of yours?" he complained, shaking his head and downing a shot of whiskey.

"What you talkin' 'bout, Bobby?" Angel asked with a deep, serious tone.

"Oh, shut up Bobby, tu eres mericón!" Sofi shouted loud into Bobby's face, her anger growing already.

"Man, shut up, girl, sit your ass down." Bobby barked back.

The rest of the night was nothing but shots of whiskey, insults, and a knocked over table. The four of them had their fun out until about 6 A.M. when they decided it was time to get back to Ma's house. Bobby, finally sober, drove everyone back home and climbed out of his car as soon as he turned off the ignition. Jack was heavily drunk and could barely walk, and Angel and Sofi were more sober than Bobby because they'd barely had anything to drink. The four of them made their way into the house and Jack and Bobby went upstairs to sleep.

"You go to bed, baby. I'm going to stay up for a while and try to fix this door." Angel said, shaking his head in disappointment as they left the house unlocked and basically without a front door. Sofi nodded silently and headed upstairs to Angel's room. Angel turned around and headed back outside to take a drive to the hardware store so he can get a new door.

Thank you so much for reading my first chapter! MORE to come! I am just getting started, and am an experienced roleplayer. I love to write and this is my first fic. Please review! Thanks! -SarenX