Me: OK, I know I have a lot of these OC stories, but I love making new ones! This is my um… 4th one? I'll be accepting MANY OCs! The form is at the bottom. Rolling the chappie! ;D


A new day, a new challenge. But not for this girl. Takes place in Floaroma, Sinnoh.

"Oh My Arceus! What is wrong with everyone!" she screamed, flailing her petite arms in the air. From the outside, it would have looked like a normal Pokemon Center. But inside, it was a total ruckus. When Alice had awoken from her deep slumber, or so she calls, she changed into her clothes and headed straight for the cafeteria. Instead of seeing normal people eating and chatting, she saw people shoving and pushing each other, just to see a puny little sign posted on a board.

'What insane people they are,' she thought, crossing her arms with a huff. She walked to Nurse Joy, who was having a tough time handling the crowd with her Chansey. She made a coughing sound and Nurse Joy struggled to crane her neck at Alice.

"Y-Yes, what is it?" Nurse Joy asked her. Alice gave Nurse Joy a confused look.

"Say, what are they shoving for? It is just a piece of paper with writing on it. What is the big deal?" Alice asked, her eyes narrowing at a big guy who happened to shove her. Nurse Joy gave Alice an astonished look, her eyes and mouth gaping.

"YOU DON'T KNOW? Today is the day the World Tournament starts!" Nurse Joy screamed, which was unlike her lady-like features.

"Say what? What is a World Tournament?" Alice raised an eyebrow as Nurse Joy fainted on the spot. 'Oh well…' she sighed, but was tapped on the shoulder by a girl her age. The girl had blonde, straight hair that was until her waist. She had orange eyes that had a mischievous glint.

"U-Um… why is everyone crowding over there? You don't need to answer! I'm just too curious! I'm-I'm so sorry for disturbing you!" the girl stuttered, blushing furiously.

"No no, its fine!" Alice sweat dropped as she looked up at her with happy eyes and a wide grin. Alice scratched the back of her head and thought. 'World Tournament…World Tournament…World Tournament…World Tournament… OK, stop!' Alice growled subconsciously at her brain, who kept replaying Nurse Joy's voice.

"Its because of the World Tournament. I heard it was today." Alice said, shrugging.

"W-WORLD TOURNEMENT! OH SHOOT! I didn't know it was today!" she yelled, mumbling over somethings.

Sweat dropping, Alice asked the girl, "What is a World Tournament?".

Suddenly, everyone in the Pokemon Center went dead silent… "WHAAAAT! HOW CAN YOU NOT KNOW WHAT A WORLD TOURNAMANT IS, YOU NOOB!" everybody screamed all at once at Alice, who screamed.

"Guess I'll have to explain… a World Tournament is a tournament with trainers, coordinators as well as breeders and researchers from Sinnoh, Hoenn, Johto and Kanto gathering at a different location every year." A boy with glasses said. Another person, whichwas a male, knocked him upside the head.

"You're a noob too! Don't forget, there is a whole load of cash and a mystery Pokemon for the three winners! The mystery Pokemon might even be a legendary!" the guy shouted. Alice felt her mouth turn its sides into a wide smile.

"Could someone read to me out loud where is it this year?" she yelled across the room, and a little kid raised his hand.

"Lets see…lucky you! This year, its in Hearthome City, in the Contest Hall!" the little boy shouted to her.

"Thank you, and goodbye!" Alice said, running off outside the Pokemon Center, and right after, it became a shoving contest again.


Alice felt the cool air and nice smell of the air as she rushed out of the Pokemon Center.

"Star, c'mon out!" she yelled and tossed a Pokeball in the air. A Staraptor speedily flew around the skybefore landingnext to it's master's side.

"Star Staraptor!" it cooed and let Alice climb on top.

"Good girl! Here, a poffin!" Alice cheered and let Star gobble up a blue coloured poffin.

"Star!" Staraptor had a very satisfied look on it's face, it's eyes closing.

"Star, I need you to fly to Hearthome City, 'kay?" Alice asked Star. Star nodded and flapped its wings a few times, and Alice was in the air.

"Maximum speed, okay, ready…GO!" Alice yelled and Star took off.

After ten to twenty mins…

Star landed in front of the Pokemon Center in Hearthome, where Alice could see thousands of people lining up in front of the Contest Hall.

"PSST! Hey, girl! Yes, you there! With the Staraptor!" a voice called. Alice turned around to be met with a person covered in a cloak. He handed her a card and told her he had given only 30 other people the card. Then, he disappeared. Alice looked down at the card in her hand. It said, 'Quic and Easy Access to the World Tournament! Give to person on left counter.'

"Return, Star." She said, realizing Star was stll there, and Star disappeared into it's Pokeball. Alice walked over to the left counter by managing to squeeze trough the crazy crowd, which was lining up at the right counter. Alice handed the card to the lady there and the lady let her in. When Alice went inside, she was really amazed. Everything was so high-tech! There was flying robot sellers, meaning selling food and drinks to the audience, also, there were ten robot police! SO COOL! At first, everything looked the same. Then, Alice's eyes buldged out of their sockets.

"WHAT! THE HALL HAS BEEN RENOVATED!"Alice cried, seeing that the Contest Hall was now 50 times bigger than it was last time. The stage had been replaced by a larger stage, which was supposedly for the judges.

"Everyone HERE please be SEATED. PARTCIPANTS please make their way to the BATTLE ARENA." A loud voice boomed. Alice went straight to the Arena, along with hundreds of people more.

"NOW as you wait for other participants, please think of a STRATEGY, or OTHER things." The voice boomed once again. Alice sat on the ground, excited about the gifts as well as the other challengers that are about to be there.

Me: Okay, the first chapter is done! I'm accepting up to 40-50 partcipants, as you can see, or OCs as you may call it. The form is as below.




Appearance: (clothing, eyes, hair, etc…)

History: (Nothing too dramatic like, " I hate Team Rocket for killing my whole family so I will kill them back later on. I swore to my dead parents.")

Family: (Have at least one member)


Achievements: (Nothing too high and mighty, like, getting first in everything, along with defeating Cynthia. No champion of Sinnoh.)

Pokemon: (4-6. No legendaries and pseudo legendaries.)

Other: (Tell me stuff that are not included in this form.)

Me: Well, that's it! I'll update as long as I get at least 10 OCs first. R&R with an OC! Well, hope you do… please do! ^-^