Hello all! This is my very first story so please be let me know what you think of it good or bad.

This story is set after Shadow Kissed. The cabin, the attack on the school and the rescue mission all happen. The rescue mission was a success if you could call it that, but Dimitri & Rose came back safely.

Disclaimer: I do not own the vampire academy series or any of the character that are mentioned through out the series Rachelle Mead does!


Rolling over in bed I look at the window and see the faint outline of the sun as it begins to set and the start of another glories day. Looking at my alarm clock on the bedside table, noticing that I have woken up an hour before my training session with Dimitri, which is not like me?


Just thinking about him makes my heart race. God I love him so much.

Reluctantly throw the covers back, I headed to the bathroom. I turn the shower on to get it warm. Turning back to the mirror I stare at my own reflection. Sighing to myself I entered the shower letting the hot water run over my body, while my mind flashes back on events.

God has it really been a month now since the attack on the school, a month since Dimitri and I finally let our guards down showing truly how much love we have for each other. A month since the school deemed safe again to start classes. Can't my life be simple for once or a break at least?

I honestly don't know why I am this down today. Not having classes for month would be my idea of Christmas, resulting me to do play the Rose Hathaway pranks but looking back on the attack made me realise that everyone I love can be gone in the blink of an eye. This made me feel angry, helpless and uneasy.

I nearly lost Eddie & Dimitri in that month…..GOD!

My thoughts were interrupted by a knock at my door. I quickly checked the bond but Lissa was still asleep dreaming about Christian. I quickly got out of her head before I saw and felt more than I should and be scar for life again! EWWWH

Wrapping a big towel round my body I went to answer my door. I heard another knock at the door but this time it is quieter. Opening the door I looked in to the most beautiful brown eyes that existed, Dimitri's of course.

My 6'8 Russian god was wearing his usual black jeans and muscle shirt with his brown leather duster in his hands. God he always manages to look so HOT!

"Roza….. I"

Looking over my body he realised that I was only standing there in a towel. He had his guardian mask on now but you could tell that passion, need and desire showing in his eyes.

It's been so long since Dimitri and I had a moment alone and I wonder…..

I pushed the door open more, turned around saying

"Come in Comrade"

I heard the door shut behind me as I turned to face Dimitri letting go of the towel. OOPPPS! I stood there with my hands on my hips with the best man eating smile. It has been so long since I felt his touch, his warmth against my skin and his kisses, oh god his kisses. I need him, I needed him now.

I heard Dimitri hold his breath; I felt his eyes move over my body. It sent a warm shiver through out my body.

"See something you like comrade?" asking in a seductive voice.

I only just heard him whisper "Шахта" (Mine) in Russian before his warm strong arms wrapped around my waist pulling me body closer to him.

I really have to learn Russian I thought as Dimitri's lips found mine, kissing me hard with so much passion and love. I kissed him back with all the passion, love and need I have for him, wrapping my arms around his neck. I leaned forward on my tiptoes leaning into him even more. I felt my naked nipples become hard as I rubbed my body closer to his. I ran my tongue against his bottom lip asking for entrance which he granted immediately.

God I have miss this and from Dimitri reaction he has too. He is usually so in control but since the cabin he has lets his guard down when we are alone. Sometimes I feel like we are a normal couple.

I felt one of Dimitri's hands leave my waist, his fingertips running them lightly up my spine sending a shiver of pleasure through out my body. His hands went into my hair pushing me more towards him as our tongues started massages each others for dominance.

We both deepened the kiss at the same time. I felt the muscles in his arm get a tighter grip on my body as I was lifted of the ground. Dimitri took 2 steps laying us down on the bed not breaking the kiss. Dimitri doesn't release his hold on my body in fact he is still holding me quite firm, which turns me on even more. I wrap my legs round his waist hearing a growl from Dimitri.

We both pulled back from the kiss gasping for air, resting our foreheads together.

"Roza… Roza … My beautiful Roza….. The things you…. do to me" Dimitri said between gasps of air.

A huge smile came to my face as I knew I won right there, that I was going to have sex with Dimitri for the second time. I removed my hands from around his neck and slid them under his shirt feeling his rock hard abs. "Roza" A small moan escaped Dimitri's mouth. I grabbed the bottom of his shirt, pulling it up when Dimitri's mobile rang.

YOU GOT TO BE BLOODY KIDDING ME! I screamed in my head.

Dimitri shifted his weight grabbing his phone from his pocket in his jeans. If I wasn't already mad I would have found it quite a turn on since my legs were still wrapped around his waist.

"Belikov" Dimitri amswered

I could hear the person on the phone but I couldn't make out what they were saying so I just laid there as quiet as I could be under the circumstances, or should I say under my Russian God! I had a huge smile on my face now as my mind filled with naughty thoughts.

As I was to busy with my own thoughts that I only just caught Dimitri saying we will be in a few minutes.

Dimitri put his phone back into his pocket and looked at me.

"What?" I could hardly hide the innocence in my voice.

"I know that look" Dimitri stated

"You do not!" I said blushing slightly; god he can see right through me.

"That was Alberta, all guardians and novices are requested for a meeting in 5 mins" He stated in his guardian voice.

Dimitri gave me a quick kiss pushing himself up from me. I just laid there pouting my bottom lip like little kid. Dimitri looked at me with a kind smile knowing exactly what I was feeling.

"Roza there is nothing more I would want right now then you in every way but we have to go" using his most seductive voice knowing that I cant resist.

I quickly got of the bed going to my draws pulling out some underwear, my skinny jeans and a red tight v neck shirt that hugs my body. I quickly got dress than ran into the bathroom brushed my hair, leaving it out as I know that is how Dimitri likes it.

If I can't have Dimitri I am going to make sure he has nothing else on his mind but me!


I have just finished my shift, looking at my watch there is only an hour before Roza training session. Just the very thought of her makes my heart speed up. I have never felt like this about any woman. Woman constantly throw themselves at me, I know that I am a good looking guy so everyone tells me but none of those women see me. Roza has managed to captivate, dazzle and she has this mysteries hold over me very being. She see the real me. She is the missing half of me, which scares me on a personal and profession level.

It's been a month since the attack on the school and 3 weeks of meetings, every training session the gym has been occupied with other guardians training and shifts. I have had no time alone with Rose and knowing her she is either going to start sneaking out again or getting herself in trouble because of it. I couldn't blame her if she did as I know exactly how she feels.

I missed having her in my arms, her soft lips, and her amazing hair in my hands. Oh god just the thought of her making me remember the best night in my life, the night at the cabin. I knew it was wrong of me but I couldn't hide my feelings for her any longer.

I started walking faster towards Rose room as that night replayed in my mind. I went through the backside door, quietly up the stairs taking 2 at a time. I just need to have her in my arms, NOW!


Dimitri and I reached the guardians building late! Everyone was already seated listening to Alberta. Dimitri was speaking to Stan in very hush voices but I could tell by the look on Dimitri's face that he was annoyed and frustrated with what Stan was saying.

As I was late I wasn't paying attention to a thing Alberta was say, surprise surprise, so I was looking around the room to anything that caught my eye, when I heard.

"So your practical test will be held in a week time" Alberta said


Dimitri must have seen my face express, coming over to me placing his hand on my shoulder to calm me down. He motioned with his head to follow him. We both walked outside and took a seat at one of the tables under a tree.

"Rose I know what you're going to say but there is nothing that you can do" he said in annoyed voice. He wasn't annoyed with me but the situation.

"This is absolutely crap Dimitri we still have 2 months before the end of the school year and there pushing the test forward. Isn't bad enough that the school was attacked a month ago?" I said raising my voice.

"Since the attack being so close to the end of the school year the queen has thought it best to bring everything forward to smooth things over with the other council members" Dimitri said grinding his teeth.


"Roza I am not happy about this the same as you. Do you really think that I want to see you in another battle or situation as Spokane where I can't keep you and Princess Vanillsa safe?" he voice was a low growl now.

Dimitri had his guardian mask on but looking into his eye I could see that he is mad. I know Dimitri always wanted to protect me but he never really said it out in the open like that and the way he said it. He would stop at nothing if I ever got hurt.

Before I could say anything else I heard my name being called.

"Rose! There you are, you coming to breakfast?" Lissa said walking to the table.

"Oh sorry Guardian Belikov I didn't mean to interrupt" Lissa said in her apologetic voice.

"No Princess Dragomir you're not interrupting, Rose and I were just finishing up" giving her a nod.

Dimitri stood up from the table "Rose I will see you at practise, I will be stepping it up a bit due to recent news". With that he walked backed towards the guardian building.

"What news?" Lissa said curiously.

I stood up and starting walking towards the cafeteria.

"Rose what news?" Lissa said again.

"They have brought the novices practical test forward. Come next week I will either pass or fail!" I said trying to lighten the mood

"WHAT!" Lissa yelled

I just looked at her "Lissa can we wait till after I get some food to talk about this please. Im really hungry now that you mention food!" I said rubbing my belly.

Lissa laughed "Always thinking of food!"

Piling up my tray with scrambled eggs & bacon, pancakes with strawberries, chocolate donuts and a hot chocolate I made my way over to the table noticing that Christian, Eddie and Adrian were already there.

Lissa gave Christian a kiss on the cheek and sat down, with me sitting next to her an Adrian.

"Morning all" I said in my best morning voice!

"Morning Little Dhampir, it is always nice to see you looking so fine in the mornings" Adrian said with that smart arse grin on his face.

I gave him a glare that said keep going this morning with those comments and watch out! Before I even got to take a bit of my eggs Lissa asked again.

"So why are they moving the novices practical forward to next week? Isn't that a bit too soon after the attack?"

Eddie and I were about to answer when Adrian opened his mouth.

"Aunty Tatiana thinks it will smooth the council members if the senior novices graduate early and helping the guardian numbers, especially since the attack at the school. Personally tho I think it is stupid, students haven't gotten over the attack and their heads will not be in the right place for the practical."

I just glared at him and turned back to my food.

"God Rose what are you eating for two or something, there is enough food on there to feed herd of cows!" Christian joked.

"Shut up firefly didn't you just here that the novice's practicals are next week? Dimitri is upping my training so I am going to need all the energy I can get… and did you just call me a cow?" I said sticking out my tongue at him.

Everyone broke out into laughter. Deep down inside Christian and I are just like brother and sister; actually he is the brother I never had. He makes Lissa happy and that is what matters. Both of us will deny our feelings for each other so it works out well.

The rest of the day was a blur. Classes were boring as normal, I feel asleep in Stan class, resulting in me being kicked out. Even the training session with Dimitri was a blur and that's saying something! I just didn't know why I was feeling this way.

Laying on my bed I slowly started drifting off to sleep, when I heard a nagging voice in the back of my head.

"God Rose what are you eating for two or something, there is enough food on there to feed a herd of cows!" "Eating for two" were the words, which caught my attention.

My eye open instantly, I jumped off my bed over to my desk looking for the calendar. No No No I can't be, I only had sex with Dimitri. It's impossible. Finally I found the calendar, I flipped its pages to the current month I started counting backwards till I reached the date of my last period. I froze dropping the calendar. I was 2 weeks and 3 days late.

SHIT! SHIT! SHIT! Think rose think.

Grabbing my hoody, phone and keys I headed to the only place were I will be able confirm if I am or if im not, The Medical clinic!

It was 20 mins till curfew so I had to be fast. I walked in and straight up to the reception area. The nurse behind the counter greeted me with a friendly smile "How can I help you dear?"

"Hi I was wondering if I could have a pregnancy test please?" saying it in my best Rose bravado voice.

The nurse looked at me with a puzzling look "Is this for you or someone else dear?"

Putting on my guardian mask I replied "Oh god no it is not for me, I was approached by a girl who I didn't know strangely enough asking me to do this for her since my reputation is shot to shi….. Well you know, she thought that it wouldn't raise any suspicions"

The nurse just looked at me with a worried face.

"Look can I please have the test for her, if she is I will encourage her to make an appointment with the doctor" my voice pleading to her.

"Only if you promise to get her to book an appointment if she is?" said the nurse with a smile on her face.

"I promise" I replied giving her a small nod.

The nurse got up going through the swinging door. A few minutes late she came back with a pregnancy test handing it over.

"Please tell this young lady there is nothing to be afraid and we are here if she needs it" saying in soft voice.

"Thank you and I will let her know" I said before rushing out the door.

I ran back to my room just making it before curfew. Taking my hoodie off, throwing it to the floor I went to the bathroom. I sat on the toilet reading the instructions.

"Pee on the stick and wait 3 min, Blue line negative, Pink cross positive" I said out loud.

Well that is not to hard! Removing the test stick from the box I did as the instructions say. Placing the cap back on and sitting the test on the counter.

Those three minutes went as slow as possible I swear. I paced up and down my small bathroom listening to the clock tick. Three minutes were up. I went over to the counter picking up the test. I grabbed the box again checking the instructions. SHIT!

Looking back at the test and down to my stomach I started crying slumping to the floor I was pregnant with Dimitri Belikov baby.