Tsuna and Gokudera walked hand in hand for quite a while. They didn't walk fast nor slow, just taking their time getting to their destination, with Tsuna leading the way. At first, the brunette thought it would be awkward walking like this, since they were both guys, and he had never considered himself to have any romantic feelings towards the bomber before now, however the walk was comfortable, he didn't feel strange at all. Since they were touching, the ribbons didn't pull them any closer like it did before when they were talking, however the ribbons on his other hands didn't cease the pulling. But Gokudera had a firm grip on Tsuna and didn't plan on allowing the Red Ribbons of Fate to take him away from him. Not when he had finally confessed his love to his boss. They passed through the park, and when passing by the vending machines, Tsuna stopped suddenly. Gokudera looked to the younger boy, wondering why he stopped.

"Want a drink, Gokudera-kun?" Tsuna offered sweetly, letting go of his hand. For a second, the storm guardian wanted to recapture his hand and never let go, but went against the idea.

"Ah, I'll pay for it Tenth!" He said quickly, pulling out his wallet from his back jean pocket.

"Are you sure? I don't mind paying." he offered once more, but Gokudera simply smiled and shook his head.

"How am I supposed to make you fall in love with me, if I let you pay for our drinks?" He teased; Tsuna blushed as he avoided the other's eyes. This was going to take some getting used to, since it was the first time someone had ever told him that they were in love with him. It made him really happy though.

"I guess you're right." He agreed as he shyly smiled towards Gokudera, whose heart started beating faster from that adorable look. The ribbon sensed the separation, and pulled the two together, their fingers brushing together as they both met each other's eyes. With a small glance, both quickly blushed and looked opposite ways.

"Uh, what do you want to drink?" The silverette suddenly asked, feeling a bit embarrassed as he tried to pretend nothing happened.

"Hot chocolate, please. It's a little cold out, isn't it?" He said, going along with Gokudera's cover up.

"Yeah, winter is definitely on the horizon." He agreed, sliding his cash into the machine and selecting the option for hot chocolate. With a loud thunk, the can came crashing into the pickup box, and the bomber reached into the dark hole and pulled out the warm drink, handing it to his boss, who happily accepted.

"Thanks." He said cheerfully as he held the can with both hands, closing his eyes and absorbing the warmth into his chilled fingers. Gokudera watched his boss's peaceful face in awe. Tsuna opened his eyes and noticed green eyes staring intently at him, causing him to blush in surprise and look towards the ground, avoiding the other's gaze. Noticing his discomfort, Gokudera decided to buy his drink so they could continue onwards. He bought a can of coffee, then turned back to Tsuna.

"Ready?" he asked.

"Ah, yeah." Tsuna answered, snapping out of his trance.

"The ribbon leads this way." Tsuna gestured, pointing towards the east exit of the park. The other nodded as he followed Tsuna out the stone gates of the park and back onto the sidewalk. He saw Tsuna's hand dangling freely by his side, and he made a notion to grab it, but stopped himself before doing so.

'The first time we held hands, the Tenth initiated it. Maybe he was just trying to humor since I confessed, and he actually doesn't want to hold hands with me. Maybe he's just leading me on to make me feel better; he did look disgusted when our hands brushed before...' He thought, suddenly growing gloomy at the idea. He decided to follow a few paces behind Tsuna, now afraid to get close to him. Tsuna noticed this, but he didn't want to question Gokudera, since he was still new at this, and wasn't exactly sure what to say. He sighed, he had deliberately held his hand out for the other, but since he didn't take it, he disappointedly stuck it in his pocket as he sipped his hot chocolate.

'Why am I so disappointed?' He wondered, keeping his gaze low. They walked in silence the whole way, until before they knew it, they had arrived at their destination, and Tsuna gawked.

"Tenth, is this the place?" Gokudera asked hesitantly, as he now knew exactly who this person was.

"Yes, this is where the ribbon leads." He confirmed.

"It couldn't be him, right?" The silverette asked, both gazing up at the large building that was none other than Namimori Middle, the dwelling of Hibari Kyoya. Tsuna swallowed hard and looked over at Gokudera.

"I don't know for sure, but it's probably is..." He said quietly, and Gokudera frowned, already not fond of his competition.

'Why is that stupid herbivore getting to me?'

An anger vein appeared on Hibari's forehead. For whatever reason, Hibari couldn't stop thinking of Tsuna. How he excited him, how powerful he could be when his precious friends were at risk, and yet at the same time, he was a cowardly herbivore. He sat up on the rooftop of Namimori Middle, letting the cool wind blow his dark hair out of his face; Hibird happily singing the Namimori anthem on his head. The clouds drifted slowly over head, laying a blanket of shade over them. He looked at his cloud ring; the sun's light reflecting off of it disappearing with the sun. A red ribbon waving in the wind tied to his finger floated out into the distance, leaving him wondering where it led.

"Stupid herbivores."

The ribbon led in the direction of the roof, and ribbon tugged him harsh in the direction of its end. Obliging, Tsuna entered the gate and Gokudera followed suit, as much as he didn't want to. Tsuna chased his ribbon, heart filled with the same anxiety as when he followed the first. They entered the building as the brunette quickened his pace, eager to confirm his own suspicions. They went up the stair ways, climbing all the way to the top. Through the tiny window in the door leading to the rooftop, the two could see the prefect lounging on the ground, and Tsuna noticed the crimson string flowing from Hibari's hand and linking the two together. Gokudera and Tsuna exchanged glances.

"It's him." Tsuna mumbled.

"As I thought. Tenth, let me take care of him!" He said, pulling out his dynamite; however Tsuna quickly grabbed his hand in protest.

"Tenth..." Gokudera murmured in confusion. Tsuna was pulled towards him.

"Wait, Gokudera-kun! Could I talk to Hibari-san by myself?" He pleaded; the innocent look his boss gave him melted Gokudera's icy heart as he put his dynamite away.

"If that's what you want." He gave in, avoiding the other's eyes.

"Thank you, Gokudera-kun." Tsuna gave a small smile before turning back to the door, slowly twisting the rusted knob and pushing the door open. Hibari's eye lids instantly opened and he focused on Tsuna, not expecting to see the herbivore today since there was no school. The raven haired boy sat up and glared at the boy, taking note of the ribbon on his finger.

"What are you doing here, herbivore? You do know there is punishment for anyone who dares wake my slumber, don't you?" Tsuna flinched, stopping midway between Hibari and the door.

"Well, there's something I need to talk to you about." He blurted quickly, afraid Hibari would bite him to death.

"Is it about this?" He questioned as he held up his hand, the ribbon ever so present as it occupied the space between them. Tsuna nodded.

"Good, I would like an explanation to this, herbivore. I do not enjoy partaking in your stupid games." He stated, and the brunette stayed quite, trying to quickly think of a good explanation that wouldn't involve him being killed by the other.

"Answer me." The perfect commanded, growing impatient. Tsuna gulped, proceeding to speak.

"They're called the Red Ribbons of Fate." He answered, and Hibari gave him an incredulous look.

"What kind of joke is that?" He asked, his annoyance growing at the idiotic answer.

"No, I'm serious! They are!" He said quickly.

"Go on." He requested, not amused.

"They say that the Red Ribbons bind people who are fated to be together. Although you can only see yours, I actually have three others ribbons. One connecting you and me, one connecting Gokudera and I, and I haven't found out who the others are yet." Tsuna explained.

"And why am I included in this?" He asked dryly.

"B-Because you love me?" He squeaked, and Hibari's rage grew, tired of the nonsense. He stood and pulled out his tonfas as Tsuna squealed in fear of being injured. Inside, Gokudera was tempted to rescue his boss but decided to wait and watch.

"I dare you to say that again."

"Hiee! Hibari-san, calm down!" He tried to sooth, only adding to the fire. The perfect sighed and put his tonfas away, turning the opposite direction of the brunette.

"Leave." He ordered.


Tsuna turned to leave, nearly tripping when a ribbon yanked him in its direction. He was about to leave when he remembered something important.

"Oh, H-Hibari-san, just please, don't cut the ribbon!" He begged, and Hibari gave him a look of amusement.

"Stupid herbivore, I wasn't planning to."

Tsuna let out a sigh of relief as he opened the door and exited the rooftop, leaving the other behind.

"Love, huh?" Hibari smirked, watching the wind blow the ribbon.

Tsuna entered the hallway the door led to, where Gokudera waited leaning against the wall sadly.

"Sorry, Gokudera-kun, did you wait long?" He asked, the bomber forced a smile, looking towards the small boy as he approached.

"No, not at all! That was faster than I expected." He commented.

"Yeah, I explained it to him."


"He said it was stupid."

"That bastard!" He yelled, walking back towards the roof.

"Wait, Gokudera-kun!" Tsuna lunged at him, grabbing the back of his shirt. Gokudera looked back, knowing what he was going to ask. He sighed and gave up, the two walking back down the stairs to leave. When they reached the gates of the school, Tsuna turned to Gokudera.

"Want to help me find the third person?" He asked.

"No, actually if it's alright with you, I'm going to go home." He said quietly, his answer taking Tsuna by surprise.

'I don't want to know. It's too painful.' He thought.

"O-oh, ok then. I guess I'll see you tomorrow then." He responded awkwardly.

"Yeah, see you..." He said, turning regretfully away from his boss, his heart filled with more pain than expected. Tsuna went the opposite way, in search of the next person.

Wow, 5927 fluff much? I wasn't even expecting this lol. Oh well, Hibari is one of Tsuna's fated people, were you expecting it? Sorry if Hibari is a little OOC, I don't have much experience with writing him. Somehow I managed to finish this before I leave! I hope you enjoyed! Although the next one will definitely not be finished until after I come back home, sorry. :/

Thank you for those who reviewed, it's much appreciated! I hope I continue to gain your support!