Should Julie date Portman or Adam? I am not making this a fanfic ALL about them, but I know there will be Connie/Guy and Linda/Charlie.

Charlie's POV

"Hey guys" I said as I walked over to the table where me and the rest of the ducks sat for lunch every day.

"Hey Charlie" Connie said

"Hey man" Fulton said

"What are you eating today Charlie?" Goldberg asked. The rest of the table laughed

"An apple and a burger" I said as I laughed

"So guys what are we doing for the Halloween dance?" Julie asked

"I say we don't go" Goldberg suggested

"What! They're will be girls with NO dates and we will be the boys who comfort them" Averman

"As smart as that is Averman. I don't think a girl would go out with you even if they were paid" Russ said and they others laughed except for Connie and Julie

"C'mon guys leave him alone. I think the party will be fun" Connie said

"Yeah well it's easy for you. I mean all you have to do is look "cute" and well face it you already look great" Dwayne said

"Aw thanks Dwayne, but how is it easier for me?" Connie asked as I saw Guy clenched his fists at Dwayne flirting with his girlfriend of 5 years. I understand why Guy gets upset I mean if it's not Dwayne or occasionally Luis it's some other boy in the school flirting with her, but Connie would NEVER cheat on Guy and Guy would never cheat on Connie.

"Um hello out of all of us you already have a date" Russ said as he looked at Guy.

"I'm not the only one. I mean Julie has Scooter and Charlie has Linda" Connie stated

"Actually I dumped Scooter" Julie said looking at her plate

"Oh Julie I'm sorry-"Connie said

"It's totally fine he was an idiot anyway" Julie said as Adam smiled

"And I am having problems with Linda" I said

"Again!" The table moaned

"Hey it's not that bad" I said trying to defend myself

"Dude it kinda is" Fulton said softly

"Yeah I mean she's not even a babe" Portman added and then Connie hit him on his stomach because she was sitting next to him. "What" Portman said rubbing himself where she hit him. See this is why I love Connie (as a sister) She always sticks up for is even if she is mad at us. The bell then rang and we all got up. As we walked out I pulled Connie aside.

"Thanks" I said

"Oh don't mention it" Connie said as she smiled.