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Eight years ago:

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"Think again, do you really wish to use the Jewel to save this girl? You may be damned yourself and the girl for whom you are sacrificing your soul will no longer remember you", the spirits inside the Jewel warned Inuyasha as he intended to use the Shikon-no-tama to restore Kagome back to life.

"Keh, I will not regret this decision, I want her alive. She is too little to die." Inuyasha managed to say though the words choked his voice as he looked at the lifeless Kagome in his arms, yet he knew he has to be calm and not break down in front of Miroku and Sango.

Remember, I promised to protect YOU with my life!

"Young boy, we are moved by your true feelings, so we will make another of your wish come true after which you will become a human and you two will share the complete life cycle of a human."

"Hah! That's more than enough…means I won't die before a human's complete lifetime!" Inuyasha was quite surprised; he couldn't fathom using the Jewel would be so easy.

My only wish would be to see all your wishes come true…

Now that Naraku is defeated and the Jewel finally disappeared, they have no other work at hand which means restoring Kagome's memories won't be a tough job at all.

A very frail girl opened her eyes and looked wildly at the figure enwinding her tightly, "You must be Inuyasha, but why are you…"her eyes suddenly seemed so cold and distant, filled with an unrecognizable expression, "let go of me."

A pang of an equally painful yet unknown emotion passed through him and then a strange relief:

Kagome remembers me!

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. . . . . . . . . . . .. One month later. . . . . . . . . . . .

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"Y-you are to blame yourself for this," Inuyasha gritted out as anger as well as helpless drug of passion overtook him, hardly able to utter any syllable properly.

The situation isn't an ideal one or even near the one he had fantasized every so often.

His one hand effectively wound around Kagome's both wrists blocking any of her remonstrations and his legs tightly trapped her thighs spreading them appart, his other hand busy in shredding her clothes.

His passion heated kisses showered relentlessly onto Kagome's neck and shoulders; his rough hot tongue licked her cheeks and lips, smothering her pure skin with his saliva.

He is salivating like a dog anticipating a highly prized meal…his movements are shaky.

"Get away from me, YOU MONSTER…I - I... NO DON'T, I am to get married to Hojo, Pl-please don't d-do this to me", Kagome screamed hating these unwanted attentions; lying underneath…she has no intensions of marrying anybody, all she wants to do now is the make up for the loss of studies that she did by roaming with such a lecherous hanyou.

It wounded her very much when she felt his eyes on her body as they slept and soon enough felt his hands on her temple, after all, she had considered him as a friend like Miroku and Sango; she avoided him since she has no intensions of getting any further involved than is absolutely necessary.

At first, it started with a little arguing about her growing closeness with Miroku, then, he accused her of flirting when he saw her with Hojo and it finally escalated into threats that he will never allow her to go into her time again!

The more she shunned him, the more he kept on persisting and she eventually decided to leave the Feudal era and stay safely in future…that's where things started to worsen.

The words affected him just as Kagome pain-stricken tear stained face did…but that didn't prevent the ever swirling increasing heat to pool in his groins, in response he roughly ground his rock hard member on her inner thighs, a taste of what comes next- the inevitable consummation.

"No pleas-",her pleas were cut short as Inuyasha backhanded her hard enough to draw a thin line of blood at the corner of her tiny lips.

His expression flickered for a moment between lust and remorse, and he hated for putting her in so much pain for this moment though he is certain that the outcome will be for the best of her, of them

He licked off the blood stain from her lips; Kagome flinched.

His hand sensuously moved up her body as he grunted something that sounds like, "Just relax" and he dipped his fingers into her love-lips and tried to start a soothing rhythm, as much soothing as Kagome's weak protests would allow him…Kagome found herself getting wet though she despised the thought of responding to such a Monster's touch.

Her untried body reacted though her mind screamed murder.

"This will reduce your pain", he murmured and with expert ease stroked inside of her in circles onto that spot where she is most sensitive, "Trust me".

Within a matter of minutes she reached her peak and cried out, tears of shame raining down her eyes. Inuyasha licked them away and mounted her suddenly before she recovered from the aftershocks of her first climax, quickly rupturing her hymen. The pain caused her to scream helplessly and she cursed him, the only response she got was a faltering kiss on her lips. He moved into her slowly at first, though giving her no time to get adjusted to his size. As his tension intensified, he thrusted harder and faster into her newly de-flowered body…it took him only another dozen thrusts before he came hard inside of her, his seeds mixing with Kagome un-welcomed juices.

"None can separate us now, not even that stupid well. YOU BELONG TO ME", he wrapped her sobbing little body in his haori,"Lets return to our home," he gentled a bit towards her after ravaging her soft still blossoming body as he carried her to his world from her home.

Her family could never stop such a vicious demon…

-End of flashback-

Oh Gods, what have I done!

Inuyasha pondered over all the recent events…

Kagome remembered everything about their friends and journeys but she avoided being close to him, at first he contributed that to her shyness and ill health but following her closely he noticed many changes; Kagome would study in her spare times and rarely chat with the group, she would preclude any form of physical contact with him which they both previously cherished in secret, her arousal wont glimmer when she stayed in his close proximity, and worst of them all, she preferred to stay in her home and spend time with that human bastard. When he asked why she is being so intimate with Hojo, she simply glared at him and said he is a good boy. Of course, his little Kagome isn't in love with that scum but even then she agreed to marry him.

Was that a lie?

Kagome can never love anyone other than him…their meeting was never any coincidence.

The very thought simply infuriated him which increased infinitely when she attempted to seal the well when he forced her against the marriage, so the only thing that came into his devastated mind was to use the Jewel and make Kagome his so that he may truly bring her to where she really belongs.

Even in the darkest of all thoughts he didn't anticipate the outcome, couldn't in all of his dreams believe her rejection of him to be so intense and her stubbornness to hold out this long…

A very naked Inuyasha couched onto the cold floor, his back pressed to the wall of the tiny hut they so regarded as their home…a strange sort of numbing feeling overwhelming him, his ponderings becoming strained just as his mind after the day's toil, his body hurting due to the super condensed coils of unresolved sexual tension, his tautness a constant remainder of his pain.

His eyes moved to trace Kagome's body affectionately covered by a thin blanket, leaving her shoulders bare to his not-at-all sated gaze, the fire light imparting his black hairs a glazed appearance further emphasizing his human form as well as debilities.

His hope rekindled by seeing the sleeping girl…a part of his mind filled with self-disgust as recognition of just what she said dawned in.


But again she is just a child…what can she possibly know about RAPE; and besides she probably doesn't understand how close they really were, that's why she is so revolting.

In the deeper planes of his mind, he realized exactly that her first time was non consensual, but it can't be rape…how can union between any lovers be called rape?

But I don't love you!

'Surely, she will understand why I acted like this; had she not always understood me, besides she used to be a virgin…she just needs some time…'

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Present time:


"Hey slut, boss wants to see you this evening for a very special guest. Lots of money and audiences too!" one of the local pimp's guard addressed to a ragged and fatigued man.

The man wore tattered clothes, his body carefully covered by white dusty looking sheets resembling a bandage. His black hair unkempt and thin in certain patches…hair covering his face thus revealing only one eye. His thin shriveled up face giving the impression of a very old man although he is barely in thirties!

"Oh! The special guest is the Lord of the West…you must recognize him, after all, he himself has ordered your presence", the guards nasty taunting exposed his other major interest.

The so-less-man like creature slightly raised its head hesitantly and gave the barest of all nods.

-An old recollection-

"You abomination, what have you done to Kagome?" Sango screamed.

"We will never choose a worthless hanyou over her. Give her back to us."Miroku said hatefully, his love for his friend evaporating as Inuyasha's unacceptable deed is revealed to him, "I hate that time when I even considered you as a friend"

"You can do nothing to stop me…you can never violate the mating bonds of Inuyokais unless of course you kill me," Inuyasha said, malicious smirk gracing his features, "Guess what, being a monk you can't even kill a youkai turned human."

He left that Kikyo's village with Kagome to escape from any surprise attacks and forced her to stay in a tiny hut with him.

"Inuyasha, how can you be so evil? I never harmed you so why are you doing this to me "the hurt look on her face overpowered his strict-appearing façade.

Intense grief overwhelmed him and all that he could manage to say is: "Don't disobey me, Kagome…you must have already realized how EVIL I truly can be!"

Anguish filled her; she moved her face away from him and wailed as if her last opportunity of survival is shattered.

But it is my only opportunity to find happiness…

Her weakened form shook from her soreness of heart, mind as well as body.

The unforgivable throb in between her legs has stilled into a dull ache, but the astounding act of betrayal by someone whom she once considered as a friend left her speechless…

- End of recollection-

"What is it, you whore…why are you staring at the wall?" Miroku taunted at the creature lost in its thoughts finding it squatting in a corner of the street,

"I have known ogling at walls for long times often reveals strange faces, both the yearned ones and the feared ones!" his mockery apparent in his suggestive tone.

The creature shook slightly as if in trepidation.

so whose face did you just saw…

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A/N: This is originally made for , so its not a fluff though it will have soft & fluffy chapters too. Both the anime and manga mostly speaks from Kagome's view, so this one will highlight Inuyasha more (& Sesshoumaru in later chapters…yay, even in fictions we rarely get their POV!)

Inuyasha due to his obstinate nature (as is shown in the anime) will lose everything that is precious to him…even his love can do very little to bind Kagome with him; Kagome is not OOC, its just she had forgotten all their intimate moments (other things we consider exactly same as in the anime/manga after Naraku is slayed) …also, this has been my 1st writing put out for others to see & I personally feel this story is very difficult to write (with all the time travel & psychoanalysis…so phul-eeze be a bit nice!).

Single quotations includes a character's thoughts.

Lastly, this story is very much dark & it will be a bit modified to suit ! It will have mildly suggestive rape scenes, a bit of perversion or fetish, scenes of fluffy love too, very mild hint of child abuse, prostitution and graphic yaoi (but that's it, I won't include harder stuffs!)…keep reading & please do leave lots & lots of reviews…R & R