Alright. It took me a whole day to finish this. I'll give myself a small reward for finishing a story. :) LOL but happy ending anyways. I was thinking if I should just make and ending without may but makes Ash happy but I decided to go on this one instead.
New story coming soon. I'll work on the new story ASAP! :)
-Saph :)
I do not own pokemon only the story
May looked at Drew.
"It's Ash" she said.
I froze when I heard she loves me. I love her too but I'm not sure. This is the first time I like someone and she's one of my bestfriends.
I looked at the screen and seems like both of us are winners. "I'm sorry but I did not expect this but we only have one ribbon" Nurse Joy said presenting us the terracotta ribbon. "I think we both know what we have to do" I grabbed the ribbon and let go of it and said "Alright! Sceptile! Leaf Blade!" Sceptile cut the ribbon in half giving me and May the ribbon"
~End of Flashback~
"Where did that Flashback came from?" I asked myself. "I REMEMBERED!" I screamed out loud then I shut my mouth. May and Drew heard and looked at me.
"Ash?" May and Drew said in unison.
"Yikes!" I said nervously.
"Did you just heard what May told me?" Drew asked me.
"Uh. Yes" I smiled at May and ran away. I know May would be sobbing all day but so am I.
But my main question is why can't I tell her I love her too.
'Knock,Knock' I heard the door. "Who is it?" I asked.
"It's me Drew" Drew said.
"Come on in." I placed my head at my bed.
"May, Brendan and I are leaving in a few minutes. I came by to say bye and to tell you, May loves you very much." Drew said leaving the door closed.
I looked outside and saw the ship, it started its engine and started to get people on board. I saw May it seems like she was looking for something or someone. I Kept thinking should I go and say goodbye or leave everything behind because I'm scared.
It took me a while to think, and I say why am I scared to tell her what I feel if I know she loves me.
I ran outside and saw the ship moving already. "MAY!" I said running as fast as I can.
"MAY!" I said!
"ash?" I seem to have heard.
"MAY! I LOVE YOU TOO!" I stopped at the end of the dock and looked at May.
"GAH!" I went down of my knees and pounded the floor. "AHH!" I keep on pounding my fist on the floor.
"Ash! STOP!" Dawn said. She grabbed me and tried to stop me. She hugged me so I would stop on a rage. Pikachu gave us a thunderbolt so I would stop. I did stop but I was still hugging Dawn crying full of tears on my eyes. Brock gave me a pat on the back.
"Let it all out" Brock said.
I was still crying, sobbing and everything. I feel like I made the biggest mistake of my life.
I let go of Dawn.
"Thank you Dawn" I said wiping a few tears away. I looked behind me to see if the ship is there but it wasn't. We all went back to the pokemon center and I laid down my bed wondering I made the biggest mistake of my life.
It's been a few months ever since I got over that day. I made it to the Sinnoh league. I finally beaten Paul but my next opponent has a Darkrai that was extremely hard to beat. I made it to the top 4 by the way. Dawn is heading off to a new region while I'm going to Isshu. Gary told me through video call. I'll be making my way to Kanto now. Dawn just left us giving our last goodbyes. Brock is now off to Pewter city and me I made it to Pallet town.
"Mom, I'm home!" I said opening the house door.
"Welcome home Ash." My mom said. "I have a special surprise for you. It's up in your room on your bed." Mom said.
I ran up to my room and saw on my bed a half cut ribbon with a note on it
Dear Ash,
Do you remember the time we cut the ribbon in half now? I've been looking at it a lot lately. It's been my good luck charm remember? I managed to win the Johto grand festival. I have big trophy. It's in my room in Petalburg city. How have you been? I want to hear everything. I wanna know what you mean when you screamed "I REMEMBERED!." Do me a favor? Go talk to your Pokemon on professor Oak's laboratory and see if you will notice something.
PS. I Still love you.
I picked up the ribbon and placed it on my pocket and smiled at the letter. I smirked because I heard from May again.I ran to all my pokemon and noticed all of them are wearing a necklace that has the design of the terracotta ribbon. I smiled.
"It must took May days to do this" I said.
"You think so?" I turned around May was there. I started at her and she grabbed my hand and leaned near my face.
I kissed her forehead then I looked at her to make sure she wasn't an illusion this time but I know the difference of the real May and the illusion one.
I leaned near her again and this time I grabbed her hands and placed it on our chests and kissed her. Her lips was soft, warm, full of love, and tasted like strawberry. We pulled away and I hugged her.
"I thought I'd never see you again" I told her.
She pulled away from the hug.
"Why did you think that?" She asked me.
"Because I thought you were going to stay as a diamond. I thought you would just me in my memory."
"Please Ash. I love you." She let out a warm smile
"I love you too" I smiled back and gave her a peck on lips then I kissed her forehead.
"Forever?" She asked.
"I hope so" I stared at her "Time will tell" I let out a slight smile
Happy ending huh.
Be sure to read It's not just a ribbon. I'll work on it Asap!
Thank you for your support guys. It really means alot.
Review :)