"I can't believe after two years of dating she actually broke up with me." Mitchie said.
"Yeah….What did she say exactly?" Jennifer asked
"'Oh, I'm sorry, I'm not gay.' You don't date a girl for two years and suddenly not be gay."
"I hear ya." Taylor said.
"Mitchie, instead of talking about her we should have fun, I mean we are having a sleepover." Shane said.
"And you're the only guy here Shane."
"Your point?"
"Are you sure you're not gay?"
"I'm sure!" Shane yelled. "Just because I'm sensitive and a good listener…"
"Maybe we should listen to some music." Caitlyn finally decided to say. She walked up to the stereo in Mitchie's room. Before she could turn it on they heard a knock on the front door. "Who could that be?"
"I'll go see." Taylor got up from the bed and made her way to the front door. She opened the front door to see Mikayla on the other side. Before the brunette could say anything Taylor slammed the door in her face. She went back to Mitchie's bedroom. "Who wants ice cream?"
"Who was at the front door?" Mitchie asked.
"Nobody." Taylor answered. "Ice cream? I'll even bake cookies." She had everyone at ice cream. The group went to the kitchen. She opened the freezer, "There's no ice cream, that's blasphemy."
"I'll go get some." Shane volunteered. He walked out of the house and walked towards his car. He was about to open the car door until he got pinned against his car. "Please don't kill me!" He cried out with his eyes closed.
"I'm not going to kill you."
Shane slowly opened his eyes and saw who it was in front of him. "Oh, it's you."
"Gee, thanks." Mikayla said sarcastically.
"You're not wanted here."
"I kinda figured that when Taylor slammed the door in my face."
"So why you don't just leave her alone? You already have done enough damage."
"I just want to apologize and-"
"Hope to be just friends?" Shane asked. "You're dreaming big if you think that is going to happen." He felt like that there was more to this conversation. Without letting her know, he used his hand to dial Mitchie's house. He made sure to position the phone correctly in his pocket so it could capture what Mikayla's next words were going to be.
"Shane? Shaaane?" Taylor called into the phone.
"I just wanted to make her happy. Even it meant pretending that I liked her." Mikayla confessed.
"This was just one big lie?"
"I wanted her to be happy!"
"But you don't lie to her!"
"Mikayla was at the door wasn't she?" Mitchie asked.
"Yeah." Taylor answered.
"What did she want?"
"I don't know. I slammed the door in her face before she could say a word."
"Shhh!" Jennifer and Caitlyn said.
"She was happy but after two years of playing a role, it got hard."
"Well, let me say this again, you shouldn't have lied. You just made things worse for her." After that he hung up his phone. "Now if you'll excuse me, I have to get ice cream for four girls." He got in his car and drove off the grocery store.
"Whoa." That was the only word that came out of Taylor and Caitlyn's mouth.
"Well….damn." Jennifer said.
Mitchie sat there, speechless. She was processing every word that was spoken over the phone. Her whole relationship with Mikayla was a lie, a charade for the girl. She stormed out of the kitchen, "I'm going to my room. You guys better be here when I decide to come down." Mitchie said as she was walking up the stairs.
"Let's get working on those cookies." Taylor said.
Ten minutes and a full hand-basket later, Shane was waiting in line at the cash registers. When he set the hand-basket on the counter he just got a look from the cashier. "What?"
The cashier looked down at the basket full of ice cream and looked back up at him.
"I'm dealing with four women who dealing with girl issues."
The cashier nodded and started to ring up the items. Shane paid the total and grabbed the bags. He walked to his car and placed the bags in the passenger seat. Then he sped out of the parking lot.
"How long do you think she is going to be up there?" Caitlyn asked.
"I don't know. How are the cookies coming?" Jennifer asked Taylor.
"As I said ten seconds ago, I just put them in the oven." Taylor answered.
They heard the front door open and closed. "I got the ice cream. How are the cookies coming?"
"For the last time, I just put them in the oven!" Everyone in the kitchen jumped when Taylor yelled.
"Got it, no more cookie talk." Shane said. "Where's Mitchie?"
"In her bedroom." Caitlyn answered. "Who knew Mikayla would go that far?"
"We didn't but now I can't trust her." Jennifer said.
"Did you think it was wrong for me to let you guys listen to the conversation?" Shane asked.
"No, at least she now knows the truth and you did what you thought was best." Taylor said.
Shane placed the bags on the counter and started to fill the empty freezer. "I'm going to see how she's doing." He walked up the stairs leading to Mitchie's bedroom. He lightly knocked on the door and opened the door just enough for his head to peek in. "I know this is a stupid question, but how are you doing?"
Mitchie was talking but it was being muffled by the pillow that she held tightly.
"What was that?" Shane asked as he fully entered the room.
He pulled back the part of the pillow that hiding Mitchie's face. "I hate my life. I just want to die."
"One, don't let one person make you hate yourself. Two, we'll be devastated if we lost you." He began to gently rubbing her arm in a comforting motion. "So no suicide, got it missy?"
"Got it."
"Do you want to me to get you some ice cream?" He got up from he was kneeling.
Mitchie nodded. "You know Shane," She began to say. "If I wasn't gay, I would totally date you. I don't see how girls could pass up a nice guy like you."
"I mean it, I'm not just saying it because you're my friend," Mitchie felt like she had to reassure him.
Shane knew that she meant it; every word that came out of her mouth had meaning. That made this break-up so hard for Mitchie. Every word that she said came from the heart and Mikayla's came from the top of her head.
Shane nodded his head and made his way to the kitchen. "How's she doing?" Taylor asked.
"A guess a little bit better." He said as he was getting one tub of ice cream from the freezer and getting a bowl.
"You seem pretty happy." Caitlyn pointed out.
"What are you talking about?" He asked.
"You're smiling…a lot."
"Really? I haven't notice." He really didn't. He took Mitchie's compliment to heart and he guessed that what had made him happy.
"She said something to you, what was it?"
"That if she wasn't gay that she would date me and she couldn't understand why girls could pass up a nice guy like me."
"Aww." Jennifer said.
"You know there was one point in life that she wanted to date you." Taylor said.
"Really? When was that?" He asked.
"Middle school, when she first met you. That was the whole reason you're in our group. She was determined to have you in her life whether you were going to be her best friend or boyfriend."
Shane wished he could get a girl like Mitchie, but none of the girls at school wanted to date him.
When Shane was done getting the ice cream he went back upstairs to Mitchie's room. He walked towards the bed and kicked off his shoes before he sat down against the headboard with his legs stretched out in front of him. "Here's the ice cream."
Mitchie sat up against the headboard with her knees brought up to her chest. "Thanks." She said as she took the bowl.
"So I heard that you wanted to date me in middle school."
Instead of being shocked or angry that the girls told Shane, she chuckles lightly. "You heard?"
"You're not mad?"
"No, why would I be? You're my best friend and the only guy in my life."
"We have to make it official."
Without answering her question he went on, "Do you, Mitchie, take me, Shane as your lawful unwedded best friend?"
Mitchie chuckled before answering, "I do. Do you, Shane, take me, Mitchie as you lawful unwedded best friend?"
"I do. I now pronounce us best friends for life."
I know the ending is a little cheesy, but let me know what you guys think.