Disclaimer: I do not own InuYasha. He belongs to Rumiko Takahashi. Though I dream of a time where I can borrow his sexy ass for a night… or a thousand.

A/N: This is set after the Final-Act, a couple of years after that. I don't think it'd be too terribly confusing if you haven't seen it, though if you're smart… you'll catch some spoilers so I want to warn you about that.

Also, since this is for those who've seen Final Act, I don't see the need to go into great description about some things you should already know or figured out yourselves. No need for me to be redundant.

This one-shot has no purpose other than to show some Friendship between Sesshomaru and Kagome. I personally am not for a romantic Sesshomaru/Kagome, though I wish certain fics would bring them closer in a platonic way.

So, here it is! Mainly in Kagome's point of view (though in 3rd person), A One-Shot dedicated to Sesshomaru/Kagome Friendship. And a tiny bit of Fluff between InuYasha and Kagome after she comes back to her hanyou's arms! 33333 Enjoy and R&R!

It was supposed to have been a beautiful day.

When everyone woke up this morning, they decided to make a day trip to a neighboring village to run an errand for Kaede, just for fun. This time when they traveled together, well, it wasn't to defeat the dark hanyou. It wasn't to go risk their lives to save the helpless. It was to just simply retrieve a few medicinal herbs that were not growing fast enough for Kaede to make medicine to kill pain. She was not out, but would be within a few days.

Miroku and Sango had to decline, for Kaede was just too old to care for their hellions, er… children. So it was just InuYasha, Kagome and Shippou. Like it had been in the very beginning.

"I spy, with my little eye, something…" Mirthful steel-blue eyes looked about until she found something fairly easily to guess, but something interesting. "…green!" Kagome giggled as Shippou began to rattle off wild guesses.



"The grass, Kagome-chan?"


"The brat's eyes." InuYasha stated confidently, turning his head back to look at his miko.

"You're right. How'd you know?" Kagome tilted her head to the side, looking at him curiously.

The Inuhanyou smirked, stopped walking, and leaned down toward her with smug eyes. "The kid was the last thing you looked at. The only green on him is his eyes."

Before Kagome could say anything, Shippou hopped up on her shoulder, giving InuYasha the once-over. "I thought dogs were supposed to be color blind," The little kitsune said evilly.

Thwap!"Wah! Kago-me!" The small youkai whined, clutching his head.

"InuYasha!" Kagome scolded, giving him a disappointed look as she coddled the kit. "He was kidding!"

"Then so was I." The hanyou retorted, shoving his hands into his sleeves as he walked. He had his nose in the air, an obvious sign that he was indignant. He would say it until he died, that brat was only trying to irritate him. And he wasn't going to let him get away with it.

"Didn't hafta hit me, you bully!"

"What did you expect brat? Flowers?" InuYasha quipped, chuckling softly at the look on the kitsunes face. He ruffled the kit's mop of orange hair. InuYasha had stopped hitting Shippou as hard as he used to, at Kagome's insistence. Now it was barely a thump that just showed his displeasure.

He stuck his tongue out at the half-demon and 'hmpht!'. Kagome sighed and changed the subject, in a cheery voice she congratulated InuYasha on guessing correctly. "Now it's your turn, InuYasha."

"Do I have to say the little rhyme?"

"Yes, you have to say the little rhyme."


"Absolutely." The giggling from the kitsune was fiercely ignored.

The hanyou shook his head and sighed in defeat. There was a time when he would have ruined the entire game for the sake of avoiding the childish phrase, but Kagome had also insisted he stop things like that too. Begrudgingly, he began to say the rhyme, though not enthusiastically. "I spy with my litt-…" The hanyou suddenly stopped everything and tilted his nose up toward the air, his eyes closing in concentration.

Sniff. Sniff.Kagome had ceased movement as well, holding Shippou protectively in her arms, her eyes shifting about as she looked for danger. "Inu.. Yasha?" She questioned.

The hanyou's eyes snapped open and he exploded with curses. Some things didn't change, though. He swiftly turned to Kagome and swung her around toward his back. Kagome knew the drill, as did Shippou, and she gripped his shoulders to direct herself firmly against his back. Her thighs clamped down on his hips as his clawed hands grasped them. He took off at a dead-run and Shippou had to hold on for dear life at his shoulder.

"InuYasha! What is it?" Kagome demanded urgently. She did not like being kept in the dark like this!

"It's Sesshomaru," He replied, his voice heavily laced with frustration.

"Sesshomaru? Why?" Shippou replied, thoroughly confused. Ever since he had Rin living in the village with them, the icy-demon Lord barely threatened InuYasha with physical violence. Sure, they still insulted each other every second while in each other's presence, but it had been years since a serious fist had been thrown…

"I can smell his blood. A lot of it." The wind had changed direction and InuYasha had smelled it immediately. It was so strong that even Sesshomaru could possibly succumb to blood-loss like that. "Even full-blooded youkai can bleed to death. He's in danger."

Everyone had the same thought. What on earth could mortally wound Sesshomaru but InuYasha?

It was supposed to be a beautiful fricken' day!

They arrived at a small clearing, and at what he saw was enough to stop him in his tracks. He skidded to a halt about ten feet away, almost gawking. Kagome wasted no time and shoved off of InuYasha's back, running over toward the Youkai Lord. InuYasha snapped himself out of it and was at her side in seconds, blocking her path.

"Hey! What are you doing?" Kagome cried, trying to side-step her hanyou-husband.

"I was about to ask you the same question, wench! Since when is it a good idea to run up on an injured youkai, especially if said youkai is Sesshomaru?"

She… hadn't thought of that. InuYasha plucked Shippou off his shoulder and handed the kit to Kagome. "I'll tell you when it's fucking safe, understand?" He raised an eyebrow at her, almost daring her to disobey. She nodded quickly and he turned toward Sesshomaru. Or.. what could be left of him.

He did not smell dead, but InuYasha smelled death. Either he was recently deceased, or his heart beat was so faint that InuYasha could not detect it regularly. Something inside InuYasha was roaring, but he had to keep some semblance of self-control if he was to make the right decisions. As he moved closer, he realized there was in fact a heartbeat, but it was a very weak one. He arrived at the youkai's side, and he spoke softly. "Sesshomaru. It's InuYasha, don't attack. You're injured… pretty badly… we're going to help." No shit he's injured.The inuhanyou could barely stifle his audible reaction to his brother's wounds once he leaned down and got a better look. The youkai's entire right side was missing. It was as if something had tried to… eat him. Blood covered almost every inch of Sesshomaru, even staining his silver hair. "If you can hear me, Sesshomaru, please make a sound. I need Kagome over here, she can help."

A growl, so slight that InuYasha almost missed it, sounded. The weakness and pitch was inaudible for human's to hear. It was a distressed sound.

The harshness of the situation hit InuYasha like a ton of bricks. Distressed. He's brother was asking for his assistance. "Kagome!" InuYasha shouted, whipping around, looking for his wife. "Get your ass over here, NOW!"

The young miko instantly sprinted to his side, dropping down next to him. She had already removed all the necessary medical supplies from her trusty yellow bag. Damn thing was so beaten up, but she insisted even after all these years that having her left-over medical equipment was a MUST. She was right.

"Remove any scraps of cloth that are near the wound, InuYasha. I need to have complete access unhindered." Even as she spoke, she was currently filling up what she called a syringe with a clear fluid. She set the device down on a sterile cloth she laid out. She then grabbed a large bottle that had an open nozzle and brought it down close to the wound.

"There's so much gore… It's hard to see what damage is actually there." She said once InuYasha finished clearing the wound of anything that would hinder his wife. Years ago, she would have blabbered and apologized about a stinging sensation, but she was older now and more efficient. "This will sting." She said briskly, then squeezed the bottle. A very weak iodine/water solution was applied and Sesshomaru tried to move away, already in enough pain from his injuries.

Kagome felt badly, but she knew it had to be done. The wound had to be cleaned before she wrapped him up. She knew from a poor-experience with InuYasha that if anything was inside the wound when it sealed, it could cause serious health issues. Even youkai were not infallible.

Once she was able to determine what the nature of the wound was, she drew back in confusion. "InuYasha.. there's something else wrong with him. This shouldn't have crippled him so. I think he's on his worst wound, protecting it. Move him very carefully."

There was so much blood InuYasha couldn't tell where it was coming from, only that it was. He gingerly moved his elder half-brother, even though the youkai was almost twice his size, allowing Kagome a look at his other side. InuYasha knew she found the problem when she sucked in her breath sharply, obviously horrified at what she found.

It looked as if someone had tried to gut Sesshomaru from the looks of it, and they had almost succeeded. Being the worst wound, the flesh was already on the mend. The inuyoukai had been trying to keep his innards inside of himself. Kagome's hands were instantly there before any further damage could be done, pressing absorbent gauze firmly against it to staunch blood-flow .

That worked to an extent, but the wounds were just simply too open. It was no wonder the Daiyoukai was bleeding to death. Two mortal wounds on either side, both directed at major internal organs that Sesshomaru barely stopped from being carved/bitten out of him. How long had he been like this? How long did he have these wounds before finally defeating his opponent? Or worse.. how long before he fled?

Holding one hand to the wound, Kagome grabbed the heavily diluted iodine again and squeezed it against the wound, carefully trying not to allow it inside. Sesshomaru once again tensed, and she immediately grabbed her bandages and began to wrap it around his abdomen.

Around and around and around the gauze went, almost immediately turning crimson with the blood. She had tried to clear the excess blood and debris from the wound, but it was useless at the rate Sesshomaru bled. Shaking her head, she backed off and looked to her beloved. "I don't have the strength to wrap it tightly enough. He's going to continue to bleed."

InuYasha nodded and switched places with his wife, allowing Kagome to hold him while InuYasha wrapped the wound with enough pressure to stop the major bleeding.

"There's not enough flesh to stitch him and I'm afraid of trying to heal him," Not only had Kagome matured since coming back to the Sengoku Jidai indefinitely, but her powers had as well under Kaede's instruction. "Won't it purify him?"

InuYasha had to think about that for a moment. "I don't think it would if you concentrated the flow of power to just his wounds. Anywhere else and it may do damage. But let's see how he fairs first before we go that far."

Kagome nodded firmly and then concentrated on making Sesshomaru as comfortable as possible. She wiped his blood-soaked mane away from his face, and then reached down into a small box and withdrew a cleansing cloth. She ran it smoothly over his face, trying to find his pale skin underneath the red. But how did all the blood get up there? Looking to InuYasha for answers, she dropped the soiled cloth and began to stroke his forehead softly.

InuYasha then answered her unspoken question. "Some of this blood ain't his." Flicking his amber gaze over his brother's chest, he sighed. "Though a lot of it is."

Kagome nodded in understanding and then gestured to the syringe still laying on the cloth. "He's in a lot of pain, I need to administer that. Hand it to me carefully.. don't prick yourself."

The medical device was then handed to Kagome, and she used her free hand to extend Sesshomaru's left-arm which had been restored through Bakusaiga, while balancing him with her arms. She maneuvered the syringe into one hand and then wrapped an arm carefully around Sesshomaru's collar. "See that yellow strap? Yeah. That one. Loop it just before the elbow… right, now wrap it tightly so I can find a vein…"

A few moments after, Kagome discarded the syringe after injecting Sesshomaru with a major pain killer and a mild sedative. They had done all they could do for the moment. Kagome sighed wearily, still holding the Youkai Lord against her chest, continuing to stroke his forehead. She raised her eyes to her husband as he leaned down, softly pecking her on the lips. "You did great, Kagome. The scent of death is disappearing."

A weak smile was his only response before she dropped her forehead onto Sesshomaru's shoulder. She was emotionally exhausted. Shippou tugged lightly on the sleeve of her kimono and she looked up to see what he wanted. "W-what are we gonna do? What if he didn't beat whatever did this to him? What if it comes looking for him!" The kit practically wailed before InuYasha silenced him with a thump on the head.

"Calm down, you ain't helpin' brat!" The inuhanyou snapped, his nerves very close to unraveling. Looking back to Kagome, he growled and shook his head. "Kid's right. We need to get the hell out of here. Now get on my back, and I'll carry Sesshomaru-"

"But InuYasha! If we jostle him too much, his wounds will reopen and everything we did to stabilize him will be for naught!"

"Well, what am I supposed to do, Kagome? We can't leave him here, and I damn sure ain't gonna leave you here either!"

"Leave us both here." InuYasha began to shoot off a denial, but Kagome shushed him. "Go back to the village and get Kirara. I will set up a barrier. I know I can hold out until you get back."

"Fuck. No."



"Between me and Shippou, we can fend off anything until you get back! That is, if there is anything to fend off! I have my bow and arrows, I am not defenseless! If you hurry, we'll only be separated for a few hours, if that. You must go now."

"Kagome," He threatened menacingly. This was against his very nature to leave his mate out in the open like this. "I am not leaving you here alone. End of story. The bastard can die for all I care, I will not risk you."

A low growl interrupted Kagome's retort, and everyone looked down at the bloodied male in Kagome's arms. "Hanyou.." A rough voice whispered. It sounded nothing like Sesshomaru, but yet it was. Kagome blanched at the weak voice, and InuYasha could do nothing but listen. "..this Sesshomaru .. not defenseless like you.."

InuYasha drew back in surprise at the insult, but understood the underlying meaning. Deciding that it was best to let Sesshomaru have this one, he looked to Kagome and moved to her shoulder. He removed her quiver and bow, laying them gently on Sesshomaru's chest for her reach. He then placed the yellow bag against the small of her back, trying to give her some support. He then looked to Shippou and pointed a long clawed finger in his direction. "You want to become a full-fledged youkai, do you? Do not fail in protecting her, and you'll live to become one." The hanyou snarled, before launching himself full force into the direction of Kaede's village.

Kagome then looked down at Sesshomaru, noticing that she had never stopped rubbing his forehead. Her hand immediately ceased it's more than likely offensive actions. "Forgive me, Lord Sesshomaru. I intended to relax you so you did not tense as much and strain—"

The Youkai Lord cut her off. "This Sesshomaru… is not… offended, Miko."

She was at a loss. Should she resume? Not likely that she should push her luck. Looking to Shippou, she caught his attention. He was staring off in the direction InuYasha had went. "Shippou. Get the flask out of my bag and hold it until I'm ready for it." Kagome had kept empty plastic bottles and flasks. Just because the water they came with was gone, did not mean it could not be refilled.

But there were more pressing matters at hand. She needed to erect a barrier. Closing her eyes, ignoring the rustling behind her, she began a soft chant. After a few moments, a pink shimmering dome appeared from the ground, up. It enclosed them at the center of the dome at the top, solidifying all at once. Continuing her chant, she tried to strengthen it. Succeeding, she then opened her eyes and took the flask Shippou already had held out for her.

She brought both hands around Sesshomaru, to his chest, so she could open it. Once that was done, she lightly pressed it to Sesshomaru's lips. "Please feel free to wet your mouth, though I recommend you spit it out. Fluids are not good for internal injuries, though I imagine you may feel as if you need some."

To her surprise, the Daiyoukai parted his lips against the mouth of the flask. Lightly tilting it, she allowed some of the water to slowly spill into his mouth. She drew the flask backward, and he leaned his head to the side and spat out the water, listening to her advice. Though Shippou nearly had a heart attack as the spat-water landed dangerously close to him. Disgruntled, but too cowardly to say anything, he quietly backed away from the spot.

"Do you want mo—" The Daiyoukai shook his head, not allowing her to finish the question pointlessly since he already knew it. "Okay. Would you be offended if I drank after you? Or vice-versa?"

"You.. ask too many questions..Miko."

That would be a no, then. Kagome took in some of the water, then recapped it. She set it down beside her, then wrapped her arms back around the youkai to steady him. Braving one last thing, she spoke again. "If you require anything at all, please tell me. I will be more than happy to get whatever it is you need, if I can supply it."


There was a long stretch of silence before it was broken by Shippou. "I have to pee." The little kitsune shifted from paw to paw, the heels of his palms pressed against his groin area.

Kagome nodded, and jerked her head toward a nearby tree. "Go quickly. If you are gone too long, I will worry."

The kitsune nodded furiously and scampered behind the tree to do his business.

Kagome took this opportunity to ask some more questions, though she was sure Sesshomaru would probably ignore them. "Lord Sesshomaru… what happened to you? Where is Jaken? Is the thing that did this to you still alive?"

At first, there was no answer and she was about to think he had no intention of doing so, until he did. "Jaken lives." Was all he'd say. Well, better than nothing, she supposed. Kagome nodded, before she realized he couldn't see her do it. "That's good. I'm glad he's safe, and that you are too." She said sincerely, which unbeknownst to her, confused Sesshomaru greatly. The human woman cared for his well-being? Rubbish.

Just at that moment, Sesshomaru tensed as Shippou came flying out from behind the tree, back into the safety of the barrier. "Kagomeeeeee!" The kitsune squealed, flying over her shoulder, hiding behind her for protection. Kagome already had an arrow nocked when her barrier shimmered violently.

Across the clearing a being materialized, and she could discern the figure of a woman. She was frighteningly beautiful. Garbed in a black kimono, it was a terrible shock against her translucent skin. Her long hair was also black, and it matched her eyes. Onyx. Bloodless lips curved into a wicked grin. "So the Great Lord Sesshomaru hides in the protection of a human woman? Pathetic."

Kagome felt Sesshomaru stir, and she squeezed his shoulders with her biceps, silently trying to get him to stay. Kagome narrowed her eyes at the woman. "Who the hell are you? Never mind that, just get out of here or I will kill you."

The woman scoffed, flipping her long black locks over her shoulder. "I knew I smelled a lot of blood, I did. Once I kill you Sesshomaru, I'll bring your head to the Western lands. Then I will claim your lands!" She began to walk forward, but the barrier sizzled her delicate flesh. The wicked woman growled and stepped back. "No matter. I will just break this down!"

"You will not touch him, filth!" Kagome shouted before letting her arrow fly. It immediately engulfed itself into a blinding pink light. It reached the barrier and disappeared. The woman had moved aside anyway, out of its direction. "Is that the best you have, you bit—" Her taunt was cut off by an agonized scream before she was completely purified by a massive spiritual power. The arrow had appeared behind her, and it had launched itself right through her heart from the back.

Kagome lowered her bow, though she did not let her guard down. She knew there would be more. And surprisingly, Sesshomaru said nothing. Kagome respected that and did not comment either. She knew it must irk him to no end that a woman, a human no less, was protecting him in his weakened state.

And Kagome had been right. Attack after attack had come, Kagome had destroyed them all before they breached the barrier. She made sure Sesshomaru did not have to fight- not in his condition, though she did not doubt his abilities. The demons ranged from ridiculously weak, to terrifyingly strong. But every single one of them underestimated the priestess and her magical bow. They had no idea that they were fucking with the Shikon Miko!

It was almost nightfall before InuYasha returned with Kirara, and he seemed to be very disgruntled. He immediately checked Kagome for any sign of injury, and when he found none, he breathed a sigh of relief. "This place is crawling with youkai. They really hate you, Sesshomaru."

The Daiyoukai snorted and turned his face away, obviously ending the conversation. With a combined effort between InuYasha and Kagome, they were able to seat Sesshomaru upon the firecat without too much trouble. Kagome was then placed behind him, to hold him steady and ensure his safety. She only had a few arrows left, so they needed to get where they were going, fast.

"Where do you want us to take you, Sesshomaru?" InuYasha questioned impatiently, depositing Shippou on top of Kirara's head.

"In the Western Lands… this Sesshomaru's castle…" Neither InuYasha nor Kagome knew that Sesshomaru had a castle, but it definitely made sense. Why wouldn't Sesshomaru have a castle?

They took off immediately after, headed to the West. InuYasha took to the trees behind Kirara, to intercept any attack from behind or below. Kagome, Shippou, Kirara and some help from Sesshomaru would ensure the failing of any attack from the front.

The journey to the west took them into the night, and the youkai attacks only got worse. Soon, Kagome ran out of arrows and had to settle for blasts from her hands. It took a lot out of her, but she fought against her fatigue for Sesshomaru's sake. He had not yet had to raise his hand in defense, and she wanted to keep it that way.

When they arrived, they were greeted by many servants who had smelled their Lord's blood. Immediately they whisked him away from Kagome's arms and informed the Youkai Healer on site that she was needed. InuYasha helped his exhausted wife down from Kirara, and she shrank to her normal size. InuYasha wrapped his arms around her and pressed his lips to her forehead. He lightly ran his claws up and down her back and she shivered pleasantly. "You did good, wench. I'm proud of you."

"Mmm.." Kagome smiled against InuYasha's chest, holding him tighter. "Thank you, InuYasha."

"No problem, wench."

Both looked up when they were approached by one of Sesshomaru's servants. "Our Lord requests that you all stay here as Honored-Guests tonight. You all must be exhausted after your journey, and Lord Sesshomaru would like to ensure that the Priestess is fully rested and armed before you try to fight your way back through the night." The servant bowed low, awaiting their response.

InuYasha was definitely leery of the proposal, but one look at his wife made up his mind. "Yeah, we'll stay for tonight. But we're leaving immediately in the morning." He felt Kagome sag against him, obviously relived. Keh! As if I'd make you fight youkai like this, you stupid woman. He grumbled mentally, before sweeping her up into his arms.

"This way, Master InuYasha, Lady Kagome." The inu-youkai servant stood and led them to their rooms. Shippou and Kirara trailed curiously after them, marveling at the grandeur of the castle. Shippou and Kirara would receive their own room, so InuYasha and Kagome could rest together in their own way.

Not soon after, InuYasha found himself laying naked against his equally naked wife. His arms were wrapped around her smaller form, and one of his legs was draped over her hip. He nuzzled into her hair, while lazily drawing his claws up and down her arm. "You feel better?"

"Mmm.." Was all Kagome could manage. They had not made-love, Kagome was too exhausted for it. But, InuYasha had taken it upon himself to give her a full-length body massage to ease her tired body. Thanks to InuYasha, she would not wake up stiff and painful the next morning. Who knew the inuhanyou had magical hands?

A soft chuckle rose out of her husband as he drew his index claw over her breast. She shuddered pleasurably. "Get some sleep, wench. You deserve it." He turned her face toward him for a long, slow kiss. He withdrew a few moments later, and pulled her tight against him. "Night."


The next morning had been uncomfortable at best, as Sesshomaru had been there to see them off. InuYasha informed him that it had been nearly impossible to get Rin to stay behind after she had found out he was injured. The Youkai Lord said nothing, but Kagome noticed a tiny flicker in his eyes at Rin's protectiveness. She couldn't help smile.

"So, is there anything left of what attacked you?" InuYasha bluntly asked, feeling it alright to do so since he'd sent his servants off to do something else but fawn over him. Though InuYasha couldn't see why they would. Unpleasant bastard.

"That is none of your concern."

"I can't imagine who would be so stupid…" Kagome muttered, putting her hand to her forehead.

"Lesser beings tend to forget their own inadequacy when in large numbers."

Kagome's mouthed formed a small 'O' at his sneaky explanation. InuYasha huffed, and growled. "Oh, so you answer her, do you?" He flung his hands up in the air and moved away toward the courtyard where Kirara was waiting in her transformed state.

Kagome felt uncomfortable under Lord Sesshomaru's unblinking gaze. Was he waiting for her to say something?

"I hope your injuries aren't too severe anymore…" She offered lamely, instantly feeling stupid afterward. Goodness, he was less intimidating when covered in his own blood!

"Thank you, Miko, for your concern. But it is not needed."

Kagome laughed nervously, shifting from foot to foot. A ghost of a smile quirked his lips at her discomfort, and she nearly fell over. "Well… I'll see you the next time you stop by for Rin, I guess. It was nice seeing you, though I wish the circumstances had been different."

"The feeling is mutual, Kagome." He replied, using her name. The young priestess' head snapped up, but she decided to not make a big deal out of it. She quickly moved forward and gave him a quick hug, which he absolutely did NOT return, before running off to an impatient InuYasha's side. Moments after, they were gone, leaving Sesshomaru alone with only his thoughts. He watched them go before turning back around to go inside, no longer seeing any need for him to be outside.

'Your bravery will not be forgotten, Kagome. This Sesshomaru intends to repay his debt soon- it would not be becoming of one such as this Sesshomaru to be indebted to a human… a woman no less.'

A/N: Hope you enjoyed the quick ride! I'm currently working on a full length-fic and needed something jump start my brain. Lately, I've been feeling like a hamster with a busted running-wheel! X.x

Read and Review. No flames, please, I live in Florida and it's fuckin' hot enough here, trust me.