
Main-Yami/Yugi, Atem/Heba, Seto/Jou, Marik/Bakura, Malik/Ryou, Honda/Otogi

Side- Mokuba/Amane

A/N- Amane is Ryou's little sister and she is not dead in my fanfic world, also Marik and Bakura are evil, but more of prankster then psychos. Also Marik never tried to kill Malik in my fanfic world, there more like brothers. And Battle City was just a tournament not a battle over life and death.

Summery- The Yu-Gi-Oh members all are in a loving happy relationship with someone that they truly love, but someone gets jealous of this love and tries to break the hearts of the Yu-Gi-Oh members. And after all that sexy outfits.

Warnings- Yaoi, (Guy x Guy), Anzu bashing, living dead characters, Characters that are off personality, and a couple character I made. Enjoy.


Mind link

Flack back


At the Game Shop

Yugi and his twin brother Heba where sitting on the couch bored out of there minds, there grandpa was on a trip to Egypt for two weeks and he told them to close the shop so that they could have a break also. So the two did stock and clean the house and shop top to bottom and it's only been a couple of hours since there grandpa left them.

Yugi was wearing his school uniform and Heba was wearing the outfit from Yugi's DDM episode.

Yugi and Heba looked at the twin millennium puzzle on the coffee table and then sighed, Heba looked at his twin, "Yugi is there anything to do?"

Yugi shock his head, "Sorry but there is nothing to do Heba."

Heba grabbed the pillow beside him and screamed into it, he then looked at his brother, "Why can't something exciting happen."

The eye on the millennium puzzles started to glow and then Yami wearing the same thing as Yugi but his jacket was a cape and Atem wearing the date with Anzu outfit (Which never happened in my world) come out from the puzzles. The respectful yami went to respectful hikari, Yami put his arm around Yugi's shoulders, and Atem pulled Heba onto his lap. "Are you alright Jewels?"

Heba looked at his yami/boyfriend/lover and sighed, "No I'm just so bored, there is nothing to do." Atem got a sexy smirk but before any words came out of his mouth Heba cut him off. "Not literally Atem."

Atem pouted and Yami laughed at his brother, then Yugi hit him in the chest, "Yami don't laugh at your brother's pain."

Yami kissed the top of his hikari/boyfriend/lovers head, "Sorry Little One."

Yugi snuggled closer to Yami, "I forgive you."

Yami stick his tongue out at his brother, "See my hikari still likes me."

Yami and Atem glare at each other, Heba sighed, "Will you two knock it off."

Yugi nodded in agreement, "Yes please stop I don't like violence."

The puppy dog eyes from the hikaris made both yamis stop and nodded there heads in agreement.

They sat in silence for a moment before Atem spoke, "Hey how about we go see what the others are doing?"

The others nodded and went to go find the others; there first stop Bakura and Ryou's apartment.

At Bakura and Ryou's Apartment

Ryou who was dressed like he was in Battle City was doing the dishing with his little sister Amane, she was visiting for the week and Ryou was very happy about her coming. The only down side his yami, Bakura was stuck in the millennium ring for the whole week, only because Ryou had know clue how to tell his little sister about him. But also long was Ryou was happy, Bakura was happy.

Bakura in is spirit form so that only millennium users and yamis can see and hear him, Bakura watched the two do the dishes he was also dressed from Battle City. "Wow you two look a lot a like." Bakura spoke out loud looking at his hikari's little sister, it was true what Bakura said Ryou and Amane look a lot a like. They both had feminine faces, mid back length white hair, but Ryou's hair had a grey colour to it while Amane had a pink colour to it. Also while Ryou had brown eyes Amane had bright blue eyes and she had on a pale blue almost while knee length dress with normal thickness straps. "If any one tries to hurt her they well be sent to the Shadow Realm." Bakura finished this sentence with a bit of an evil laugh.

Ryou tries to stop his laugher but it turns in to giggles and Amane looks at her big brother, "What's so funny Onii-chan?"

Ryou turned to his sister, "Just something one of my friends said."

Amane nodded, "Onii-chan would I find it funny too if you told me or is it one of those thing that you had to be there for?"

Ryou thought for a moment then answered, "You had to be there and know him to find it funny." They finished the dishes and put then away Ryou then turned to his sister, "Hey Amane how about we watch a movie?"

Amane nodded and smiled at her big brother, "That sound great Onii-chan."

Ryou smiled back, "Great, now how about you pick the movie and I'll get the popcorn and soda."

Amane ran into the living room saying over her shoulder, "Hai Onii-chan."

Ryou and Bakura laughed at Amane's energy, Ryou then started to get the popcorn and drinks ready when the door bell rang, "Amane can you see who that is please." A 'Hai Onii-chan' was heard as a reply. Ryou then to his yami, "Bakura can you also check who it is please."

Bakura did not answer but walked towards the door, to find Marik his boyfriend/lover dressed like he was in Battle City and his hikari's boyfriend/lover Malik also dressed like he was in Battle City.

With Marik and Malik about 15 minutes before

Marik and Malik where bored they had nothing to do Ishizu and Rishid are in Egypt for a couple of weeks for a dig and they left them alone, which it would have been fine except there was nothing exciting happening. Both yami and hikari sat on the couch bored as bored can get till Marik spoke, "Hey why don't was go see what Kura and Ryou are doing?"

Malik looked at his yami, "You know I don't say this enough but that is a great idea Marik."

Marik smiled, "Thanks and, hey I have great ideas." Then he turned to glare at his hikari.

Malik laughed, "Come on let's go, it should be fine to walk there." Malik got up and walked to the front door, Marik soon followed mumbling something about evil hikaris. The two soon walked off to there boyfriends/lovers place.

They walked up the stairs to the apartment building where there loves lived and found the right door and knocked. Both Egyptians thought they where going to see either Marik's boyfriend Bakura or Kitten as Marik calls him but only in private Kura in public, or Malik's boyfriend Ryou or Angel as Malik calls him public or private. But both saw a little girl about the same size and age as Mokuba with white hair about mid back length with pink shading to it, and bright blue eyes.

Marik and Malik just started at the girl for while till the little girl spoke. "Um excuse me but who are you two?"

Malik snapped out of his trance first, "Oh sorry but I'm Malik and this is Marik, and is Ryou around?" Malik thought that saying Ryou's name would be a lot safer then saying both Ryou and Bakura's names.

The little girl nodded, "Yes my Onii-chan is here and are you his friends?"

Marik then found his voice and squatted down to look Amane in the eyes, "Yes we are his friends and what is your name?"

"Amane and please come in." the two came in and Amane closed the door and went to the kitchen entrance, "Onii-chan Malik-san and Marik-san are here." Then went back to find a movie.

Ryou popped out from the kitchen, "Malik Marik hello, not that I really mind the visit but why are you two here?"

Marik shrugged, "We where bored and thought we would come over."

Malik smacked his yami, "Don't be so rude Marik."

Marik rubbed the now sore spot on his chest then spoke to his hikari, "Hey only Kura gets to touch my chest."

Malik rolled his eyes and answered his yami threw there mind link, "Marik it's technically my chest too."

Marik scuffed, "What ever Malik."

Ryou used to seeing mind conversations thought nothing of it, but Amane looked at the two funny, "Um what was that?"

Marik and Malik looked at Amane and both where fumbling with the right words to say, they both saw Bakura in spirit form laughing at them. But both Egyptians where saved when Ryou spoke up, "Amane they're twins so they can sometimes read each others thoughts."

Malik catching on about what Ryou was talking about added, "Oh ya, me and my brother Marik do that sometimes." Elbowing Marik hoping he would catch on too.

Amane looked at the two Egyptians and smiled, "That's really cool."

Marik nodded, "Yes it is."

Just then the microwave in the kitchen beeped and Ryou the turned to his sister, "Amane could you go get the popcorn please."

Amane nodded and went into the kitchen, and Marik asked the question that has been on his mind since he saw Amane, "So I guess you did not tell her about Kura?"

Bakura shrugged his see threw shoulders, and Ryou sighed, "I just don't know how to." Malik put a comforting arm around his boyfriend and smiled at him and Ryou smiled back.

Marik and Bakura tried not to gag at this, only because they where pissed that their hikaris can have each other but they can't. The door bell rang and Ryou pulled himself away from Malik to go answer it. Marik and Malik made there way over to the couch and looked over there shoulders to see Yugi, Heba, Yami, and Atem at the door.

Ryou greeted them, "Hello to you all, not that I mind but is there any reason for your visit?" Any other time Ryou would never mind all of his friends coming over but he wanted to spend some quality time with Amane.

Yami answered for the group with a shrug, "We where bored and thought we could come over."

Yugi hit Yami in the chest, "Yami don't be so rude."

Ryou and Bakura started laughing at this, and at this time Amane exited the kitchen and saw the four new comers, "Onii-chan what's so funny?"

The four new comers looked at Amane while Ryou told her, "Oh Amane this is more of my friends, Yugi, his twin Heba, Yami, and his twin Atem, and guys this is Amane my little sister."

Amane looked at her Onii-chan's friends, "Hello." Then turned to her Onii-chan, "Onii-chan you didn't answer my question, what made you laugh so much?"

Atem nodded, "Ya what did we do to make you laugh so much?"

Ryou snickered, "Well when Marik and Malik came over before you guys and Marik said the exacted same thing as you did Yami, with the shrug and everything, and then Malik hit him in the chest telling him to not so rude, just like Yugi did. And that is why I was laughing."

Bakura added, "And I was laughing because Yami got smacked by Yugi."

Heba snickered too, "That would be funny."

Amane gasped and all eyes where now on her, Ryou was of course the first to spoke, "What's wrong Amane?"

Amane then pointed to Yami and Yugi, "You two are the Kings of Games; Yugi Mutou and Yami Sennen, Onii-chan you didn't tell me that you are friends with them." Amane started jumping up and down with excitement.

Ryou thought for a moment before answering Amane, "Sorry Amane, I guess that just slipped my mind."

Amane smiled at her Onii-chan, "It's alright Onii-chan, it could happen to the best of us." Then she turned back to Yami, Yugi and there twins, "So is it true that you can win any game new or old?"

Yugi blushed and Yami being Yami spoke, "Why yes any game new or old we can beat."

Bakura then rolled his eyes, "Short cocky bastard."

The hikaris covered there mouth with there hands to stop themselves from laughing Marik and Atem chuckled and Yami glared and Bakura. Malik went over to his Angel and put his arms around his waist, Ryou stopped laughing and looked at Malik and whispered, "I never told Amane about us yet, Sunshine."

Malik sighed he know how hard it was to tell family that you're gay and have a boyfriend, "Its okay Angel."

Amane followed Yami's glare to see her brother and Malik getting lovey dovey, "Is there something you want to tell me Onii-chan about you and Malik-san?"

Ryou was too shocked to spoke and Malik looked ashamed of his actions. The other just looked at the three of them waiting for anybody to speak. Marik started laughing, "Smooth one hikari."

Malik sent his yami a death glare, "Shut up Marik."

Amane turned her attention to Marik, "Why did you call your brother 'hikari'?"

Now it was Marik, Atem, Yami, Yugi and Heba's turn to ramble, how where they supposed to explain all this to a little girl.

Bakura finally had enough of this and appeared out of no where, for Amane at lest, "Well to answer your questions Amane," Amane looked at this man that appeared from out of no where that looked a lot like her brother only this guy had two bits of hair that came up like bunny ears and he looked more dangerous then her brother, which is not that hard, "My hikari, your Onii-chan is dating Malik, and the reason Marik called Malik hikari is because that is what he is to him there not brothers, better?"

Amane just looked at this Onii-chan look a like, "Okay, what do you mean by hikari and where did you come from?"

Atem, Yami, Marik, Heba, Yugi, Malik and Ryou were very surprised by what Amane was saying.

Bakura smiled a calm smiled not an evil one, "While I came from the millennium ring that is around your Onii-chan's neck, my soul is trapped in it, because of this I am now a yami and Ryou is my hikari, speaking of which," He goes over to Ryou and takes the millennium ring, "Thanks Ryou."

Amane then shoot her head over to Marik, "So does that mean Marik-san's soul is trapped in some sort of millennium item because he called Malik-san 'hikari'?" She then turns to Yami, Atem, Yugi and Heba, "Wait that symbol the eye is on those upside down pyramids that Yami-san and Atem-san have on."

Atem took the lead on this one, "Yes my brother and I souls are trapped in the twin millennium puzzles, Heba is my hikari and Yugi is Yami's."

Malik then spoke up, "Yes I'm Marik's hikari and his soul is in a way trapped in the millennium rod." Marik pulls the rod from behind his back.

"I need to sit down." Amane sat down on the sofa, Ryou tried to go to her but she shot up her hand, "No offence Onii-chan but I need some time along, just to think about all this, but I have no problem with you and Malik-san." Then added very quietly, "yet."

Ryou nodded at Amane then drags Bakura into the kitchen with him the others soon followed, once they entered they saw Ryou giving Bakura a death glare that would put Seto Kaiba's to shame, and Bakura almost cowering in one of that chairs. The yamis and hikaris could easily tell that are having a mind conversation more like argument and Bakura was losing.

Marik moved over to Bakura and pulled him into a hug, "Look on the bright side," everyone looked at the psycho spirit of the rod, "At lest you final told Amane about all this."

Malik had also pulled his Angel into his arms, and Ryou sighed after a moment, "Yes but not the way I would have liked." Ryou turned so that he and Malik were chest to chest and wrapped his arms around his neck and buried he face in Malik's neck, "She hates me."

Malik rubbed his Angel's back, "She could never hate you Angel, you're her big brother."

The other two hikari's moved over to come down Ryou, while the other two yamis went to see how Bakura was doing after pissing off a hikari, shockingly after they defeated Zorc the yamis all got to know each other and become friends.

Bakura sighed and relaxed into Marik's embrace and looked at Yami and Atem, "Ryou hates me and I lost his relationship with Amane, I am a complete baka."

Amane walked in to see her Onii-chan hugging Malik, with Yugi and Heba comforting him, and on the other end of the kitchen she saw a mirror image with her Onii-chan's look a like in an embrace with Marik, with Yami and Atem comforting him. Amane cleared her throat and all eyes where on her in a flash, "All that information was a lot to take in, I don't even think I got it all but you're my Onii-chan and first I could never hate you so get that thought out of your mind right now, and second I find the whole 'soul trapped in the millennium items' thing kind of cool, so that's about it." She walked over to the brother and the other hikaris moved away so she could hug him.

Ryou whispered, "Thanks Amane." And smiled.

Amane smiled back, "Anytime Onii-chan." Then she walked over to her brothers look a like, just like the hikaris the yamis moved out of the way, Bakura squatted down and Amane hugged him also, Bakura hugged back, Amane pulled back but still kept her hands on the look a likes and Bakura still had his hand on her back (both in a sibling like manner), Amane spoke, "So what should I call you?" Bakura and the rest of the group was taken back by this, Amane looked around, "What I'm not calling him 'Onii-chan look a like' or 'other Onii-chan'."

Atem and Yami started laughing, the rest of them looked at the twins, Atem spoke for the two, "What? Oh come on you got to admit she is taking it very well."

The rest of the group started to laugh and all the stress in the room was gone, once the group calmed down Amane spoke up, "I got it Aniki."

Yugi and Heba with the twin power to spoke at the exacted same time, "What do you mean by Aniki, Amane-chan?"

Amane hugged Bakura once again, "That's what I'm calling him, Aniki."

Bakura smiled, "Okay Aniki it is, now let's get out of this apartment and do something fun."

The others agreed but before the got out the door a voice broke threw there plan making, "Wait." Everyone looked to see Amane, was the one that stopped them.

Bakura getting used to his new role as a big brother spoke, "What is it Amane?"

Amane looked over the group of eight in front of her, "Is there anything else you guys would like to tell me now while I'm this open minded?"

They all looked at each other before Yami grabbed Yugi and pulled him into a heated kiss, the same with Atem and Heba, Marik and Bakura, and Malik with Ryou.

The semes looked at the ukes in there arms and smirked at the dazed look that got out of them then looked at Amane, her eyes are bugging out of her head, she blinked a couple of times, "Okay that is an interesting way of coming out...um...ya." Amane blushed, decked her head and scratched the back of her head.

Bakura shock off his dazed look and walked over to Amane and stuck out his hand, "Come on let's got some where fun."

Amane looked at the hand then at Bakura who had a smiled on, she smiled back, "Hai Aniki." She grabbed his hand and the group went to the arcade.

About a block or two away from the apartment Amane spoke, "So how did you guys get your souls trapped in the millennium items and who where you four before being trapped?"

The yamis looked at each other, Yami took the lead, "I'll say who we where, first all three of us are over 5,000 years old."

Amane interrupted Yami, "Wow."

Marik gave Yami a confused look, 'Why are you tell Amane that I'm over 5,000, I'm just over 5. What are you planning?'

Bakura on the other hand looked a bit worried at what Yami is going to say, 'I can't let Amane find out that I'm just a thief.'

Yami sensed the psychos worry and confusion, "We're from ancient Egypt, Atem was the pharaoh at the time, I was the Prince, Marik was the head guard, and Bakura was a priest."

Amane gasped, "That is so cool, so how did you guys get trapped in the millennium items?"

Atem finished what his brother started, "There was a great evil that attacked us and we had to trap ours souls to destroy it."

Now everyone was confused about that the twin spirit brothers where saying, other Amane who that that was very heroic, "Wow you guys are heroes." She hugged Bakura and smiled at him.

Bakura turned to Yami and Atem, "What the hell was that?" Marik nodded in agreement.

Yami smirked and shrugged, "She deserves to know a better you and Marik, since you guys are a part of her family now."

Bakura and Marik did not know what to say to that, they where happy and more complete from that comment, Yami and Atem chuckled, Atem spoke for the two, "You can thank us later."

Malik whispered to the other hikaris about what Atem and Yami just told Bakura and Marik, Yugi and Heba kiss there respected yamis checks and whispered a 'thank you'.

The group walked for a bit then spotted Jou, Honda and Honda's boyfriend Otogi across the street. All three wearing his Battle City outfit, Jou turned to see the yamis and hikaris with some little girl around Mokuba's height and age.

Jou smiled and waved at the large group, "Yo, everyone." Then ran across the street, luckily there were no cars or Jou would have been hit. Honda and Otogi looked at what Jou was running to and then ran after.

The group smiled and waved at the three new comers, once they got to the group Otogi spoke up, "So where are you guys headed?"

Heba answered, "The arcade, you three?"

Honda replied, "To Ryou's place because we where bored."

Ryou looked a little annoyed, "And why must everyone go to my place when they're bored?"

Jou answered, "Because of the plan."

Ryou raised an eyebrow, "Plan?"

Jou continued, "The plan; when you got bored you go to Ryou's place because Ryou, Bakura, Malik and Marik are there, so then we make our way to the game shop where Yugi, Heba, Yami and Atem are, by saying to Bakura that he should beat Yami today. So that way we can get the most people in the least amount of time."

Ryou, Bakura and Amane looked confused at what Jou just said, both Ryou and Bakura said, "I feel used." And each grabbed one of Amane's hands and started to walk away.

Amane turned to looked at the three new comers one looked very familiar, his long black hair and bright green eyes and the way he plays with his hair, she gasped and for what seemed like the tenth time that day all eyes where on her, both Ryou and Bakura stopped walking and let go of her hands. Bakura asked, "What is it Amane?"

Amane looked to Otogi, "Sorry but you look so familiar." Everyone just looked at Amane funny.

Otogi thought for a moment, "How to I look familiar to you Amane-chan?"

Amane blinked, "Um, oh well your hair, your eyes and the way you play with your hair all remind me of someone, I just can't put my finger on them." She sighed, "Once it comes to me it well most likely be really obvious and sad that I did not think of it sooner."

Otogi and the rest of the group just looked at one in other, Ryou spoke up, "Well Amane you'll figure it out later, but now let's go to the arcade."

Amane nodded, "Hai Onii-chan."

The rest just nodded, everyone returned to talking and asked forgiveness for using Ryou and Bakura, all except Otogi and Amane they were trying to figure out why Otogi looked so familiar to Amane.

A/N- Hey how was that? Anyway why does Otogi look so familiar to Amane, find out in the next chapter. And Yes the Battle City arc had damm good clothes.