Disclaimer: You really think I could own Harry Potter and D. Gray-man? Then I suggest you get your head checked.
Komui Lee looked at the finder in front of him as though she had lost her mind.
"Magic? Are you sure?"
"Yes, whilst investigating the Innocence, we've stumbled upon a magical community."
"Are you sure that this magic is simply not just an effect of the Innocence?"
"At first, I thought that there was a possibility, but after carefully gathering information, I have come to conclude that the magical community is large, and spans the globe, and has also dated back for centuries. It is a power separate from the Innocence."
Komui stroke his chin in thought.
The finder continued.
"However, there does seem to be Innocence located at one of the magical locations, or at any rate, something the akuma seem to be interested in. It seems to be an old ruin in Scotland, but our information tells us that it is one of the world's best magical schools, Hogwarts. The akuma have persistently been trying to get through the wards around the school. For now, they hold, but they will surely weaken soon."
Komui gaped, sorting, filing and analyzing the information in his brain.
"Very well, please, tell me all information you have managed to gather on this magical community."
Cross Marian was eavesdropping outside of the door to the supervisor's office, a mischievous smirk making its way across his features. It seemed the information was a bit of a shock to Komui, and he was having a hard time processing it, and his next plan of action, but Cross wasn't going to make it any easier for them, that wasn't his job, now was it? Instead, he was off to put his own mischievous plans into action.
He hadn't officially been part of the wizarding world for years, but he kept up with the goings on in the magical community. He had seen the signs, had known that the idiot Riddle was rising again. He had also read the papers, aware that the even bigger idiot, Fudge, and his ministry, had refused to open their eyes and see the truth, and would be making a late start into the game that he knew they would probably contribute nothing to.
He had never involved himself in the war before, as far as he saw it, that wasn't his place. Born of magical blood, he may be, but he was first and foremost, an exorcist, and the wizarding war was just a normal, human war. That is to say, he had never openly contributed to the war, but, if he did run across a couple of death eaters by chance, he didn't hesitate to give them what was coming, but the wizarding world was supposed to pull through on its own, he had a bigger war to worry about. However, as prior mentioned, he still kept tabs on the wizarding world, just in case he ever came across any information that may be useful to him. There were some people in the wizarding world that could probably help a lot, though they may not be exorcists, Dumbledore, for one; the old man was rather insightful and open minded at times.
Though he decided previously that he would not assist Komui, he decided that what he was about to do wasn't help Komui, more like mess with the life of his apprentice even further. He spun on the spot, and apparated into Hogsmeade. It was time to visit an old acquaintance.
Albus Dumbledore sat at his desk, his office very trashed, seemingly absorbed in his thoughts. Then he broke the silence.
"You know, you could use the door like everyone else," he chuckled amusedly, turning to look at his window.
On the windowsill sat Cross Marian, red hair shining in the moonlight, cigarette held between his lips. Jumping into the room, and conjuring a comfy couch, he took a seat.
"Magical tornado?" he asked, gesturing to the state of the room.
Dumbledore smiled a sad smile.
"Worse, a teenager."
"Aah," Cross replied with understanding.
"So, what brings you out into the open, you never visit just for leisure's sake," Dumbledore said, with a slight tilt of the head, "After finishing your wizarding education, you practically vanished making contact only a few times."
"The war is starting again?"
"I'm afraid it is," Dumbledore said somberly, but with an air that said that it was inevitable, "Why are you concerned, if I remember correctly you've never been directly involved, or bothered with the war effort?"
"No reason," Cross replied, with a non committal shrug, taking a pull from his cigarette once more, "But it's not like I think that I could care less what happens, I just think that you all can pull through fine without my help."
"And you have things that you need to do," Dumbledore, more stated than asked, with one of his knowing smiles, a twinkle in his blue eyes.
Cross shrugged again, "Got any champagne?"
Dumbledore laughed. Some people never change.
"No, I'm afraid not, but I do have some of Rosemerta's oak matured mead," he replied, summoning the bottle and conjuring two goblets. He poured, and Cross took his cup. While the other took his first sip, Dumbledore continued to speak.
"I know that you have your reasons for disappearing Marian, and I know that it is something important that you have to do, I could always see it, though I know not what it is. I see that to you, it is more important than this war, and thus, I cannot blame you for pursuing that instead of helping with the war efforts. You have always seemed to carry a large weight on your shoulders."
Cross smiled, but confirmed nothing. Instead he said, "Nah, I'd just rather spend my time drinking fine wine in the company of pretty ladies than stress myself trying to bring down an idiot snake."
"So, why are you here?" Dumbledore asked, eyes still twinkling.
"Well, Albus, believe it or not, I have a favour to ask," the red head said with a grin.
"Surprisingly, I don't find that remotely hard to believe," the old wizard chuckled.
"Well, it's about my apprentice," Cross began, noting with amusement how Dumbledore raised his eyebrows at the thought of the word apprentice, "What?"
"Well, it's just the thought of you having an apprentice, I pity the child," the old man smiled with humour, "Do go on."
"Yes, well, due to circumstances I cannot reveal, I am currently unable to continue teaching him for the time being due to my mission, and, as such, I was wondering if you would take in the boy to finish his education at Hogwarts," the General finished.
"Am I ever going to know what this never ending mission of yours is?"
"Not a chance," Cross shot back. Dumbledore's eyes continued to twinkle.
"What year would the boy be in?"
"Well, I see no reason not to. However, these are troubling times, I feel badly for asking this, but you are sure he's not of the enemies ranks, right?"
"Well, then, of course. Anything special you might want to tell me about the boy?" he said, the knowing smile and twinkle in place again.
"Well, I'd probably be lying if said he was your average seven teen year old, but don't worry, the boy can take care of himself, and more. He did train with ma after all."
"Talk about training under extreme conditions," Dumbledore muttered. Cross ignored him.
"Seeing as he's your apprentice, is he aware of your mission, whatever it is?"
"So, he can fight those strange creatures too?"
Cross didn't look shocked, because, in reality, he wasn't. Dumbledore was by no means stupid, and he had always been one of those annoying knowledge seeking people, so he just answered, "Yes."
The bearded wizard smiled his warm smile.
"I cannot tell you more however, Albus, for your safety, as well as confidentiality reasons. But, as my old friend, I believe I cannot be faulted in informing you that there is more than one major war that is going on at the moment. And, knowing you, I feel it fit to mention, that no matter how you wish to help, there is nothing you can do. There are some things in this world that only certain people are meant to do."
Dumbledore nodded sagely, and thought of his black haired, green eyed pupil, some guilt and sadness overcoming him. He understood very well, that there were some thing that just had to be done by some people. But that didn't mean, others couldn't give their support.
"I understand, but, you know, if you ever need anything, you shouldn't hesitate to ask, help can come in different forms, it doesn't necessarily have to mean fighting at your side."
Cross refilled his goblet, and sipped, nodding.
"So, on that topic, would sending the boy here be some means of protection due to this war?"
"Hadn't initially thought of that, but now that you mention it, that would be a bonus, but then again, I wonder if it may endanger the rest of the students," here, Cross paused to think, "Nah, they're in danger anyway, they'd be safer with him here," he concluded.
"I was about to say the same, but I fear not for the reasons you have. You think there's a chance we'll get caught in the cross fire of this other war, don't you?"
Cross paused for a minute, before saying, "There's more than a possibility."
"So that would be why I've been seeing some of those creatures on the outskirts of the wards recently?"
Cross nodded.
"Can you tell me why they seem to be targeting here?"
"Even I am not sure to the reason, old friend," Cross replied, an uncharacteristic serious look on his face. He knew that, as Komui suspected, there might be Innocence, but nothing so far had happened outside of normal magical activity, in the area, and he knew all too well, that things were never as they seem, especially with the Noah and the Earl as they're opponents. Things were about to get complicated, and soon, he knew it.
"So, back to Allen."
"Ah, so that is the boy?"
"Yes. Allen Walker, seventeen years, white hair, scar running down the left side of his face," Cross cleared his throat, searching for the right word, "Ahem, disfigured left arm, I would suggest that you don't pry into those topics too much."
"I see, anything else, I do need to know a little about him."
Here Dumbledore saw Cross smile a genuinely sincere, and heartwarming smile, which he knew were few and far between, "Well, he's a complete idiot, that's for sure, total martyr, to kind for his own good, but with his own little evil streak if pushed far enough," he snickered, oh how he loved torturing his idiot apprentice, the reactions alone were so worth it, "Gentlemanly at times, overwhelming sense of right and wrong, stupid, smart, clumsy, short, gets lost easily and he has a lot of potential," Cross finished, with the same rare smile gracing his features.
"Stupid and smart?" Dumbledore laughed.
"Oh, you know what I mean!"
"Oh, yeah, and tell the house elves in the kitchen the better be prepared to work," the redhead added as an afterthought, a smirk in place.
"Sound like he'll be good to have around. Well then, come September, the boy will be part of Hogwarts."
"Oh, and do you mind not mentioning that you know me, or that I arranged this," he added as an afterthought, "And have Fawkes send the acceptance letter to me, I'll pass it on to him via the proper channels."
Dumbledore nodded and did not even bother to question as to why that was important. With Cross, some things were better left unasked, that, he knew.
Then, Cross said, playfully, "So, you need a new Defense teacher again, huh? What do you do to them to run through so many in so little time?"
"Alas, I don't know, it seems the job may really be cursed."
"I suggest you advertise the vacancy. Somebody will turn up, trust me. You should really go for some new blood, instead of bringing in some old retired loon who doesn't even really want to be here. It might work wonders, you never know. I recommend you go with someone young, and up to the challenge, you'd find it might put quite a good spin on things. It would be rather refreshing, no? Bringing in old blood does nothing for improvement and moving forward, does it, if you don't recruit newcomers, how are you supposed to discover new talents, and bring more things to the table?"
Dumbledore looked on, contemplating what the man said. He had in fact, just decided that he would try persuading Horace Slughorn out of retirement, but, something of what Marian said did ring true. A new face, new opportunities, it would be good. But no one wanted the job, however, he decided he'd try one more time, and see what the world had to offer. If there was nothing, he'd just fall back on plan A.
"Very well, I do agree with you."
"Prayers are answered in the unlikeliest of ways," Cross finished with an almost-Dumbledore twinkle in his eyes, setting his goblet on Dumbledore's table, "Thanks Albus, and may god keep you well."
With that, he got up, and, for once, strode out of the office door.
"You too friend," the headmaster replied softly.
Walking down the empty hallways, Cross was deep in thought. He knew Allen already had a lot on his plate, and he didn't want to drag him into another war, but, if things were about to get out of hand, it would be better if Allen were here.
He knew from his travels, that the boy had potential for magic. Sometimes his gambling skills had absolutely nothing to do with his amazing cheating skills, not that he didn't have those too, but sometimes, it was inevitable to have a bad hand that you had no way of fixing, but the boy miraculously didn't. There were other things, incidents, that were obvious to anyone who knew the signs of latent magical potential being bottled up. But, Cross hadn't bothered to teach the boy to control. For, a wizard was but a normal person, with extra skills, you could say. Those skills were not necessarily used for some greater purpose, like the exorcists' Innocence. They were normal, with normal routine lives. Allen was not. He had a purpose, and an important one. He had no time to be shipped off to magic school when it was impossible for him to lead a normal, complacent magical life. And Cross didn't bother to inform the boy or teach him himself, for, if was going to be teaching Allen, it was on more pressing matters. For, as an exorcist, the fate of the world lay in Allen's hands, along with those of his comrades. Magic was unimportant in comparison to that. Innocence took first priority. He knew the boy would not hold it against him for not teaching him, because he knew that Allen knew better than anybody, what he had to do, and would've been the first one to say that saving the akuma and the people came first. Ironically, now, he needed his magic in order to blend in for the sake of saving the akuma and the people.
Also, as Dumbledore pointed out, Allen would more or less have some extra protection within the wards of Hogwarts, which Cross was glad for; he did care for his pupil after all. And, he may be able to relax and enjoy his stay at Hogwarts a little in between, but then again, knowing Allen, it would be all about the mission and watching out for others' safety. Just because Cross knew Allen couldn't have a normal life, didn't mean he agreed with it. The boy deserved to relax and experience some normal human experience at least once, so, despite this being a mission, he was hoping that Allen would be able to get a little more out of it. For a moment, he wondered what it would've been like if it wasn't for the Millennium Earl. Would Allen have been a normal seventh year worrying about N.E.W.T.S. and cheating at exploding snap? He smiled at the thought. But then, he would've probably never met his idiot apprentice, but still, the other's life would've been better, wouldn't it? Oh, well, what's done is done, and it was no sense thinking about how things might've been, because what was important was how things were, and where they were headed.
Furthermore, Cross thought it would be healthy if Allen spent more time in an environment where almost everyone didn't look at him as if he were going to snap and kill them at any moment. He was glad the boy didn't seem to let the whole fourteenth thing get to him. He held his head up high and walked forward, making his own path, determined to remain true to himself, his fighting spirit never wavering. Cross was proud, though you'd be hard pressed to find him admitting it. He had helped the order, making it possible for one, and if what he was hoping would happen, did, then possibly two, exorcists to infiltrate Hogwarts to be on the lookout for Innocence, Akuma and any sinister plots. Now the only problem, trying to squeeze in teaching the brat six years of magical knowledge in the little off time they would have on their mission in the up coming month. But, he would have to.
A week later, Komui sat at his desk, sorting through reports and documents he had gathered from finders on the magical world, focusing mainly on the ones in wizarding England. It turned out, that various finders who had been sent out to investigate possible Innocence fragment related occurrences, had found the source of strange phenomena to be due to the magical community, but it was that one finder, who had reported that the akuma had starting appearing around a certain wizarding institution. So it seemed that apart from the magic, there really was still a possibility of Innocence in the area.
Komui studied the documents. If there was Innocence they had to search and retrieve it, but the building was supposedly a school, how were they to search undetected. Also, the akuma needed to be taken care of. True they could breach the wards yet, but everyone knows disaster always follows soon after 'yet'. Also, if there was no Innocence, they had to figure out why the akuma were converging on the location, and, they still needed to be destroyed. Another thing was, he wanted more information on the wizarding world, especially if, in case, worse came to worse, and there was no Innocence, and the wizarding school had somehow become entangled in the war. Looking at a fairly recent wizarding news paper that the finder who first brought him the information had provided, he made up his mind. The paper was dated two days prior, and Komui was refraining from spending too much time on the moving pictures for now, that could wait. Instead, he had his eyes trained on the classifieds. Yes, an infiltration mission was the best bet in the situation.
Now, he just had one thing to do, find an exorcist, who was free, who could use magic, and who somehow managed to learn it, and pull off the job interview. Oh, his life was so easy! But before that, he still had some things he wanted to clear up, and comfirm, so, taking the coffee offered by Lenalee, he said, with a serious voice, "Lenalee, can you call Lavi and Bookman in here please?"
So, this is , what, two years, after the current D. Gray-man timeline? Allen is seventeen, and a general. As for the HP timeline, it's currently at the end of the fifth book, and the main story takes place during Harry's sixth year. And, as mentioned, he will be going on a mission in the company of Cross, yes, poor Allen, but he'll live. Please, don't ask what the hell kinda mission requires two generals. Maybe Allen needs some guidance before they let him off on his own [okay, worse question, who in their bloody right mind lets Cross provide any sort of guidance for any young mind? More like they sent Allen to keep an eye on cross and keep him in check. Yeah, that sounds about right.] And, believe it or not, Cross does care about Allen.
Also, think about it. There's a war with the fate of the world at stake. Both Cross and Allen know that Allen has to master killing akuma and whatnot, you know, the urgent matters, and Cross knows that Allen hadn't unlocked the full potential of the Innocence yet, so would he really distract him with magic when the boy had a ways to go with mastering his innocence, which, given his job, is more important? Also, that would mean more work for Cross, so he just ignored it. Until now.
Oh, and I will be changing the HPB story, drastically, like more than likely, sticking to nothing in the original. Cuz think about it, with the appearance of akuma, a character as main and influential as Allen, and countless others, do you expect things to go the same as they would be otherwise. I will say it again, whereas some stories stick to the original storyline more or less, with a few deviations, and including the crossover characters, this will not, it will deviate greatly, and I will most likely be making it up as I go along. Not gonna even bother pulling out my HBP to refresh my memory on the events.
Other than that, what do you think? Do tell.