A/N: This story is my first story I have wrote in FOREVER. I mean about 3 almost 4 years, and this is my second try at a Draco and Ginny story, and it has been almost 5 to 6 years since I last attempted at such a story. Please, give me patience. I'm trying get over my writers block.

This story is based of my life. My love for a man I held dear to me for the past 5 years. He has left today, to go over seas to fight in this war. Thou we are no longer together, I figured the best way to express my life was to write a story about my favorite character's and hope for the best to help me heal. If you catch it, you will notice I have written myself in the story, as well. One love represents the past, and the other represents what I hope to have in the future.

I want to quickly thank my best friend Jenny for pushing me to write this story. With her help, I will break this writers block and push forward to heal my broken heart. She is also my editor and muse!

Please keep in mind that this story is mainly written by Ginny's point of view-ish. The people she calls by first name, will have their first name written, but if she calls them by their last name, that will be the name in use till they become friends, even if it IS the other people showing what they see at the moment.

I do NOT own Harry Potter. BUT! I own this plot, and Damien and Stephine! They are MINE! Please ask before you touch.

Chapter 1: Meeting Isabella

Ginny was happy that this year had started just like last year. Her brother wasn't treating her any differently. And when she had sat in their compartment, they had acted like the year before, as if she wasn't even there. The only difference was the constant glances she got from Ron. She didn't mind, as long as she was left to her own devices.

The train ride to school, as well as the carriage had gone off uneventful. But, when she had sat down next to the trio to eat, an auburn haired girl had sat down next to her, giving her a friendly smile, and went about her own business of eating.

Ginny had notice the other girl was vaguely familiar. She wasn't beautiful, but she wasn't plain either. Her hair fell straight down her back, just barely past her shoulder blades. A deep auburn, but whenever the sun shone on it, the auburn came to life with strands of blondish/gold. Her eyes were hazel, a remarkable color. Upon closer inspection, they were green toward the center fading into a light brown on the outside, flecked with black, making them seem dark brown at a distance. Her eyebrows were definitely waxed into a perfect arch above each eye. Her face was fare; the skin was light, almost glowing in the sun light. Her nose wasn't large or small, it fit perfectly in between her almond shaped eyes. Her bottom lip was larger then her top lip, stick out further, but her upper lip had the perfect bow shape.

Shifting her eyes back to her plate, hoping she hadn't been caught staring. She didn't want to seem rude. Taking a chance, she glanced at her once more. Her eyes were on her, taking in her appearance with a small smile.

Ginny's hair was slightly waving, gently falling down in cascades to the middle of her back. It was a rich crimson, so unlike the gaudy almost carrot red that was sported on the Weasley boys. Her eyes were a deep chocolate brown, but behind them held a fire for all the passions in life that Ginny still sought. Her nose was small, and centered perfectly with a small dusting of freckles. Her cheek bones were high, but not to much. It gave her face a gentle heart shaped definition. Her lips were full, but not overly so. They fit well with every feature on her face.

Giving a small smile in return, she quickly went back to eating feeling stupid for staring at the other girl for so long. With a sigh, she finished up and walked quickly back to her common room. Climbing the stairs, she made her way to her bed, digging out her pajama's she quickly changed. She laid down staring blankly at the ceiling, listening to the girls around her mill about getting dressed for bed.

She glanced around, and spotted the auburn hair girl crawling into the bed right next to hers. How had she not noticed that she roomed with this girl all last year, and they slept right next to each other! How could she have missed that? Suddenly guilt slammed hard into her heart when she finally remembered that this girl had tried more then once last year to talk to her. But, Ginny had been so preoccupied with Tom, she hadn't even giving her the time of day.

She slipped into a fitful sleep, hoping that the girl beside her would forgive her for her rudeness last year.

Waking up the next morning, Ginny noticed all the girls were gone from the room. Glancing at the clock, Ginny realized she was going to be late to breakfast if she didn't hurry. Rushing threw a quick five minute shower, brushing her hair and teeth, she threw her clothes on and ran down to the great hall.

With a huff, she slammed herself down in her normal spot between the auburn haired girl and Hermione.

"Good morning, Ginny," Hermione smiled at her.

"Good morning," Ginny flashed a bright smile that quickly faded when she noticed her class list in front of her.

"What's wrong, Gin," Ron asked.

"Double potions. Thankfully it's not until the end of the day."

"Is it with the Slytherins," Harry raised an eyebrow.

"Of course," Ginny sighed.

Ginny was thankful for the small mercies in life, for double potions was the only class she had with the Slytherins. It was a great relief for her. Not having to spend all day being judged, looked down on, and made fun of all day.

The day went by smoothly. All her classes assigned very light homework, just to catch up with what they learned last year. But, Ginny was well aware her luck was probably, going to run out soon.

Walking with a quick pace, she slammed into another person as she turned the last corner to get to Snape's classroom.

"Watch where you're going, Weasel," Pansy Parkinson's voice sounded loud and snotty in her ears.

Sighing at her bad turn of luck, she bent down to collect her spilt material. Her eyes snapped up when she saw someone else picking up her scattered items. Her eyes connected with hazel. A warm smile was on the girl's lips.

"Here," she spoke, holding out the rest of what had fallen.

"Um… Thank you," Ginny said nervously, a blush rising on her cheeks at having being caught in such a way.

"You're very welcome. My name is Isabella Jonsen, by the way," Jonsen held out her hand.

"Ginerva Weasley," Ginny grasped her hand, letting Jonsen pull her to her feet.

"Third year potions was before ours. Parkinson was in a hurry to leave, almost running. It was her fault, don't feel embarrassed."

Ginny smiled brightly, as the two walked quietly into Snape's classroom. They sat next to each other, watching the front of the class.

Snape came into the room, his cloak billowing dramatically behind him as he swooped up front and spun on his heels to face his class. His eyes took in each student. Finding the ones he knew were good at potions and glaring at others who disturbed his class almost daily with their horrible lack of skills and knowledge.

Ginny and Jonsen ignored Snape's usual talk on how he was here to teach them things that could determine life or death, and so on and so forth. Only when he spoke of pairing them off for the year, did their attention turn back to the words coming out of his mouth. They both shared a look, hoping that he would take pity and place them together.

"Isabella Jonsen and Damien Barlow."

Jonsen quickly glanced at the boy in mention. He was considerably good looking. He had short spiky blonde hair, and amazing emerald green eyes. He was built nicely; it seemed he worked out daily. He sported a natural tan for spending time out in the sun. Giving Ginny an apologetic smile, she picked up her stuff and slid softly into the seat next to Barlow.

"Ginny Weasley and Stephine Sanders."

Ginny felt instantly self conscious. She gently sat down next to Sanders. She was definitely beautiful. With long straight black hair that fell down to her hips. Bright sapphire blue eyes that held almost a dreamlike half lidded look. Her face was angular, as if she was a statue carved out of stone. Her skin was pale, as if she never went outside before. She had curves, they were soft and gentle, which were far different from her face. Ginny suddenly felt inferior.

It wasn't like she didn't have anything. But her breasts were a nice B cup. Her stomach was rounded out, and not flat, but not huge. Her hips were wide set, and her butt was huge and round. It made her body look bottom heavy, with her lower body wider set then her upper body. While Sanders had breasts and a butt that complimented each other, making her look proportionate.



"While I do not wish to work with you, I would rather not fail this class. I propose a truce while we are in class, so we can get this work done, and I don't fail," Sanders spoke sharply.

"I don't want to fail either," Ginny sighed holding out her hand in a truce.

Sanders quickly grabbed, shook, and then released Ginny's hand within a few seconds, turning forward to write down the notes that had appeared on the board.

Jonsen smirked at the hand shake between the two. Turning her attention back to Barlow, who had his eyebrow cocked at her in a questioning state.

"That smirk is better placed on a Slytherin's face."

"Is that so? Can a Gryffindor not smirk?"


"Well why not? I'm not hurting anyone," Jonsen stated easily.

"We hurt people when we smirk."

"There is a smirk on your face, and yet I feel no pain," Jonsen's smirk grew.

"Touché, it doesn't seem like you are intimidated by me," it was more of a question then a statement.

"Should I be," her return reply was also a question.

"I could make your life a living hell."

"The question is, would you?"

Barlow opened his mouth to snap that he would indeed. But his jaw snapped closed as his eyes bore into hers. She didn't seem like any ordinary Gryffindor and she showed no fear of him, thou he had teased her and made fun of her all last year.

He forced his focus on the paper under his hand that he had been scribbling down the directions on the board. Taking a chance he glanced at her face to see a peaceful smile settled on her lips as she finished taking down the notes.

The class went by quickly, the Slytherins only talking to their partners when they absolutely needed to, snapping instructions in a rude manner.

Jonsen and Ginny walked side by side to the Great Hall, having just placed their books in their room.

"Jonsen, I wanted to apologize for last year," Ginny started.

Jonsen stopped in her tracks making Ginny stop at once, spinning on her heels to stare into the hazel eyes of the girl behind her.

"There is nothing to apologize for!"

"Well… I mean… I just… I ignored you… and."

"Don't. I know what happened. I heard about it. I know how your year was, and I don't blame you! I was decidedly upset that you didn't want my friendship. But, when I found out what had happened, I forgave you in that moment! Don't ever apologize for it. It wasn't your fault! Now, we just have to make up for last year and become best friends," Jonsen left no room for argument, her eyes were hard and stern.

"Thank you," Ginny's reply was watery as tears formed in her eyes.

Smiling, Jonsen pulled Ginny into a warm hug. Ginny hadn't felt this cared for in years. Ron had ignored her for Harry and Hermione, only paying her mind when a guy got involved, or when she was in danger.

"I'll call you Ginny, if you call me Bella," Jonsen spoke softly as she pulled slowly away from their embrace.

"Of course, Bella," Ginny smiled as they continued their path to the Great Hall.

They sat down, with Ginny next to Harry, and Bella next to Collin Creevey. Bella flashed Creevey a short smile before she turned her attention to her food. Ginny wondered if maybe last year they had gotten to know each other. Maybe Creevey had tried to talk to her and she had ignored him too?

"Good evening, Bella," Creevey's voice was soft.

"It is a very nice evening. How are you," Bella responded, her eyes locking with Creevey's.

"I'm great. I'm sorry about your luck."

"What do you mean," Bella genuinely looked confused.

"Getting paired with Barlow in Potions," Creevey spoke as if thou it was common knowledge.

"I do not find my luck to be bad. Barlow seems to be different. I do not mind so much that we are paired together," Bella flashed him a smile before placing a bite of chicken in her mouth.

"Are you serious," the shocked look on Creevey's face was priceless.

"Of course," her reply held an ecstatic edge to it.

"Nutters," Creevey whispered under his breath causing both the girls to howl in laughter.

A blush rose on Creevey's cheeks as he watched Bella and Ginny laugh at his remark they weren't suppose to hear.

Malfoy, Blaise, Barlow, and Sanders eyes narrowed at the three. What were they playing at? Neither of the girls had apposed to the truce between the Slytherins to make sure they didn't fail class. But, for some reason, they couldn't shake the feeling there was a different motive behind it all.

"Are you sure," Malfoy's voice drawled.

"Yes! Neither of them stopped to think twice about starting a truce just for class. Neither of them glared at us or even called us named. They merely worked with us. Even when I snapped at Weasley telling her what she had to do, all she did was glance at me before doing it," Sanders exclaimed.

"I didn't have a problem with Jonsen either. Every time I told her what to do, she would just look at me and then quickly do what I said. She never asked why, she never snapped back. She just did what I said without so much as a peep about my harsh words," Barlow nodded.

"Seems odd to me. Jonsen always has a come back when I take a swing at her," Blaise added.

"Weasley seems to have grown a back bone. Either that, or she is sure her new found 'friend' could protect her from us," Malfoy spoke in a snarl.

Bella stood up quickly, drawing all their eyes to her. She excused herself and walked at a quick pace to get to the door. Opening them just an inch, she squeezed out, the sound of her running foot steps echoed threw the hall before the door clicked closed.

Ginny's eyes were wide as she started at the empty seat next to her, glancing curiously at Creevey. Creevey smiled, his lips moving as he explained something to Ginny.

"She works in the infirmary, helping Madam Pomfrey with the students. She forgot it's her shift tonight. She does that a lot," Creevey snickered.

"I guess I really never noticed. Is she really that skilled to be working with Madam Pomfrey?"

"It's what she is best at. You should see her when she gets a patient. She gets so absorbed that she doesn't notice anything but the patient. She has advanced classes for healing and works in the infirmary as extra credit and because she loves it," Creevey shrugged.

"Let's just hope I don't have to be on the receiving end of her care," Ginny laughed.

Creevey smiled at her, turning back to his food. They both ate in silence, trying to push the awkwardness behind them at the absence of Bella.

Ginny stood suddenly, excusing herself and went back to her room. Sighing, she changed into her pajamas and laid herself down on her bed. She figured she would wait up for Bella, to ask her where she was.

Bella stepped into the room, smiling as she realized Ginny was sleeping. She pushed Ginny's curtains closed and chained into her night time attire, sleeping into her sheets; she shut her curtains and promptly fell asleep.

A/N: I want to thank everyone who read this story. Please review and I will personally respond to each review, either writing the responses at the end of each chapter, or sending a personal response to you.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I have begun to work on Chapter two. While I know the main plot on this story, I'm struggling to come up with mini-plots of each chapter to roll the story forward toward the main goal. I will try to update daily to every other day.

May your day be blessed,
