
Deep in UNGCC's world headquarters, a number of world leaders, kaijuologists, and military men were in the main conference room; it was not Director Goodhue's private conference room where he and Aso and Hayashida had discussed their plots against Godzilla after that first attack. Was it really less than a month since it had happened? In any case, the conference room was filled to capacity unlike in some conference meetings with just a few dozen people. Now there were near a hundred sitting around a huge circular table O-shaped table and there were all there for one purpose: find a way to defeat King Ghidorah.

Among them were Miki Segeusa and Kyle Martin, the former by teleconferencing and the latter in person. They were quite the pair even if they were an odd couple. Ever since Miki had shown her power with Godzilla, she had always been a part of these meetings, this one especially because of how she had seen King Ghidorah with her own eyes. She was UNGCC's greatest asset. As for Kyle Martin, he was not only a leading kaijuologist but also a vital link to the beginning; he was Steven Martin's grandson. However, she and Kyle were but two of many.

She looked around and saw Director Goodhue, former general of the US Army who had helped to coordinate the joint US, Soviet, Japanese attack on Godzilla in 1985 and who had saved Tokyo from nuclear annihilation in that same battle. At his right was Doctor Hayashida, Japan's leading Godzilla expert who had lost his parents to the beast more than forty years ago and who, in the same 1985 attack, had used the sonic lure to send Godzilla to the prison of Mt Mihara. At Goodhue's left was the ever-grim Commander Aso, supreme commander of G-Force and ready to fight whatever kaiju that showed itself. And on his left were his lieutenants, the sub commanders of the lesser G-Forces.

There was Commander Raschell of G-Force North America, an old friend to Goodhue and who had at last managed to, if not defeat, at least contain Inagos and the Desert Swarm. There was Commander Hess of G-Force Europe where the Gryphon was under construction. There was Commander Ahmed of G-Force Africa who led the fight against the snake monster Apophis. There was Commander Espinoza of G-Force South America who felt guilty for not having been able to do more for ruined Lima. There was Commander Kuroki of G-Force Asia, Aso's right hand man. There was Commander Cowen of G-Force Australia/South Pacific who kept his domain safe with the robot called Cyber-Saur.

There were also the Commanders of the Defense Force of the Earth; Aerial, Land, and Maritime. It was the global equivalent of America's Chiefs of Staff. In addition to Aso's fellow DFE commanders, there were the future pilots of MOGUERA. Their commander Tomas Santos, Secretary General Miguel Santos' son, had also served as secondary pilot of Angela, G-Force's first mecha. There was also General Melissa Rhodes of Moonbase along with witnesses of the first failed assault on King Ghidorah such as Astronaut Glen. The representatives of many of the world's armed forces were there.

There were also several world leaders present. Princess Selena Salno of Selginia was there to lend whatever advice she could as was her Prime Minister, Tenzin Yetrigar. A velvet box before them held the three Elias; Moll, Lora, and Belvera. America's President was there despite the uniform loathing for him felt by all those present, though whether his nervousness was caused by the loathing or something else nobody knew. His country having faced many monsters, the Prime Minister of Japan was ready to give his council. There were the presidents and Prime ministers of many other countries. There were even representatives of the Mu Empire, though dressed in western business suits. They had said that they were especially eager to help against King Ghidorah. Heading them all was the Secretary General of the United Nations, Miguel Santos.

Secretary General Santos rose up from his seat at the head of the round table. He grimly looked towards his fellow world leaders sitting in their seats surrounding him before addressing them as if this were a miniature General Assembly. He adjusted his tie and opened his mouth to speak. "As you all know the monster that has just recently arrived is called King Ghidorah. Our few remaining satellites have shown that following his battle with Godzilla, King Ghidorah has gone into space in an attempt to absorb the solar energy he needs to recover and attack again.

"This gives us some time, however slight, to plot a course of action. I have already spoken with Princess Salno concerning the meteor in which he was imprisoned and the Elias who also sought to stop the meteor. Mu's representatives have said that they too have information on the monster. All three have agreed to say what they know. Please give them your full attention."

He sat down and let Salno rise. She walked to the center of the O-shaped round table to address the delegates surrounding her on all sides. She placed the velvet box and the Elias held inside it on a small pedestal waiting there. "Thank you Mr. Secretary." She looked over the people in the conference room with her. "You all probably think 'Who is that woman? How did she know what would happen? Is she in league with the monster?' All this will be explained soon enough. I would like to assure you all that while I did know about King Ghidorah, I did everything I could to stop him from escaping.

"I should also remind all of you that, regardless of personal feelings concerning responsibility for opening the meteor, we must work together for the common goal of defeating the space demon." There was a bitter tone in Salno's voice as she said that. On hearing this everyone at the conference table, as if on cue, turned towards America's President at which he slumped down in his chair.

"As promised, I stayed in my hotel room until I was summoned. I really had no choice; my psychic sense left me near dead when I sensed the beast escaped from its cage. Not to mention that soon after King Ghidorah's escape, I was nearly lynched by a fearful mob. However I was saved by our Secretary General's intervention. You all know why we're here. You all know what we must do. Lives are counting on us and so I won't waste any more time on things nonessential. I'll get straight to the truth and please know that what I will tell you is the truth, no matter how impossible it might seem."

She paused before continuing. When she finally did there was a far away tone in her voice. "This universe is older than any of you know. You all think you know so much. You are all so sure of your place in the cosmos just as you all think that Godzilla is the worst monster that could ever exist. No, it's not like that. In fact, from the eons long perspective of the story I will tell you, Godzilla is nothing. The so called 'King of the Monsters' is a dust mote. He is the side effect of a side effect and the occasional city he razes is nothing compared to those forces that destroy planets. The Age of Monsters didn't begin when Godzilla 'first' arose in the 1950s; they all go back much farther. With the Elias's help I will tell you how much farther back it goes.

"The Age of Monster go back at least 65,000,000 years, possibly more, with the original inhabitants of Nebula M Space Hunter, or Archao Space Hunters." Nobody noticed that America's President jerked to attention on hearing that. "According to interstellar lore, their's was the very first planet to have ever been civilized. With their power, they created a civilization beyond knowledge, beyond reckoning. Their power was the likes that they lived like gods, but the power of gods in the hands of mortals is always a dangerous mixture. They saw other newly developing worlds and saw that they could be subjugated. It was not for land or wealth that these planets were sought out, there are countless uninhabited worlds in the universe to be colonized, but it was for the sake of power, domination, and will.

"But with what would they fight? It was then that the idea of creating giant monsters to be used as living war machines was devised. These space monsters were called… skyllans." She spat the word out as if it were a poison. "…And they were savage brutes indeed." She nodded at the Elias. They nodded back and levitated the Shield of Elias between the three of them and touched it with their swords so that the images of strange and hideous monsters would appear. In a swirl of sparkles shimmering pictures, almost like holographic images, swirled in midair above everyone's head.

One monster with two bloated red eyes looked like a walking pile of black sludge dripping tar with every step. Another was an even stranger looking thing. It had hooks for hands, a buzz saw in its belly, a red visor for an eye, and spikes on its head to compliment its beak and mandibles. There were more: a jellyfish like creature; a small headed gray hunched over thing whose arms nearly dragged on the ground; a bald, red skinned beast with the wings of a bat, the body of a puma and a tongue made of snakes. There was a flame red bat monster with a long tail and rows of spines on his back. "Hedorahs, Gigans, Yogs, Orgas Gryphons, Bagorahs; they and their spawn are skyllan all. With these abominations, the Space Hunters rose like a living flame across the galaxy. They planted their banners over the soil of a thousand worlds.

"And yet even such power was not enough for them." The Elias continued to use their powers to make the words that Salno spoke pictures that danced above all their heads so that Earth's leaders could see for themselves what they faced. "The Archao Space Hunters wanted to create the ultimate skyllan. Legend says they made a pact with Satan to obtain the Prince of Skyllans. The price? Their souls. Whether by maddest science or blackest magic, those genocidal would-be world conquerors spawned a monstrosity of the vilest darkness. On those worlds where many gods are known, King Ghidorah is feared as the god of evil. On worlds where one god is worshipped, they say King Ghidorah is the devil himself.

"But before all this began, once the demon had just been made, the Space Hunters went and sought out a small, forgotten, uninhabited planet on which to test their newest monstrosity and they found it on the planet Earth some 65,000,000 years ago.

"After speaking with the Elias, I can now authoritatively say what had happened next." Miki heard her tell the story that she had experienced twice over, of how Ghidorah had come to Earth long ago and killed all the dinosaurs. Salno also spoke of how the Prehistoric Mothra's high priestess and the Elias's mother, the Dragon Queen, foresaw the future and used her power to make the Earth birth champions to stand against the space demon when he finally came.

"The Supersaur champions that were forged were these," said Salno. The image of a noble four legged tan colored ankylosaur like creature materialized. It had a carapace of spines on its back and a spray of horns on the end of his long head. They all heard it give a loud barking honk. "There was Anguirus... " They then saw another quadruped, though of a far less noble heart. Its reddish brown mottled hide was topped by a turtle like shell. Adorning its dog like face was a yellow horn and elephant like ears. "There was Baragon..." Then there was an image of a male theropod dinosaur and a female plesiosaur both ambling along the beach's edge until they approached one another and merged into a tall brightly colored warty skinned biped with a long neck topped by a frilled eel like head. "There was Titannosaurus..." After that disappeared they saw a rather ordinary looking theropod dinosaur that resembled his saurian namesake. "There was Gorosaurus..." It was replaced by a familiar brown skinned spine bellied pteranodon that was, then as its descendants were now, the terror of the skies. "There was Rodan... " That image transformed into one of Godzilla like female creature. She was green skinned with long purple spines; she was bent forward and balanced by her outstretched tail. "There was Gigantis... And the last was Godzilla. He hardly needs introduction."

The last image of the last Supersaur faded from the air and the Elias continued to use their magic to illustrate Salno's story. "It was for that purpose that they were born. They all fought as hard as they could and none fought as hard as Godzilla who was determined destroy Ghidorah for the death of his mate. Cretaceous Ghidorah's very fist victims were Gigantis and Anguirus for whom Godzilla cared for very much. Yet despite the Supersaurs best efforts, Ghidorah succeeded in nearly killing the entire Earth. What little was left was destroyed when his Space Hunter masters sent an asteroid crashing into it. You've read the books. You know what happened next. The archao Space Hunters were impressed by their creation. It would truly be King Ghidorah. They were so certain that he would lead then on the road of conquest. They were so certain he would be their ultimate weapon.

"Fools. With the one single exception of Cretaceous Earth, their planet was the very first he destroyed. Roughly translated, and with the differences in language that exist across the planets it can only be roughly, the name King Ghidorah means 'the devil's hammer.' He lived up to his name when he turned on his own masters soon after returning from the Earth campaign. If the legends of King Ghidorah being made from a pact with Satan are true then the Evil One lied and betrayed the Archao Space Hunters just as he's done to countless others since time began. You see, the Space Hunters soon saw that they had made King Ghidorah a little too strong for he was a force that they couldn't control.

"They tried to activate the self destruct weapon they placed in all their skyllans but it was no good. King Ghidorah survived and laughed. He then proceeded to reduce that world to a graveyard." The people there gasped and murmured as they saw the Elias make Salno's words into images for them to see the carnage for themselves. There were images of global firestorms and ruined cities, of corpses piled on top of each other and of all the land made a wasteland and of all the sea made a dead sea. "Despite this destruction, it should be said that some life did survive in the form of intelligent man sized insects."

On hearing that, America's President yelled, "What!"

Salno was visibly annoyed. "You heard me. Now please let me continue."

The president was visibly trembling, but for what? Regardless of that, he let Salno continue. "With their overlords dead, the countless peoples that the Archao Space Hunters had enslaved those millions of years ago reveled in their freedom. It was to be a false joy. Soon enough, the skyllans, with their masters dead, attacked. Without the Space Hunters to keep then in check, they ceased to be weapons of conquest and became weapons of chaos. They and their descendants, to this day presumably, wandered across the stars causing misery and torture with every planet they find.

"And yet, the worst of them, by far, was and still is King Ghidorah. He has outlasted all his 'brothers' to become the most dreaded name in the cosmos. With 65,000,000 years worth of blood on his hands; he is feared and hated as the King of Terror, the Prince of Skyllans, the Star of Doom, the Bane of Life, and the planet-destroying scourge of the galaxy. He became known as the grim reaper of death for he would burn entire planets to ash so that he might drink in all the torment and humiliation he wrought upon them for his perverse pleasure. That, and to fuel his insane lust for power. He would return it unto his victims as his unholy Taint, which poisons the land, the sea, and the air; all it touches so that all that lives may wither up and die. He was indeed the devil's hammer for he lives only to bring forth hell on earth.

"Now, you may all be wondering, did all the Archao Space Hunters die out? Did any of King Ghidorah's makers survive? If interstellar lore is to be believed, they not only survived but became the ancestors of every humanoid species in the galaxy. With the images the Elias made for us, you've all probably noticed that the Archao Space Hunters bear an eerie resemblance to yourselves? It's the same resemblance that the Mysterians had when they arrived on Earth in the fifties." At that Miki sat up and listened, remembering how she saw King Ghidorah's masters in the vision granted her. Salno continued. "You may have asked yourselves, but if they're alien why do they look just like humans? And in the Mysterians' case, if they're aliens, why are they so similar to us that they can interbreed?

"Simply said, they might not be alien at all, but are instead us." Salno stopped to let it sink in. "Among the various alien races, there are legends that all tell the same basic tale. Once, the world was a paradise and the people had everything. But they grew proud and thought themselves above He who made them, thought themselves able to understand and use the knowledge forbidden them. Instead, it only brought misery and they lost everything. It is the perpetual story of paradise lost, and yet in every account from across the stars it's always the same. It could be written of as the common musings inherent in all intelligent beings but for one thing. There is always the serpent, the dragon, the emissary of evil.

"Millions of years past after the main planet of Nebula Space Hunter M was nearly destroyed and by then many new races had appeared on the various planets. They met in friendship and yet they noticed their common tales. And the impossible trillion to one chance that they all looked like one another. They were confused until they met the ever so ancient 'Neo' Space Hunters. As I have said, they were cockroach like man sized beings that had evolved from the insects that were among the only things to survive when King Ghidorah destroyed his makers. They told them that in the time that it had took them to develop intelligence, they saw the crumbling remains of an even earlier civilization which may have spawned the many humanoid races that litter the galaxy. They said that perhaps that earlier civilization had survived and in a mass exodus spread across the cosmos to survive even though it meant they lost all memory of their roots. One solar system that has humanoid life is this one.

"At this point, I would like to turn the speech over to the chief representative of Mu. As old as their civilization is, it remembers fighting King Ghidorah all those thousands of years ago."

She looked to the Muvian ambassador who nodded to her and in his western style suit stood up to address the people in the conference room. She returned to her chair and let him speak. He said "Thank you Princess Salno. If anyone has any questions please raise your hand. Elias, if you please?" The three sisters nodded and readjusted their concentration to illustrate the ambassador's tale as they had for Salno. "As you all know, the Muvian civilization is an ancient one well over 12,000 years old. Our recorded history goes back over well 13,700 years, though spoken tradition goes back even further. Mu was there as well as the other Ancients; Atlantis, Seatopia,—" America's President turned in shock on hearing the name. "-N'Lai K'Nai, Shamis Ra, and Lemuria. Yet ours was not the only inhabited world in the solar system. As Mu's Imperial Scientists have told your WSA, Mars and Venus were once lush and living worlds along with the Mysteroid and the hidden moon circling Jupiter called Planet X.

"However what we didn't tell you was that those worlds were colonized by beings from outside the solar system. Sorry, we just thought that you never needed to know. By that time, our respective civilizations were at a level of technology comparable today and were thus ready, though still in awe, of our new interplanetary neighbors. They told us the story of all humanoid species having a common link and indeed we have a similar creation story. However we left it at that. They told us about themselves as they colonized the other planets, renaming themselves after the names they gave their worlds. Xians on 'Planet' X, Mysterians on the Mysteroid, and Martians on Mars.

"We told them about ourselves and, to their slight fear as they had fought many skyllans to reach our solar system, of our Guardian Monsters. Ruling the Atlantic and Europe, there was Atlantis, the most beautiful of the Ancient lands where marble pillars graced the skies and science ruled. Its champion was Kamoebas." An image of an ugly turtle with an irregularly angled shell appeared before high marble towers.

"There was N'Lai K'Nai, a land of the seas, where advanced science and high sorcery lived side by side and where all was ruled by a Princess said to be descended of a sun goddess. It was situated in modern Japan and ruled much of Asia. Its 'champion' was Dagarla." An image materialized of a cruel and hideous four legged and winged beast that waddled before the great temple of N'Lai K'Nai. (And hopping before both temple and kaiju was a white ball of fluff called Golgo.)

"There was Shamis Ra in the Indian Ocea. Ruling Africa, it was a land of the skull ruled by warrior kings and fierce sorcerers empowered by a sacred treasure. It was a land that time forgot with creatures from every epoch of earth's history. Its champion was Kong." An image appeared of a rain forest where pterodactyls flew and where the familiar face of the ape King Kong, previously the only monster strong enough to challenge Godzilla, beat his chest and roar before his worshippers.

"There was Seatopia, a land of peace and promise ruled by philosophers whose ways would inspire the customs of Greece and Rome, the creators of western civilization. It stretched from Australia to South America and left its mark on places such as Easter Island. Their champion was Megalon." The image of Greek like toga clad people standing before Roman style buildings and Easter Island heads appeared. With them was a beetle like thing with four limbs only, a human stance, a mottled carapace, drills for hands, and a large head adorned with a horn topped by a star crest. It clashed its drill hands together whirled them independently.

"And there was Mu, great and glorious Mu, a land of knowledge and wisdom in the Pacific that commanded the whole sea from the surface to the blackest abyss. Friend of N'Lai K'Nai, it was ruled by a wise emperor and guarded by the noble Manda."

The Elias used their shield to make the image of the land but Belvera, just to spite the Mu ambassador for his remarks, forced her will against her sisters and projected the image of a rather comic looking Godzilla flying backwards as he chased a saucer shaped Hedorah through the air by using his fire breath as propulsion, bizarre music playing all the while.

Everyone saw this and was shocked. They looked to see Moll punching Belvera's shoulder. "Belvera, stop it! This is serious!"

Rubbing her shoulder, Belvera said "Yeah, yeah..."

Quite ashamed, Moll looked up to the Mu ambassador. "I'm terribly sorry. I don't know what came over her, sir."

Restraining himself, he said "It's alright Moll, just keep it in order." Then he glared at Belvera. "And that means you!"

Belvera just smirked. "Whatever you say human."

"Very well," said the Mu Ambassador. "As I was saying there was Mu." He looked to Belvera who, to her credit, helped her sisters make the proper image of Mu in the form of a vast and beautiful island as big as Australia rising from the oceans; at the coast was a sweet and fair city. It was a city around that swam the noble dragon like Manda through the seas, his beautiful whiskers and antler like horns encrusted with salt. (And with a Golgo on his head.)

The Mu Ambassador saw Belvera smirking and whispered under his breath, "Well, we did have golgos as pets...

"And yet, the eldest and fairest of these lands was Lemuria, a sweet land of light and love. Even Mu was young when they were already old. Quite possibly the very eldest of all Earth's civilizations, Lemuria had begun in the times of the dinosaurs themselves as a few scattered bands of Elias who would one day be called fairies and faye, whose mystical fairy land was beyond the sight of mortal eyes. Mothra and Battra protected them and it was they who gathered the first Guardians to battle King Ghidorah and it would be they that gathered a new set of Guardians to battle King Ghidorah once again."

The Elias once again formed an image with their magic but instead of a happy one that might be expected with the chance to see their heritage, it was a sad and poor one of a weak Mothra and a tiny Battra. Not surprising considering what all three had suffered with loss of their moths.

"Thus was Earth when King Ghidorah arrived," said the Mu ambassador. "We merely thought it was a happy thing that a shower of stars was in the night skies. It was not when one opened and revealed that the Bane of Life had come. With his barbaric attacks on all the planets it was clear that he had come only to destroy. The planetary colonists told us as much. And it was perhaps sensing who they were that King Ghidorah sought them out first. The Xians were nearly wiped out and were forced to hide in the caverns underneath their planet. We don't know of their current situation. For all we know, they've all gone extinct. The minds of the Mysterians were so ravaged by the demon's unholy Fear that they destroyed their own world with nuclear weapons. The Martians were simply wiped out." He paused and looked at Salno. "On the day Mars died, the last survivors made their way to Earth and told the Ancients that King Ghidorah was coming.

"We stood ready to face our enemy and to fight as hard as we could. The Elias told us that he had slain the saurian race and we were determined not to let the Prince of Skyllans win, not this time. We readied our Guardians; Mu with Manda, Lemuria with Mothra and Battra, Shamirs Ra with Kong, Seatopia with Megalon, Atlantis with Kamoebas, and N'Lai K'Nai with Dagarla. The fight was a horrendous one where Dagarla, Kamoebas, Mothra, and Battra were killed. But for however terrible it was, we did win; we did survive. In the end, Kong, mightiest of all the monsters of the Ancients after Tiamat, dealt King Ghidorah the final blow and claimed victory. However, by 'maddest science or blackest magic' the demon is seemingly immortal. We all lacked the resources to destroy King Ghidorah out right and thus end his threat forever, so we did the next best thing. We jailed him in a sphere made of the finest Atlantean orihalcym so that he might be imprisoned until the end of time.

"And so it has been. We placed a device on the sphere so that if it were ever found we might know it and keep it from opening. However, the signal device was destroyed when Atragon destroyed our capital city... Also, because of the Cataclysm that came 12,000 years ago, we no longer had the ability to make another signal device, though believe me we tried. That is all I am able to say. Sadly, Mu's Imperial Archives in which much of our information on King Ghidorah was kept was also destroyed along with the capital.

"But," added the ambassador, "that you might count on Mu to render what aid it can is assured."

Everyone in the conference room looked at Salno and the Mu Ambassador with unbelieving faces. Commander Aso had a contemptuous look on his face. "Really, is that so?"

Remotely teleconferencing from Infant Island where she had remained, Miki looked at him her screen. Having experienced it all in her mind she knew it was all too true. "It might be strange to believe, sir, but the Mu Empire has proven trustworthy and Salno did now about King Ghidorah."

Back in person at the actual meeting, Director Goodhue nodded his head. "It's a whopper of a story to believe, I'll say, but Godzilla isn't normal himself. Now with what we know, we have to find some way to beat that Ghidorah thing. What are the options?"

Aso frowned. "Very well. We at G-Force have been engineering a new mecha to which I have ordered 24 hour shifts so that it might be finished as soon as possible. It's called MOGUERA and its designed after its Mysterian namesake. It's easily the most powerful G-Force mecha to date and was meant to destroy Godzilla himself. With a few modifications it can be used against King Ghidorah. Lieutenant Thomas Santos will be the chief pilot. He has already proven himself as the secondary pilot of Angela.

"Also, Commander Richard Cowen has volunteered the use of Cyber-Saur and Commander Raschell has agreed to rebuild Red Ronin. Super-X III is ready. In Asia and Europe, plans are being made for the Gryphon."

Secretary Santos looked at the commander thoughtfully. "Good. Will all of Gryphon's… 'special' weapons be functional?"

Aso nodded.

Ever on the angle of kaiju, Hayashida asked the Elias, "Would it be possible to seek out the Guardian Monsters? If found, would and could they fight?"

Moll shook her head. "We're sorry, but that's not possible. As for the first Guardians, the Supersaurs, after their defeat what few that survived were made to sleep by the web of the Prehistoric Mothra. Rodan died, though her son and the daughter of another Rodan did survive into modern times becoming the pair we know now. I doubt they would fight King Ghidorah unless they were under direct assault. Baragon was presumed killed by Frankenstein. Gigantis is dead. Anguirus is dead. Titannosaurus is unaccounted for and is believed dead. More we cannot say. Our history is strained by the eons. Even if those whose deaths were never proven were to be alive, we do not now where they are and even if we did, it's far beyond our power to awaken them before their time.

"As for the second Guardians..." said Lora. "Mothra and Battra, have... have already tried to fight King Ghidorah with fatal results. Battra is dead and we're not sure if Mothra will survive... As for Kamoebas, he was killed. Dagarlah was killed. As for Megalon, we believe him dead. Seatopia just vanished in the Cataclysm. The only two that can fight are Kong and Manda.

Belvera then took her turn. "Kong, as we know, is alive but the question is where do we find him. King Kong did come back to life after he was killed but he made it Skull Island and that place has never been rediscovered though God knows we've tried. Immediately after Battra was killed, my sisters and I used our powers to seek it out and try to recruit Kong. We couldn't make contact. There isn't even the guarantee that Kong would fight. Though we could not have won without his help in that battle so long ago, now, as then, he would only help it his island were in danger. Failing that, the rest of the world can burn to the ground for all he cares. And as for Manda..."

The Mu Ambassador nodded. "We have spoken of this with our high priests and the Emperor. Manda is all too willing too fight; his mother was one of the demon's first victims. When he first battled King Ghidorah those 12,000 years ago he was young and strong. He had just assumed the Great Dragon's throne from his mother Tiamat. Such is not the case now. Manda used up what little remained of his strength in fighting the Atragon. He was nearly killed when protecting it from Godzilla in the sea battle against him some ten years ago. In the state he is now, Manda would be less that useless in such a fight." Even though Mu had long since made peace with the surface world, it would never forget that accursed submarine.

Commander Abdul-rahman Ahmed looked at them. Sitting in silence before swallowing a most bitter pill, he said, "If Manda can't fight then what about his sons? ...Would Apophis stand against his father's enemy?"

Several people stared at Ahmed in shock on hearing that. The ambassador just rolled his eyes. "That traitorous son of my master would sooner die and burn in hell than raise one talon for his father."

The Prime Minister of Japan asked, "And what of Zone Fighter? He stood in the defense of Japan and the world during the Garoga War back in the 1970s. If Zone Fighter stood against space monsters before then could he stand against them again?"

General Rhodes of Moon Base shook her head. "Space monsters were up his alley, but when he thought that Earth was in the clear he left us and did so without a way of contacting him if we were ever in trouble like that again."

She turned her attention to Princess Salno. "The Garoga, did they have any connection to those Space Hunters? And if King Ghidorah is supposed to be the worst space monster ever, why didn't Zone Fighter tell us of King Ghidorah being right in our solar system?"

Salno raised an eyebrow. "The Garoga seemed to have thought themselves as the successors to the first Space Hunters with their dreams of planetary conquest and usage of monsters to do it. But it's like comparing a skinhead bully to an SS butcher fresh from Auschwitz. Especially considering that the weak and pathetic skyllans they used were the very dregs of their breed.

"As for Zone Fighter not saying anything, I don't know. It could be that he just didn't know that King Ghidorah was imprisoned inside the meteor."

The Emir of Saradia asked, "Is there any kind of biological weapon that could be used?"

As the designer and driving force behind project Toxin, Kyle Martin wondered at the irony of that. "No. Even if we were to get a sample of his DNA, any biological weapon would be useless. It would take years to crack the genetic code of something as alien as Ghidorah."

For the longest time, Miki had sat in silence but that last remark struck her for she was in turmoil over what the Elias has told her and what was in her own heart, as she had been ever since the meeting had been called. She cleared her throat for people to look at her (or more precisely her screen). "What about Godzilla?"

Director Goodhue looked at her. "What about Godzilla?"

"Can't we get him to fight? We've already seen that he is willing to do it. As one of the strongest monsters of all, he might pull it off."

At that, most everybody in the room looked at her in dead ashen faced silence. It was finally Aso that found his voice—and yelled so loudly that Miki could have heard him all the way from Infant Island. "Never! That's insane! Having him fight Ghidorah would be like fighting fire with gasoline! Godzilla would fight, yes. And to kill Ghidorah he'd destroy half the earth doing it!"

Secretary General Santos nodded. "Aso's right. Also, it will be no use calling the Mysterians for help; they made their absolute loathing for us well known. Even if these Xians are still alive, we don't have the time to find them. We have no way of contacting Zonefighter. As for the Guardian Monsters helping, they've been ruled out. It seems that we won't be able to expect any outside help. I've already discussed nuclear weapons but they would be our downfall. As an energy absorber, a nuclear attack would only make King Ghidorah stronger. As for what we can do, Commander Aso has already told us that he stands ready and I can say that all the world's militaries are now on high alert. Anything else?"

Prime Minister Yetrigar stood up to speak. "Yes, there is something else. Several of you seem to doubt the validity of what my princess Salno has said. Strangely, both a solution and proof will be revealed." At that the Prime Minister touched the back of his head started pulling at his hair. This earned some raised eyebrows but these led to gasps when he seemingly pulled his face off to reveal his true face. It was a face of some kind of ape. It was covered with long white fur and had red eyes, as if he were a mustachioed albino gorilla. He was a mustachioed albino gorilla in business suit and that spoke perfect English.

Examining the human mask he held in his hand, Prime Minister Tenzin Yetrigar looked like someone from Tim Burton's Planet of the Apes. He said, "As you can see I am not a human. I am a watchika whose race has inspired many tales of yetis in the Himalaya Mountains. In the ancient days a race of aliens called the Simeons, who were physically similar to Earth apes, often visited Earth, though with no intention of settling. That changed when King Ghidorah attacked. With the destruction he wrought, a large population of Simeons was left stranded on earth. They gravitated to their fellow off worlders, the Martians, and both settled in what is now called Selginia. My people renamed ourselves the Watchika and the Martians became the ruling family of the land."

Salno saw the stares directed at her and, with crossed arms, merely shrugged. "Yes, I'm a Martian."

Prime Minister Yetrigar continued. "My people have used mystic means to make ordinary Watchikas into great giants to serve as guardians. I have been chosen for that task and even now prepare. If the change should come soon enough, I will fight to the last against our common enemy."

Ever the deadpan, Secretary General Santos merely raised an eyebrow. "That's good Yetrigar. How long will it take you to become this giant?"

At this, the Prime Minister halted. "The process takes... about five years."

Astronaut Glen banged his fist against the table. "Five years? If half of what Salno said is true, we're not going to last five months!"

Santos calmly waved him aside. "Hayashida, when the meeting is done go with Yetrigar and talk about the transformation process. See if there is anyway you can speed it up."

Hayashida nodded.

Secretary General Santos got up. "Well, if that's all, meeting adjourned."

Somewhere, in a darkened place, quiet and serene, that was more of the mind than of the body, sat Miki Seguesa. She was alone in the empty blackness with her thoughts. Aso's words had stung her deeply. Most of all, as Steven Martin had told her, because Aso's words were true. In a surprising twist considering what she had suggested, Kyle had tried to cheer her up afterwards, but it was no use. There was only one man, or monster, to whom she could speak.

"Godzilla... Godzilla where are you?"

She was greeted with a familiar presence. Godzilla wondered what she was trying to communicate to him.

In the darkness, Miki didn't ask him where he was. She knew he rested at the bottom of the sea, tending his wounds and even saw him in the darkness. She asked, "Are you alright? When will you be strong again?"

Godzilla didn't know, though he did know that when he was well, he would make the wretch suffer.

"You will fight King Ghidorah for what he has done. I'm so sorry for what happened Godzilla." Miki paused. "I remember when my grandfather died. Losing your pack still hurts, doesn't it?"

Miki felt Godzilla's sorrows and broken heart. Yes, it still hurt. It also hurt for an even greater reason.

Miki asked "For what else does it hurt?"

She let herself see Godzilla's pain and sorrow. Long ago, in, the age of dinosaurs, there was the story of the Great Tyrannosaur—known to some like the Muvians as the Great Dragon—the first of all the saurian race. He was giant; he was as far beyond a Supersaur as a Supersaur was beyond a lizard. He came to the earth to make it fit for his children. With his might he pushed the continents together into one body so that his children's children might spread across the globe. He made it fit for them to live on the globe and thus did his dinosaurs forge the saurian empire. And at the moment of his death, or so said the legends, the night sky became alive with those stars that the humans called Draco so that all his children might one day go to a land beyond death with him.

Godzilla had known his mission to guard the saurian race from before his birth. He had been born to protect all saurians alongside his fellow Supersaurs. Godzilla knew it was a lonely task, but it was worth it if his charges would live on. That made his failure to defeat King Ghidorah those eons ago all the more terrible. The dinosaurs had believed in him and he had failed them. The Great Tyrannosaur would never grant him entrance to the sacred realm, justly so for his wretched failure. He hadn't even been able to protect his own family; neither his mate nor his son. His mate… Gigantis. Looking down from the star of Draco how she must hate him for having failed her. It was a hatred he deserved returned a thousand fold.

Miki said "But she loved you; she would never hate you. They wouldn't want you to blame yourself for what had happened. You did all you could, you could have done nothing more."

Godzilla didn't believe her. All he knew was the fact that he failed. He had failed before but he knew that he would NOT fail again.

"You're going to fight King Ghidorah for what he did to Gigantis" stated Miki. "But why, why is it that you never told me of what had happened to you? Every time I asked you about where you came from, you said it wasn't important. You can trust me. Aren't we friends?"

Miki felt the saurian equivalent of a weary smile. Yes, of course the two of them were friends, and to some degree that was why he had never told her. She reminded him of Gigantis in some ways. Like her, Miki was so happy and full of hope. He didn't want to... jinx her or something.

Miki let her compassion go towards him. "Godzilla, I don't care what dangers are that I'll face... as long as they're with you."

The world stood watching the United Nations' General Assembly. Surrounding the main podium were delegates from virtually every nation in the world. Representing the whole of the human race, they sat ready to take the actions that would make or break the world. They sat in tier after tier of tables. Past them and in the aisles, were the reporters snapping pictures and eager to hear. There was Yuki Ichinose, Yuri Tachibana Connie Matsu, various members of the Lawrence clan, and others. Then Secretary General Santos himself appeared. Slowly and deliberately, he walked towards the green marble dais. He looked up to the golden wall above him and at the UN world symbol on it. He took his place before the black marble podium, really more of an altar, and said his words for all the world to hear. The people of every nation heard it translated into their own languages and let it touch their souls. It was to be one of the most important speeches in world history and each word had been chosen carefully by Steven Martin. The words were these:

My fellow people of Earth, our planet has met with a new and terrible challenge. The challenge is the monster called King Ghidorah. Ever since the Age of Monsters began with the arrival of Godzilla in 1954, the Earth has been plagued by horrific beasts. We have all stood against them. There has been no country in the world that has not had to fight them. In my own nation, the insect hordes of the Swarm have visited and wrought havoc upon the innocent.

And yet, King Ghidorah is an abomination the like of which our civilization has never seen. Before now, the only space monsters we have faced have been minor creatures like Dogora and Yog. Unlike them, King Ghidorah is a demon seeking to scour the Earth of life and who indeed has the power to do it. Credible sources have assured me that he is a space monster that has already killed entire worlds; that was why his last victims sought to imprison him in the sphere. Their hope was that the sphere might never be opened. Yet it was.

We can and we must make a stand against this monster. That was why these United Nations were formed. It was formed after Nazi evil sought to damn the human race to eternal night and made a war that engulfed the world. To safeguard the world was why the UN was made. That was made clear when the Mysterians attempted to usurp this planet. That the UN could fulfill the duties given it was shown when it met the Mu Empire.

For years, G-Force and its parent organization, the United Nations Godzilla Countermeasures Center, have stood against the threat of giant monsters. Even so, King Ghidorah is beyond the power of G-Force whose responsibility this would often be. Therefore I have made this choice. Know this and hear my words that I ask that the Security Council declare that as of this day that a state of war exists between Earth and King Ghidorah. Yes, there is a war, a MONSTER WAR, to be waged and all the might of earth's forces are to be mobilized if we are to win. This will perhaps be our greatest challenge ever but no matter how hard, no matter how desperate, we must believe we can win the Monster Wars. We can win and we will win. But only of we stand united as one world, as one planet.

Simply said, we can work together... or we can die.