My Best Friend's Wedding
Author's Note (A/N): I know I'm publishing another multi-chapter fic when I have two more going on, but one had been put on indefinite hold and the other I am seriously working on. Anyway, welcome to this fic. You'll find some things are a bit different then you might expect, but this is NOT an AU fic. Just wanted to clear that up. So, relax, read, and review if you'd like. Thanks!
Disclaimer: If I owned any of these characters or the whole concept of Smallville, I wouldn't be writing this disclaimer let alone writing fanfiction. So it's safe to say that I, in fact, own nothing from Smallville or the Superman mythos.
Chapter 1: Breaking the News
Chloe paced up and down the apartment. Up and down, up and down. She had recently gotten some rather joyous news – well, joyous for everyone but one person. Chloe didn't know what she was going to say and even if she should say it. Ok, she had to say it. That person was going to find out eventually and it might as well be from someone she knew rather than a newspaper announcement. Chloe's train of thought was momentarily interrupted as a tall and thin brunette entered the apartment they shared above the Talon.
"Hey Chlo'," Lois greeted her cousin, holding some heavy grocery bags.
"Oh, hey Lois," Chloe replied for the most part ignoring Lois.
Lois, in return, raised an eyebrow and said, "You know, it would really be helpful if you could help me with these."
"Oh, yeah, sure," Chloe said, finally snapping out of her thoughts and helping Lois place the bags on the kitchen counter. "Is there anything else I can help you with?"
"What's the rush?" Lois asked. "Is "Dancing with the Stars" on soon? It's okay. Tom Bergeron will forgive you for not voting one week."
"It has nothing to do with "Dancing with the Stars"," Chloe said hastily.
"Chlo' what's wrong?"
Chloe sighed. There was no use beating around the bush when it came to Sherlock Lane. The woman could sniff out trouble twenty miles away.
"Um, Lois, I think we better sit down."
Lois gave her cousin a weird look as they sat down on the sofa.
"Ok, um, here goes," Chloe began. "I got some news today. I didn't know exactly how you would react if someone told you. I've been thinking about the right way to tell you this and-."
"Cut to the chase, Chloe, what is it?" Lois asked. "The anticipation is killing me. Just tell flat out – no sugarcoating."
"You're right, you're right," Chloe agreed. "No sugarcoating, ok. It's about… Clark."
"What about Clark?" Lois asked motioning for her cousin to go on.
"Clark… and Lana…" Chloe said hesitantly.
"OK…." Lois said.
"Well, they, um…"
"Chloe, just spill it."
"Clark and Lana are getting married!"
It took a little while for the words to sink in. She repeated the phrase over and over in her head. Clark Kent and Lana Lang were getting married. Clark Kent and Lana Lang were getting married. Clark Kent and Lana Lang were getting married. Lois' eyes became twice their normal size and she quickly shifted her gaze away from her cousin. The last thing she wanted was for Chloe to see her turn on the waterworks. She knew she couldn't and shouldn't cry. She was a Lane. Lanes didn't cry. Lanes took it like it was and tried to make the best of it.
Trying to do just that, she took a deep breath, sighed, and said, "They're getting married, huh?"
"Yeah," Chloe replied quietly. "They just got engaged last night. Lois, I didn't want to tell you like this. I'm so sorry."
"No, no, it's okay. I mean why shouldn't you tell me like you did? It's not like I deserve any special treatment in this case."
"We both know you do," Chloe countered. "Especially considering-."
"Especially considering nothing, Chloe," Lois insisted, interrupting her cousin. "What happened with Clark is ancient history. We're just friends now. I've moved on; he's obviously moved on. We're all happy, right?"
"Yeah," Chloe said, completely unconvincingly.
However, Lois didn't have to time for unconvincing answers so she just nodded her head, grabbed her cell phone and headed for the door.
"Where are you going?" Chloe asked, standing up.
"Oh… you know… out," Lois answered, nonchalantly.
"Out? Yeah, I think I've heard of that," Chloe said.
"Chloe, I'm just getting some fresh air."
"But you just came in."
"And I'm going back out. I'll be back in time for dinner," Lois promised and shut the door.
Chloe just stood there for a few moments until she finally went to put the groceries that Lois had brought away. Something told her she wish she had never told her cousin.
Meanwhile, at the Kent Farm, there was much less drama. In fact, it was the complete opposite. Clark entered the house to find Lana sitting at the kitchen table, staring at her hand, her left hand. Particularly her left ring finger. Clark quietly snuck up behind her and kissed her on the cheek.
"Oh!" Lana exclaimed in surprise as Clark kissed her. She smiled once she saw who it was. "Hi," she said.
"Hi," he replied. "Still looking at it?"
"I can't help it," Lana admitted. "It's absolutely beautiful. I mean you just crushed a piece of coal and there it was. And proposing there in the Fortress, Clark-."
"Yeah, I know it was corny," Clark said walking into the living room.
"Corny?" Lana shockingly replied. "Clark that was the most romantic thing you've ever done for me. It was actually kind of magical."
Clark smiled as he leaned down to kiss his fiancée. His fiancée. He liked the sound of that.
"Ok, I just need to finish a few last minute chores I didn't do this morning and then I'll come back in so we can start dinner."
"I'll start. You go do your chores."
"It'll only take five minutes at most," Clark promised and lightly kissed Lana again before speeding out of the house.
Lana smiled and shook her head as her hair blew for a few seconds from Clark's disappearing act. "You'd think I would have gotten used to that by now.
Clark had pretty much finished up his chores and was just finishing stacking hay bales when a car pulled up in front of the house. Recognizing the car immediately he started walking towards. When he saw Lois get out of the car, Clark smiled but was still confused. What was Lois doing then and there?
"Hey, Lois," Clark greeted as she closed the car door and walked towards her
"Um, hi" she replied, walking towards him and nervously brushing back her hair.
"What's up?" he asked when they eventually met halfway.
Lois sighed and nervously laughed. "I don't even know what I'm doing here."
"Ok... is there something you want to talk about?"
"No," Lois said. "I mean… yes. Ugh, I don't know."
Clark raised his eyebrow.
"It's just, um; Chloe told me something earlier that I, uh, didn't really know how to react to."
"Come on, let's go into the house. Lana's there and-."
"Lana?"Lois cried out in more surprise that intended which made Clark even more curious about her weird attitude. "You know, on second thought, maybe I better head back to the Talon. Chloe's waiting for me and I just-."
"Lois," Clark counter-interrupted, "come on, Lana's not going to mind. She doesn't bite."
He held out his hand to motion Lois to follow him inside. Lois gulped and slowly nodded and followed him inside the house. When she entered, she saw Lana over the stove, apparently getting ready for dinner, just like a domesticated housewife. It practically made Lois want to barf.
"Oh, hey, Lois!" Lana greeted cheerfully.
Well aren't you a chipper one? Lois thought to herself but instead replied. "Hi, Lana."
"What's up?" Lana asked, setting something to boil on the stove before she invited Lois into the living room.
Lois tried to make herself comfortable on the sofa, but it just made her even more uncomfortable watching Clark sitting down in an armchair and Lana sitting on the arm of that chair. She shook her head. Why should it make her uncomfortable watching Clark and Lana sit near each other? They are a couple after all, she reasoned with herself.
"Well, I ran into Lois outside and she told me that Chloe told her some news and uh… why did you feel compelled to come here?"
"Because I couldn't stand a moment not being in your presence," Lois replied sarcastically with a fake smile which Clark returned. "Actually I felt compelled, hm… compelled… who uses that word anymore, Smallville?"
"Lois…" Clark warned.
"Fine, enough stalling," Lois agreed.
"And for your information, plenty of people," Clark mumbled under his breath.
Lois rolled her eyes and continued. "Um, actually, Chloe told me about you guys being, you know, engaged and all and I – uh – I just wanted to, um, say congratulations."
"Oh," Lana said turning to Clark with surprise before giving Lois a sweet smile. "Thank you Lois. Right Clark?" she added, nudging him when he hadn't said anything.
"Yeah, right, thanks," Clark mumbled.
Lana simply sighed and turned back to Lois, expressing more of her thanks. Clark on the other hand was trying to comprehend what was going on. He knew Lois too well to know that when she wanted to say something, she just came right out and said it. Her last sentence just had too many hesitations. Something to him just wasn't right.
"… and I really do insist that you stay for dinner," Clark heard Lana say as he finally drifted back into the conversation.
"Oh, no, no, no. I really can't," Lois said back. "Chloe and Jimmy are expecting me for dinner tonight. Sorry."
"Oh, what a shame," Clark sarcastically said.
Lois gave him a look and replied, "C'mon, Smallville, you know you're gonna miss me."
"About as much as a dog misses fleas."
Lana's eyebrows slowly rose and she looked back and forth between the two of them. "Is something wrong?"
"No, this is just Clark and me being, well, Clark and me," Lois responded the best way she could about their sarcastic banter.
"How eloquently put," Clark added.
Lois rolled her eyes yet again as she started to say her goodbyes and headed for the front door.
"Oh wait a minute!" Lana cried as she ran to the door before Lois had a chance to even place her hand on the knob. "So I know you can't stay for dinner tonight, but why don't we all go out for dinner tomorrow night?"
"We?' Lois asked.
"Yeah. You, Clark, me, Chloe, Jimmy, and Oliver. It'll be fun," Lana said. "What do you think Clark?"
"It's alright with me if it's alright with Lois," Clark said and shot a gaze over at the tall brunette.
"Um…" Lois said.
In all honesty, she didn't feel like going out and being all happy and cheery. But, if she didn't go out, both Clark and Lana would know something was up. So she did the thing she knew best.
"I'd love to come to dinner," Lois lied with a fake smile.
"Great!" Lana exclaimed. "It'll be like a celebratory dinner. You can tell Chloe and Jimmy tonight and you could probably reach Oliver too, right?"
"Uh, huh."
"Wonderful! So we'll see you tomorrow night?"
"Yeah. Guess so."
"I'll walk you to your car," Clark offered.
"Chivalry duly noted," Lois said, "but that's ok. I can make it to my own car."
"I insist. What are friends for?" Clark said and followed Lois out the front door after Lana said her good byes.
"Are you sure you're ok?" Clark asked once they had reached her car.
"Thanks for the concern, Dr. Kent, but I'm fine. Really," Lois said, unlocking the door and sliding in.
"You just seem a little… flustered," Clark said as Lois struggled to find the ignition key.
"I am fine," Lois insisted herself and finally started the car and shut the door. "Look, I'll see you tomorrow night at dinner, ok? If I arrive with no broken bones, assume I made it home safe."
"That's not funny."
"Who said I was kidding?"
Clark rolled his eyes. "See you tomorrow night, Lois."
"See you then, Smallville," Lois replied, winking, and drove off, fully aware that Clark was watching until she disappeared from sight.
Once Lois was sure she was far from the farm, she let a lone tear slide down her cheek. She immediately wiped it away, reprimanding herself for acting like a crybaby. When she arrived at the Talon, she told Chloe and Jimmy of the plans for the next evening, but skipped dinner and headed straight to her room. She texted Oliver the plans as well, to which he agreed to, before showering and changing into pajamas. She decided that the best way to cope with whatever was going through her mind was to relax and allow herself to sort things out carefully. However, all she could see was Lana standing there in the kitchen like June Cleaver and how she sounded just like Mrs. K when she "insisted" she stay for dinner. Lois decided it was fitting because pretty soon, Lana would be the next Mrs. K. In the course of sorting out why she was so upset over something she felt she had no reason to be upset about, Lois let another lone tear slide down her cheek and another and another until it was a silent stream of tears.
Later that night, Chloe quietly entered Lois' room to see how she was doing. Although Lois appeared to be sleeping peacefully, her pillow was tearstained and she had mascara stains on her face. Shaking her head, Chloe left the room knowing quite well that her cousin was not all right.
A/N: So, as you might find out, I always end each chapter with a note, albeit they're not always this long. As you can see, Lana stayed in Smallville and did not get superpowers nor became infected with kryptonite, Chloe still lives with Lois in the apartment above The Talon, and Jimmy is still alive. This story is not so much AU as it is what could have happened if Lana stayed and Jimmy didn't die (that former being the most important in this story). So enough rambling on my part. I can't say when I will update but it will be soon and of course depends on whether you guys like this or not. If you guys would like, I can post excerpts on my profile. Of course you are welcome to leave your reviews. Remember that this is my first Smallville multi chapter story (I did a one shot but none of the dialogue was mine) so try not to go too hard on me. However, criticism is always welcome. Thank you so much and stay tuned for Chapter 2.