Author's Note: Assuming I have any readers left, I figured I'd wrap up any loose ends in this fic for ya. (;

In retaliation for humiliating defeats, various enemies of the United States teamed together and preformed a unison bombing of strategic points throughout the country.

There were no survivors, rendering this story pointless.

Hem, hem. Yeah, I give up on this one. I have no idea what my plot was, so I'm putting it to bed. Permanently. I really don't like the whole "adopt-a-story" thing, (seriously, do your onw work!), but if anyone wants to further develop and expound upon this story… They can.

Good night Wiscon-sin!

For the very last time (for THIS story),


Aaaaand for old times' sake: Every time you lick a stamp, you consume 1/10 of a calorie.