Part 1: Hurry – Elrond

A/N: Finally, something in past tense. LOL. Anyway, please enjoy!

The winter sun shone warmly.

The valley of Imladris—or Rivendell, in the Common Tongue—was peaceful, the quiet broken only by the sound of pounding hooves. But the riders of these horses were not in danger. Their leader was simply anxious to arrive, forcing the others in the group to try to keep up.

Legolas Greenleaf, Prince of Mirkwood, brought his horse to a halt just inside the courtyard, looking around happily at the place he had come to call home. His keen eyes spotted a running figure between the trees, and he dismounted, hurrying to meet his best friend. "Lassë!" cried the human, as he quickly embraced the Wood-elf.

Aragorn raised an eyebrow as the rest of the Mirkwood Elves came galloping through the gate. "In a hurry, were you?" he quipped.

Legolas swatted at him playfully. "I cannot even begin to understand why you never hurry here," he said. "Even my horse knew to be quick." Aragorn laughed. "If you ask me, I think your horse just likes Erestor, and the apples he always gives the horses." Legolas grinned. "Probably."

I chose that moment to step out from between the trees. "Mae govannen, tithen pen." Legolas bowed slightly—always the formal one, I thought. "Hir nîn Elrond," he greeted me quietly. I waved away his formalities. "Please, Legolas, 'tis not necessary. For one, you are a prince. I am merely a lord." Legolas was about to argue, but I continued before he could say anything. "For another, your best friend is my ion."

Aragorn grinned. "Even you can't argue with that, Lassë," he teased lightly. Legolas smiled. "True," he agreed. "But it just feels disrespectful."

I smiled. "And here I thought you were going to give in to my wishes..."

Aragorn and Legolas laughed together as Aragorn took his best friend's hand with an easy familiarity. He tugged Legolas in the direction of the Last Homely House, talking excitedly about what had happened in the long months since Legolas had last been in Imladris.

I stayed behind to help the rest of the Mirkwood Elves tend to their horses, a warm affection stealing through my heart. Aragorn and Legolas have been friends almost since Aragorn was a baby. Their bond is stronger than any I've seen—even between my own sons, Elladan and Elrohir.

A/N: Let me know how I did! Reviews make my day :)