A/N: Hey guys! New story! I'm pretty fond of this one... a little fluffy and sad. Not exactly new is it? It was written rather quickly as I had a spur of the moment idea and I needed to write it down! Anyway I hope you enjoy it.

And Rain Will Make The Flowers Grow

A Les Miserables FF by

Abby Rosen.


Marius walked the empty streets of Paris, rain coming down thick and fast onto his umbrella. With a bouquet of flowers in hand, he slowly approached the great iron fence of the cemetery. Taking a deep breath, he set down the flowers carefully by his feet and pushed the heavy gate open. He picked up the flowers and hurried to the back of the cemetery as a gust of wind came from behind him. Once he reached the far gate, he found the grave he was looking for. It was a small, crudely made wooden cross, with a name scrawled into it.

Eponine Tenardier

Marius dropped to his knees, his trousers beginning to soak up the water from the ground. He laid the flowers on the newly dug mound of earth. "I brought you lilies. They were your favorite." Silent tears rolled down his face. "I miss you 'Ponine. It's not the same without you." he whispered to her. "Cosette keeps telling me the worst is over but, my past keeps coming back to haunt me. I can't seem to forget about the barricades." He sat cross legged now, not caring how wet he would become. "She tells me I need to let go of my past. Let go of the barricades, the ABC Cafe, Enjorlas, and...you. But how? How could I bring myself to forget my best friend? You are the saint who brought me to her in the first place. The one who made me realize what true love really is." Marius smiled, "I know you don't want to hear me talk about Cosette and me being my hopelessly romantic personality, but you are the only one who understands. Even though you can't answer me now, it's better than talking to no one." The rain had slackened and the skies began to clear. Then the rain stopped all together and the sun began to peek through the obstruction of clouds. Marius looked around and saw little shoots sprouting from the earth. Marius closed his eyes and let the sun warm his wet back. Feeling it's energy he sighed and smiled. His mind wandered back to the barricades. The sound of gunfire and screams in his ears. The salty, rusty smell of blood in his nose, and the motionless bodies of his friends. He could feel the weight of Eponine in his arms, her blood covering his hands. He could hear her labored breathing and the sense of her fear washed over him like waves on a beach. Then, his mind snapped to his point of view. He began to see everything trough his eyes again. A memory aroused.

"No! Eponine, please stay with me. Look at me." Eponine looked at Marius. Red eyed from tears of pain and fear, and close to death. "And you will keep me safe." Eponine whispered. "Oh, 'Ponine. Please don't" He sobbed. She coughed up blood and Marius began to cry harder. "And you will keep me close..." Marius held her close and sobbed into her hair. "And rain..." she murmured with her remaining strength,

"...Will make the flowers grow." Marius whispered as he looked at the little sprouts. One of which had already blossomed right next to Eponine's grave. Curious as to what type it was Marius leaned forward for a better look. He smiled as more tears sprung to his eyes. "Of course... it's a lily."