Chapter 1
A/N: Here's my second story...I know I'm not done with my first, but I love overwhelming myself. Let me know what you guys think, so I know if I should keep updating :o) Thanksssss!
"So, how are you feeling about this storyline?" John Cena asked his on-screen and off-screen friend, Jamie Jordan, better known as the WWE Diva's Champion Jordan.
She scoffed. "Pretty fucking pissed off. I have to stick around with fucking Nexus for six months. It's bullshit. I can't fucking believe I'm stuck with those fucking jerk off's," she angrily vented.
"Wow, Jay. Tell me how you really feel," he joked.
She glared at him angrily. "It's not time to joke around now. I'm serious. This is fucking ridiculous."
"So what are you gonna do about it?" "Well, obviously I have to deal with it. I went to Vince already, but he told me that this is his way of giving me a push, and I explained that I'm the Diva's Champ, I got the push already. His is supposed to be me reaping the rewards. He was like 'and now you're gonna be part of a major, main event storyline.' I was just like whatever," she told him, shaking her head in frustration.
"I'm shocked."
"Because I thought Vince would do whatever you asked."
"Why is that?" "Because I'm pretty sure he's terrified of you."
"Since when?"
"Well, first off, I'm pretty sure that most of the people who work here are afraid of you. And secondly, every time you say that you want something, Vince makes sure you get it with no questions asked."
"Obviously now it's payback time because I'm getting screwed hardcore in the ass with this Nexus bullshit."
"You're so mad," he said, laughing.
"This isn't fucking funny!" she yelled.
John tried to suppress his laughter with much difficulty. "You're right, Jay. Absolutely not funny…not at all."
"Don't be a dick!" she loudly commanded, pushing his arm.
"I'm sorry. I think your anger is just absolutely hilarious."
Jamie rolled her eyes. "I hope they make you join Nexus as their slave, one of these days."
"They'd never do that. People here like me."
"And they don't like me?" "Absolutely not. I just explained this to you. They're all just afraid of you. They can't like you if they're too afraid to be near you for an extended period of time. That's common sense."
"Well, then, they're all just a bunch of pussies. There's no reason to be afraid of me," she scoffed.
"Besides that psycho, crazy bitch attitude you've got going on? Definitely not," he retorted.
"I can be nice."
John raised an eyebrow at her. "Oh really? Prove it," he challenged. She remained silent. "Exactly, you're a firecracker, Jay. Everyone backs away because you're always set to explode."
"That's not true. I mean I know sometimes I'm a bitch to you, but I can be nice…sometimes," she said, pouting.
"Listen, I know that somewhere under that cruel, evil demon, there lies a sweetheart, just waiting to make her way out and greet the world. You've shown that side to very, very few people, though."
"Well, I don't need everyone I work with knowing any of my business and acting like they give a shit about me. Besides, I don't need a whole bunch of friends. I'd rather have a few close ones that I can trust.."
"Well, I'm just saying, try to lighten up a bit, babe. As of right now, I know that most people don't talk to you because they're honestly afraid of you."
Jamie sighed. "No wonder why I got stuck with the Nexus douches. They're hated by everyone, and apparently, I am, too."
"Whoa. Who said anyone hates them? People like them behind the scenes." She looked at him, ready to attack. "And you!" he quickly saved himself. "People don't hate you. I said they don't like you because they're afraid. I never said they hated you. There's a difference."
"Not really."
"Yes, really No one hates you. You just haven't given them a chance to get to know you yet." She scoffed. "Seriously. You've been here for a year already, but your friends are me, Randy and John Hennigan. Seriously, Jay."
"Fine. I'll try to be nice and friendly, okay?"
"I'm not saying this to you for my health. I'm just trying to get you to be the fun, happy person I know you can be."
Jamie finally smiled. "Thanks, John," she said. He wrapped an arm around her shoulders.
"Of course. That's what I'm here for," he said, giving her temple a kiss.
The storyline was going along as planned. The Diva's Champion had been hanging out with Cena, on-screen. They'd been comrades, on-screen. They looked out for each other. Wade had challenged John to a match that night on Raw, the stipulations being that if John won, Nexus would have to defend him for six months, but if Wade won, they'd have the female champion, Jordan, on their side, traveling, valeting, defending, hanging out with them for six months. John had refused to put his best friend on the line. But Jordan took the mic and accepted.
By the time the match came, inside, Jamie was fuming. On the outside, Jordan was cheering on her friend, getting the crowd to cheer for him, but when Wade Barrett got the pin, everyone saw the color drain from her face. They also saw the devious smirk form on the Nexus leader's face.
She began shaking her head, as Wade nodded. He got out of the ring and cornered her between the barricade and his body.
"You're the one who agreed to this," he said.
"Please don't do this," she begged.
"Do I have to get the guys to come out here and help me?" he threatened. She sighed and shook her head slowly. "Good. Now come on." John was finally coming to, in the ring. He saw Wade dragging Jordan up the ramp by her arm. He got up and began chasing after the two of them, but it was too late. Wade had Jordan now. John fell onto the steel floor and slammed his fist into it, clearly pissed off and upset about what had transpired. The fans were completely immersed in the drama unfolding before them.
As soon as Jamie was out of camera's sight, she shook Wade's grip off of her arm. She saw all of the Nexus guys standing in front of her watching them approach. She rolled her eyes and pushed past them, clearly not giving a shit about how big or tough they thought they were or others perceived them to be. She went back to John's locker room, which they shared with Randy and John and sometimes another couple of guys…mainly because she wasn't friendly with any of the Diva's-except for Nattie Neidhart. They weren't exactly friends, but once in a while, the two would casually chat.
Jamie sat down on the bench and laid back. Considering she didn't have a match that night, she was in jeans, sneakers and a John Cena shirt, that she had tied in the back, revealing her flat, well-toned abs.
When John walked in, she sat up. "You may have lost, but you looked great out there, Johnny boy."
"Aw thanks, Ms. Nexus Bitch," he teased.
She narrowed her eyes at him. "It's still not funny. Dickhead Barrett actually touched my arm. And as soon as we got back, I had to see the six dumbass, brainless followers standing around, staring me down like I'm a piece of meat or something. I wanted to beat the shit out of those fucktards."
John laughed. "I guarentee that if you act this way every time you're supposed to be with them, they'll beg Vince to take you back."
"Seriously?" she asked, smirking. "Do you think it would work? Because I work fast. I can be back in no time."
"Are you out of your mind? Absolutely not! Vince is totally on top of the Nexus storyline. His plans aren't changing anytime soon to appease you, little lady. This is going over way too well to even consider listening to you."
"Ugh!" she growled, throwing up her hands in defeat and laying back down on the steel bench.
"It's not that bad. I mean look at the bright side, Jordan is now the main focus of the WWE Universe. You're a big part of the main storyline," he pointed out. "It's like you're in the big leagues."
"Oh yay!" she enthusiastically replied. "I get to hang out with Nexus, the biggest losers in the WWE, since John Cena came out to answer Kurt Angle's challenge all those years ago on Smackdown."
"Hey. No need to be hurtful."
"Take your own advice, douche nozzle.
John laughed and grabbed Jamie's hands and pulled her arms up, so that she was sitting upright. "Relax, doll face. You're gonna be the top dog in this company. Everyone wants to know what's gonna happen to the Diva's Champ, who has been enslaved by Nexus. I guarantee that you're going to be trending on Twitter tonight."
Jamie rolled her eyes. "Wow. If I'm trending on Twitter, that must make it okay that I'm stuck with the Nexus dickholes for six months. Gee. I'm so glad that you're around to point out the silver lining to me."
"I'm pretty sure that if I didn't love you so much, I'd beat the shit out of you," he replied to her snarky comment.
"I'm not afraid of you, Cena."
"I don't hit girls."
"I'm not a girl. I'm a woman who can wrestle."
John nodded. "One of the few."
"So, bring it, tough guy," she said, standing up.
He laughed. "You know, you make my job a lot more fun than it should be." He hugged her.
"It's jut not fair that now I have to travel with these fairies and share a locker room with them and share a suite when we stay at a hotel. It's bullshit."
"You know Vince needs this to seem authentic even outside of the ring," John tried to reason with his very angry friend.
"He can blow me."
"You're a pistol, Jay. I know you're gonna drive these guys insane, with your shitty attitude and violent outbursts and angry, hostile nature, and that makes me very proud," he admitted.
"Aw thanks," she said with a smile. Then, she pouted. "What the hell am I gonna do? We won't be able to hang out nearly as much as we do now. I'm stuck with these shitty bastards. It's a downgrade."
"We can still hang out."
"No. The rule is I have to be with the Nexus pricks all of the time to keep the public mindset that I'm not allowed to be friends or hang out with anyone else," she explained with a frown.
"Well, that sucks, but we can still find a couple of minutes to hang out. I'll make sure of it."
Jamie gave him a smile. "I really hope so," she replied.
There was a knock on the door. John opened it to find Wade Barrett standing there. "Hey. Jamie is supposed to travel with us. I was just stopping by to see if she's ready," he explained.
John looked over at Jamie and smirked. She scowled and rolled her eyes. "Fucking lovely," she muttered. She grabbed her bags. John helped her with her luggage Wade took it from him.
Jamie dropped her bags and hugged her best friend. "I'll miss you," she sadly said. "Don't forget me."
John laughed. "I'm still gonna see you. And I can't forget you, firecracker. You're my best friend."
They pulled back. She grabbed her bags and followed Wade out of the door.