
"Why does it always have to be The Lion King?" whined Rose.

The Doctor kneeled in front of his retro player and popped in the classic cartoon, smiling at Rose's tone.

"Because it's brilliant," it was simple as that. He stood up only to walk the few feet to the long couch to join her. As soon as he did, she cuddled up into his side, a hand magnetically drawn to his chest as she grazed his shirt slightly. She wasn't touching skin, but still he felt her warmth through the fabric. It made him smile and kiss the top of her head in giddy satisfaction.

Realizing that she had been oddly quiet through the beginning of the first trailer, something that she could hardly stand to be especially when this was the umpteenth time they had seen this movie, he began to worry.

"Rose, are you alright?" they had had a pleasant…wellll….more than pleasant time since their declarations to each other. They were still new even though they were quite mature already in their feelings. Rose wanted to take things slow and although he felt slight panic at taking things at such a pace – he'd do anything for her…as long as he got to hold her and kiss her and occasionally lick bits of her every now and then. Though, not the bits he'd…

He abruptly heard two exasperated sighs from the two most important women in his life.

The Tardis had given him privacy recently to think – so he must have touched a nerve somewhere in his thoughts.

The Doctor paused the movie (no way was he missing that epic first scene) to look down at Rose with concern. "What is it?" he repeated.

Rose shifted to look at him, her eyes momentarily sad – something that only confused him more. Before he could ask again, she beat him to it.

"Doctor, this has been the most amazing week…." She stilled and it frightened him – had he messed up already? But how? They hadn't even made it out of the vortex yet.

Oh. Huh. That's right – they hadn't been out of the vortex in a little more than a week. He hadn't actually realized it.

Swallowing audibly, much to his chagrin, he continued with pressing her to continue, "Yes…."

Sighing heavily, but still playing with the buttons on his shirt (which he took to be a good sign, really), she kept on, "You have this…tendency…or maybe others do…of…" again, she stopped, looking hesitant. He nudged her gently.

"Well, someone always ends up kissing you. Or you kissing them. Whatever," her nimble fingers dropped from his shirt to trace the lines in her palm. She had also shifted her eyes from his.

Oh, he thought.

"Rose, I thought we had already talked about this…." What did he have to do to prove it to her?

She turned suddenly, a fire burning in those gorgeous eyes of hers, "Actually – we didn't. I just sorta…forgave you. And I'm not saying I didn't mean to forgive you or that you didn't deserve it. I forgive you because I love you, but I want you to know, Doctor, that I won't just stand there and watch – no matter who kisses who first. I know you're a Time Lord, I know that people end up adoring or hating you. But that doesn't excuse it. Not with me." Her words had come out in a fast stream and the Doctor suspected that it was draining her courage. He couldn't say he blamed her.

"Rose," he implored her eyes with his – his hearts' beats loud in his ears, "first of all, I love you too. Second of all, I don't want anyone who isn't you. I don't expect you to trust me completely, not after how I've hurt you, but I hope one day you will."

She smiled at him, tongue pressed against teeth and he couldn't help smiling in return even if his fear hadn't subsided. He didn't want to give her a reason to leave him.

"I do trust you Doctor – just need you to watch out for those tendencies, yeah?" and although the words sounded playful, the Doctor shivered with pleasure or alarm, couldn't decide, at her jealous tone.

The Doctor cuddled closer to her, her quick fingers back on his chest and that smile firmly in place where it should be – where he was making it his own personal undertaking to always keep it.

Rose moved her head quickly to meet his lips in a surprising kiss, a kiss which he couldn't help but deepen as he was addicted (he had realized since those declarations) to the way it always made him feel – special and loved by the only person who could ever make him feel that he deserved some claim to the words.

Ending the kiss with a gentle bite to his lower lip (which made nerves he didn't even know he had electrify), she whispered territorially, "Mine."

Her tone made him tremble anew, but he didn't hesitate to let her know the feeling was quite mutual.

Yup kids, this was bugging me and I just had to add it. Hope you all like it :) Thank you for the reviews and for anyone who has read it :)

The End.

Really :)