Just an idea that popped in my head, based on a true story. I don't own Flashpoint. Wordy needs more love. Yadda yadda. Wordy needs some love (or if you read this story, whump?). He just needs some attention :)

Wordy was not one to stay at home sick, even if it were the flu. But if his daughters were infirm, it was a different story, he'd stay by their side and give them TLC until it was clear they'd be okay.

So when he woke up on Tuesday feeling as if a lumberjack was merrily swinging away at trees . . . in his head . . . with a sledgehammer. Wordy knew he had picked up the flu from one of his daughters. And it was apparent which of the daughters it was because no sooner had he awakened, then his middle daughter, Jenny, walked into the room.

"Sweetie, what's wrong?" Shelley asked the six year old kid as she staggered into the room looking a little pale.

"Mommy," Jenny said lethargically, "Daddy. I don't feel well . . ." and with that statement, she threw up all over the floor.

Without further prompting, the two parents swung into action, and Wordy, despite his headache and nausea, scooped up Jenny and carried her to her room, "It's alright, Daddy's here."

Shelley mopped up the vomit and soon joined Wordy in Jenny's room with the thermometer. She had a fever of 101, Shelley shook her head, "Looks like you're staying home from school today Jenny."

"I'll go get the aspirin," Wordy said as he walked down stairs and got a glass of water and a tablet from the cabinet.

Betsy, the eldest, and Traci, the youngest, both walked downstairs and saw their father in the kitchen, "Dad, what's going on?" Betsy asked, she was 10.

"Nothing Betsy," Wordy smiled, "Jenny's just got the flu."

Betsy nodded and rubbed her eyes, "Alright dad," she reversed course and went back up to bed with Traci.

Wordy glanced at the clock, it was 6 am, not close to their school time. He rubbed his head and went back up stairs with the water and the aspirin.

"Shell," he said handing the water over to his wife. He sat on the edge of the bed and brushed Jenny's hair out of her eyes, "Hey, how are you feeling?"

Jenny shook her head, "Not so good."

Wordy gave her a sympathetic smile, "Well, how about you get better and we'll give you some ice cream. How does that sound?"

"Good daddy," Jenny said, smiling a little as she took the aspirin.

Wordy patted Jenny on the head and left the room, "Ugh," he finally said, rubbing his temples.

"You okay Kev?" Shelley asked with a worried look in her eyes.

"Fine Shell," Wordy smiled at his wife, "Just the flu bug going around."

Shelley put her hand on Wordy's head, "You're burning up honey," she said, "You are staying home from work today."

"But Shell," Wordy protested, "I've got a shift at the SRU!" He fell into a fit of hacking coughs.

"Unless you want to spread the plague to your subject or whoever, I suggest staying home with Jenny. I've got a doctor's appointment and it's going to tie me up for a few hours, if you're not going to stay home because you're sick, please stay home for Jenny," Shelley's point was too good to argue against, and Wordy was not exactly inclined to disagree with her.

Wordy nodded, "Fine," he said as he got his cell phone and called Greg.

Greg was working in the building when his cell phone buzzed, he glanced at the number and answered it, "Hey Wordy, everything alright?"

"Yeah, hey Sarge," Wordy's voice crackled over the phone, it sounded hoarse, "Jenny and I got sick, probably with the flu that's been going around. I don't think I can come in today," and with that, a wave of nausea rolled over Wordy and the officer threw up into the bucket Shelley was smart enough to place by his bed.

Greg winced at the sound, "Yeah Wordy, stay home and get better. We'll survive a shift without you, maybe we'll swing by after the shift."

"Sounds good Sarge," Wordy said as he laid back in bed, Shelley handed him a glass of water, "Thanks Shell."

"Alright, you feel better soon," Greg said, "And don't go spreading that flu around HQ."

Wordy chuckled to himself and promptly decided that might have not been the best idea. He took an aspirin and laid in bed until 8 when the girls sans Jenny and Traci (Traci being only 4 and attending PM kindergarten) went to school. He then got up to see Betsy and Shelley off before he laid on the couch and flipped on the TV, periodically getting up to check on Jenny and give her water and saltines.

Daniel Lee fidgeted nervously next to his partner, this was it, the real deal. The big haul. He furtively glanced at the security guard who was calmly assessing the bank patrons. His hand strayed to his waistband before he checked himself and stared forward with ease. No, not yet.

His partner coughed twice, it was the signal, he drew his gun and watched as everyone screamed and ran for cover, "NO BODY MOVE!" he screamed at the scared civilians, "THIS IS A ROBBERY!"

His partner drew his gun and pointed it at the security guard, "You! Drop your weapon!"

The guard promptly released his grip on his service weapon and placed his hands in plain view.

Daniel shoved his gun into an employee's face, "Lock the doors and shut the blinds! Now!"

The employee nodded and complied with the orders, meanwhile, his partner knocked the guard out and handcuffed him to the door.

At the SRU, it was business as usual . . . just without Wordy.

"Wordy's out with the flu," Greg said as he began his briefing.

Jules winced, "Oooh, you mean the bug that's been going around?" she knew from firsthand experience what a hellish bug it was. She caught it only weeks before and it took Greg over half an hour to convince her to go back home and get some rest.

"Yeah, Clark caught it too," Ed shook his head, "he was out of school for a week."

Greg cleared his throat and got on with the briefing, "No warrants today so I'm thinking we could patrol, show the city we're here."

Suddenly the alarms blared and Winnie's voice came over the PA system, "Hot call Team One gear up. Armed bank robbery in progress, multiple subjects and hostages. 70 York Street."

Daniel watched as his partner kept everyone on the ground, he then aimed his gun at a teller, "Get into the vault!"

The man complied and opened the vault, allowing Daniel to get in and quickly fill his backpack with cash. He knocked the teller out and nodded to his partner. Sirens were sounding in the distance, he had to make this quick. The two made a getaway into a sedan and Daniel slammed on the gas, launching the car forward and into the streets of Toronto as the first squad car drove up.

"Dispatch, this is 1508, arriving on scene of the bank robbery," the officer spoke into his radio as he drew his weapon and took cover behind the car. The door slowly opened and the officer tensed, suddenly a very scared looking bank teller slowly walked out of the bank.

"Don't move!" the officer yelled at the woman, "Slowly put your hands on your head and move forward."

The woman started at the officer's shouts, but complied and placed her hands on her head, "I'm a teller at the bank, the robbers are getting away!"

The officer frisked the woman for weapons and nodded his head, "Alright, what happened?"

Winnie's voice came over the radio, "Witnesses report that the two robbers have escaped in a silver sedan, heading north on York Street. License plate Kilo, Whiskey, 9, 8, 0, 7."

"Thanks Winnie," Greg said and talked to his team over the head set, "We've got two subjects, both armed and dangerous."

"We're going to have to do a rolling stop," Ed mentioned, "I want Spike and Leah in front, Jules, Sam, get on the driver's side. Greg and I will be in the back."

"Copy," everyone answered as they accelerated onto the parkway.

"Uniform's have spotted the sedan matching the description, parked on the shoulder. Bay View Avenue, sending you the coordinates," Winnie said, typing into her computer.

Ed looked out the window, "That won't be necessary, we have visual on the sedan."

A detective in an unmarked police car waved them over, "I yelled at him to get out of the car, but there's no response."

"Him?" Jules caught onto the singular.

The detective nodded, "Yeah, I can only see one occupant in the vehicle."

Ed shook his head, "Alright, Leah, handle the shield, Sam, cover her. Jules, pick out a sierra shot. Everyone else, get into positions to cover Leah and Sam."

The team took up positions, Spike looked in at the car through his binoculars, "No movement, subject appears unconscious."

Ed took the megaphone and ordered, "Driver of the silver sedan, open the door and place both hands where we can see them."

No response.

Ed nodded to Leah and Sam, who moved forward and opened the door, an unconscious subject fell out. Sam quickly cuffed him as he regained consciousness.

"Looks like he was pistol whipped Sarge," Sam said as the man realized his predicament and struggled against the officers.

"Don't move," Sam said dangerously and the man gave up and slumped against the side of the car.

The man glared at the officers, "He double crossed me that son of a bitch I'm going to kill him."

"Does he have a name?" Ed asked the subject.

"I ain't talking to no cops," the robber said angrily as he glared defiantly at the SRU officers. Sam promptly reached into the man's pocket and pulled out a phone.

Ed thanked Sam for the phone and opened it despite the man's protests, "Isn't that against the law or something? Taking my phone!"

"You're a suspected bank robber," Greg said, "this is a lawful search."

Ed spoke into his radio, "Winnie, I need you to run a name for me and give me a call history on a cell phone number."

"Wait," the robber said, "His name's Daniel, Daniel Lee."

Greg looked at the man, "I'm listening."

"He's insane, man! I was the getaway driver and he told me to pull over, so I did. Then he hit me over the head and took my share of the cash!"

"What else do you know about him?" Ed asked while listening for Winnie's response.

"I swear that's all I know," the man looked panicked, he was singing like a canary now that he was caught, "We just hooked up for this robbery and then that would be it."

Ed nodded to the uniforms that had arrived and two of them took away the robber. He then looked around the site and asked more to himself, "Where is he now?"

Wordy was half drowsing on the couch, Jenny had joined him down stairs and they were both lying down. Jenny had switched the channel onto a child's program. Traci was over in the corner playing with her dolls.

The neighbor across the fence was a stay at home mom, she was doing dishes when she saw a man run up into her back yard. He glanced around quickly, obviously not seeing the woman, before he hopped the fence and dashed into Wordy's back yard. She heard a loud bang like a gunshot and a yell from the house.

She quickly dialed 911, "Hello? I think my neighbor just got shot."

Meanwhile, Wordy had heard the sound and got off the couch, just in time for Daniel to charge into the room and point a gun directly at his face, "Nobody move and nobody will get hurt!"