NEW NOTE! (6/12/05): I have something to admit. I've been writing silly B/V fanfictions since I was fourteen years old, even though (up until last month) I'd never seen past the Namek saga. That's right. I was basing everyone's character's according to what I had seen in the first 28 Funimation episodes, and from what I'd discovered online. smacks hand to forehead However, last month I bought the entire DBZ series, and it's the original, unaltered, REAL version from Japan (though horribly translated, much to my dismay). I've seen all the episodes now, and wow...I got a lot of things wrong.

For instance, Vegeta sure is an anti-social bastard! I thought that he potentially had a sly, sneaky sense of humor (as seen here), and at moments, he does. But for the most part, he's just a cranky, distant, obsessive, and HUMORLESS assface! I mean, I still love him...he's one of the most complicated character's in the show, and he DOES change (as is depicted in some of the best scenes in the entire series), but obviously not as soon as I had fantasized.

Also, I was shocked to discover that Bulma INVITED Vegeta to stay with her, and that SHE pursued HIM. While it doesn't show them "getting together", there are several scenes that more than suggest Bulma's attraction to him, and his bizarre (and hilarious) submission to her. From how people talked, I hadn't expected any scenes with them together at ALL, much less what they DID show. There was still not nearly enough for me, of course, but plenty to work with in terms of establishing their relationship.

Another shocking discovery: Vegeta does NOT call Bulma "woman"; he actually calls her by her name! In fact, he calls most of the character's by their names, which suggests that Vegeta isn't nearly as impolite as is stereotyped in so many fanfics. I was once a severe offender myself in that department. In my first (and only other) B/V epic, I had Vegeta call her nothing BUT woman, even up until their "engagement". I was only fourteen, so I forgive myself, but the fact remains that I was very wrong. And OH, they never DO get married! I actually thought they did, but now, seeing how Vegeta actually is, I can't imagine him walking down the aisle. Definitely NOT his "thing"!

So, here you have it. My story is very out of character, and I'm sorry. Hahaha! However, I'm not going to change it, or deviate from the characteristics I've established here. Nor do I want to. One day I'll write a B/V story so faithful to the anime, they'll make it into a movie (I wish!), but for now...well, what can I say? This is what happens when you base everything off of your own premature interpretations!

a/n: Like most of my ideas, I got this while sitting in the car on the way home. It is, really, just another 'How They Got Together' story, but with a is told through Bulma's 'real life' diary entries, and is introduced with just some carbon copied junk I threw together with commentary from Bulma herself between the lines (/). I realize that some people may and will be horribly offended by this premise, but let me tell you that it has been months since I have read a B/V story, and I am not trying to hurt anyones feelings, or act 'holier the thee.' I'm just being silly as usual.

MiNdYs story on how Vegeta and Bulma fell in LOVE

One day, Bulma was sitting in the yard, in a lawn chair. She was wearing a bathing suit, and was so happy because Yaumcha was on his way over, and they were in love. She looked at her watch, and suddenly jumped when she heard a car drive over! It was Yaumcha. He was drunk, Bulma could tell. He stumbled out of the car, and came and bumped into her chair. She tossed her magazine down, and he stared at her stupidly.
"Hey," he slurred. He had lipstick all over him! It was as though some whore had literally tried to mark her territory. Bulma sneered, and slapped him hard. "Owww! Wha wazz DAT ferrr!" he groaned. "Go to hell!" she screamed, and ran into the house, where she cried for seven hours, contemplated suicide, and ate bowl after bowl of ice cream.

/Wait a minute! First of all, while Yaumcha can be stupid, he isn't THAT stupid! He knows that I would plow him down with more then a wimpy slap across the face if he ever showed up drunk, covered in lipstick. By the way...why would he have it 'all over him' anyway?
And another thing...I would never, ever cry for seven hours over him, and nor would I be suicidal, or risk gaining all that weight! Give me a break here, people! Give me some credit. The truth is...Yaumcha had nothing to do with Vegeta and I. I haven't hardly talked to him for years! Yes, having him cheat on me and dump me and all that may be a very convenient setup for the situation, but that's all it is. That and a lie! I don't know whoever gave you such an idea. Was it ChiChi? Was it/

The next day, Vegeta came out of the gravity room. He was so hot and sexy and he heard Bulma crying in the kitchen. He walked in there as she sobbed over her bowl of cereal because she had spilled her coffee and she couldn't do anything right! "What's the matter with you, woman!" he bellowed. She sniffled in shock, and stormed up, wiping her nose.
"N..nothing! Get out of here, Vegeta!" she cried, and thundered to the fridge, where she hid her red face behind the door. "Make me something to eat! That's your job as the woman. So do it!" he snarled. She crept her head away slowly, and glared at him. He just glared right back.
"Okay." she whispered, and reached slowly into the fridge, where she then tore a cabbage off the shelf and hurled at him. He batted it away in surprise. "Eat THIS!" she screamed, and began throwing the contents of the fridge at him, from glass jars to raw meat and milk jugs and grapes and leftover fried chicken. Vegeta was floated out of the way at every barrage, infuriated that he was getting soiled with filth! He picked up the fridge suddenly, and tossed it aside, shocking Bulma to her knees, where she buried her head in her hands. He zipped down, and was about to hit her, but he just couldn't. He stormed out inside.

/Okay, listen lady...or kid more like! I would never sit crying at the table over spilt anything. And if I did decide to throw food at Vegeta he wouldn't take it so seriously, believe me. What so many of you don't realize is that even though Vegeta has been known to be a horrible, murderous fiend, he actually has a sense of humor. In fact, so much of his personality is just this sneaky look on his face. How could I explain? Sigh.
Anyway, I can see this where story is going, and since it has one more 'act' (or so I'm told) and because I am consumed with morbid curiosity, I will let it go on. But then we are going to hear the true story. Okay? Okay./

The next night, Bulma was in her room, crying. She went to the balcony and stared at the lake and the garden and was cold so she went back in. When she turned to her bed, Vegeta was standing over it. She gasped, and tightened her flimsy silk robe over her shoulders. "Vegeta! Get out!" she gasped. He didn't move. He just looked at her with dark, soulful eyes. She shifted with discomfort, and looked at the ground. Why did he have to be so cute?
"Why have you been crying?" he asked with an unusual softness. She shrugged,and looked up again.
"Yaumcha. Okay? That's all. Now leave." Vegeta circled her sudden;y, slowly, and her knuckles turned white over the seedy fabric. "He's mad..." Vegeta whispered, and Bulma shuddered, and backed away against the wall.
"Please leave." she choked. She kept her eyes locked to the ground and waited as he went to the door. She looked up carefully as he was about to open the door. "Wait..." she called. He turned to her, and she stepped forward.
"I'm...sorry. About yesterday." she said softly.
"So am I." he said. She was shocked.
"You...are?" "Yes," he said, and took a step forward. "I can't get you out of my mind." Bulma felt her heart race.
"Oh Vegeta...I feel the same way!" she said, her voice breaking, and they ran to each other and kissed. And that was how Trunks was born and they got together.


/Boo, hoo! That may have been a good scene, if it were with different people, who actually had a background between them! Geez! It didn't make much sense, but I suppose a person could argue that life really doesn't, either, so...but what am I doing? The point is, that is not what happened. Vegeta would never sneak into my room and speak softly, and...I wouldn't exactly describe him as being 'cute', either! I don't go for 'cute.' I could say more, but my pointing out the obvious got old awhile ago. Now it is time for you to hear the truth. After what could be thousands upon thousands of 'documentations' of Vegeta and I's relationship, I think it is about time I cleared things up. For instance...I wouldn't sleep with someone the first night they stepped foot in my bedroom, no matter how vulnerable I happened to be (which I rarely ever am! Humph)! Also, that whole rumor about becoming a super saiyan during 'the act' isn't true, either! That's just sick. You people shouldn't be writing about our bedroom life, anyway! Do you have any idea how embarrassing it is to read about other peoples 'interpretation' of your bra size in such a way? I have feelings too, you know!
Anyway! I tire of saying that, so...however! I am transferring crucial portions of my own personal diary that outlines the truth, so that there is no mix up, no question, no distinction what so ever as to what really happened. Vegeta doesn't have to know about this either, okay? He doesn't care about this sort of thing. Like everything else, he thinks it's funny!

Turn the page now,

Bulma. /