Okra yawned as the next petitioner stepped forward. Being King Vegeta's younger brother sucked. All it had gotten him so far was a rather nice rank in the Royal Guard and countless lectures on how the brother of the King was supposed to behave. He hadn't had a day off in...Gods, he couldn't remember. He'd stood here in the throne room guarding his brother day in and day out since...forever.

Eventually, his shift for the day ended. As he was heading to his personal quarters for some R&R, his buddy Kale approached him.

"Hey Okra, I think I found a solution to our little vacation problem." Kale said.

"Really?" he asked.

"Yeah, we'll just have to sign up for a planet clearing mission." Kale replied.

"How is signing up for a planet clearing mission going to be a vacation?" he asked, wondering if his friend had been doing anything besides drinking.

"Hear me out on this. We put ourselves on the mission roster, and bribe the guy over in the assignment department so he sends us off with one of the weaklings." Kale replied.

"And we get stuck doing all the work before moving on..." he said. It would be a nice change of pace, but no.

"It won't be like that. Here's the good part. We have the brat posted as our Commander, and if our Commander "orders" us to do fuck all while he clears the planet..." Kale replied.

"I see..." he said. "We'll have to pick a real weakling though. The weaker the kid, the longer the "mission"."

23 Years Later and on a Different Planet:

Raditz stared at his brain damaged brother in horror. Out of a team that consisted of two Elites from the Royal Guard, a Second Class soldier that had supposedly been out on disability due to the unexpected onset of a serious case of hemophobia and his weak little brother, it had been only his brother that had survived. He had hoped to bring his Prince more help, but this was all that was left.

Suddenly, his scouter gave a warning. There were three powers greater than his approaching. Moments later, three blurs flew over creating a gale that blew everything in the direction they had gone in their wake. The blurs banked and turned, heading back towards the island.

Raditz soon found himself staring up at his Prince's uncle Okra, Commander of the Royal Guard Kale and Mission Assignment Desk Commander Ringo wondering where the hell they'd been and why they hadn't shown up on his Scouter earlier.

"Is there a problem here?" Okra asked.

"Uh..." Kakarot said staring up at them and blinking stupidly for about a minute.

"Yes Commander. Right away Commander." Ringo said in a mock deferential tone.

"The Commander says that we're still on vacation, and that we're allowed to deal with anyone who disrupts our vacation in any manner we see fit." Kale said glaring down at him.

"I also heard him say something about scouting out that topless bar in Orange Star City." Okra said smirking.

"We'll be sure to do that Commander." Ringo said grinning before the three of them flew away.

Raditz was left standing there staring at the departing supersonic blurs wondering what the fuck just happened. He wasn't going to be able to count on the Elites for help, considering the fact that they had basically told him that they would just pound him into the dirt if he tried recruiting them while they were "on vacation".

"Why do they keep doing that?" Kakarot said staring after his long departed "Teammates".

There was Kakarot however, and a little help - however little- was better than no help at all.

His brain furiously tried to reboot itself as he fed it the problem of how to get his brother to join him. There was always that half breed kid that was hiding behind the blue haired babe...